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Everything posted by LadyBugRed

  1. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Congratulations LJM on gaining a baby!! I just noticed your post!!
  2. LadyBugRed

    11 months, 119 pounds lost and Goal!!!

    Congratulations Frangi!! I did not see this thread. You are an amazing woman!! Thanks for all the personal inspiration, support and motivation!!:tongue_smilie: By the way, can I borrow $20 for the rest of the week? I was in Southern Jersey and happened to pass a Stein Mart!! :tt1::eek: Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!
  3. HA CHA CHA FRANGI!!:tt1: That is wonderful!! I could not even imagine going bra less!! You are one hot Mama!! The islands will never be the same again! Remember, if you've got them, flaunt them!! Becky - you mentioned Chicos to Cori. I just went into one the other day. What a nice store!! I need to get my a$$ moving again big time and drop another size. I am so glad you two are doing so well.:party::biggrin:
  4. WOW Becky!! You look absolutely amazing! Makes us PS woosies think about it more and more! I actually finished the book you recommended "Strong Women Stay Young" and even bought the journal. I begin tomorrow. I would like to be where you guys are next year! Again, you look fabulous!! Look out Texas!!
  5. LOL! You ladies are too funny. Listening to your stories I am not sure that I could handle PS. With that said, the more I lose the more I dislike the deflated balloon look. Not that I enjoyed anything before though. Becky - isn't that store great? Frangi knows her stuff!! I am actually at one of our southern NJ districts right now and will pass one on the way home! I programmed them into the new computer we are testing with GPS. Works like a charm! :smile: Just have to remember to disable that feature when giving a presentation on the new system! OOOPS...everyone laughed anyway. Frangi - thanks for the weight loss cheers. I am slow and steady. As long as it is steady I will take it! You guys are all great motivation for me to keep going! Hang in there girls! It will be more than worth it in the end:biggrin:!
  6. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Great results already Salsa!! Good for you!!
  7. Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone is moving right along. Frangi, I am sure the drain will come out soon. Hang in there!! I never really realized how complicated the recovery process is for PS. BTW, Frangi, I might need to get a part time job since finding Stein Mart :biggrin:!
  8. LadyBugRed

    Surgery on 7/3 for Slip

    Best of luck to you Starrgirrl. It sounds like you are doing really well. You can finish your journey without the band! Just believe in yourself! Feel better soon.
  9. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Glad to hear you are doing so well. Remember to rest though!!
  10. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    I hope you have a speedy recovery!! Best Wishes!!
  11. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Salsa - Best of luck tomorrow! You will be in my most positive thoughts and prayers!!:thumbup:
  12. Becky and Frangi - You are both doing great! Again, thanks for all the posts for us "Wannabees"!!
  13. LadyBugRed

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Happy Birthday Salsa! Enjoy your day!!:smile2:
  14. Thank you everyone for all your thoughts. They really mean a lot. Keep me posted on those dates. I would LOVE to meet you ladies even for just a few days! Funny enough, my brother is in great spirits. His biggest fear is me giving up the weight loss battle. He says he may be blind but he knows how far his arms go around me now. Confirm those dates Frangi as soon as possible. I will try my best!! Becky - it sounds like you are doing fantastic!! I give you so much credit having the surgery done all at one time. Can't wait to see those pics!
  15. LadyBugRed

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I just finished my first week. It wasn't easy but I enjoyed the challenge!
  16. Hi Becky and Frangi, I would love to get away next month and join you in Miami but....my brother called today. He has been a diabetic since he was a kid and he is older than I am. It has taken it's tole on him. He has a bad heart, parkinson's and now he is blind. He told me today he has kidney cancer. He wants to find a surgeon who will remove his kidney because he cannot undergo the chemo with his poor health. He will not survive the surgery. So, I think my summer will be occupied with him. Ken lives in North Carolina and I am in New Jersey. Our parents passed away a long time ago. Sometimes life is just not fair. :thumbs_up::sad_smile::biggrin: Frangi, please let me know the dates that you will be in Miami. I will try my best. Lord knows I will need the break if I can do it. He is all I have left. I have aunts and uncles but not anyone who is immediate family. This just plains sucks.................:eek::frown::tt1:
  17. LadyBugRed

    June Exercise Challenge

    I finished my first week of couch to 5k. I stuck an extra session in too. I really like it. I had yoga/pilates on Thurs also. I am down 3 lbs and I will take it!! Have a great weekend!
  18. HA CHA CHA FRANGI!! WOW....what a difference! I never thought I would ever want to have my breasts done because they were never that great but after seeing you I will definitely be having them done!! Becky and Frangi - Thanks so much for sharing such personal info. It really helps many to make informative decisions!!
  19. Becky - OMG!! 121 pounds!! You are a Super Star by far!! I can only HOPE to be there next year!! You earned every single pound that came off. You never ever seemed to deviate from the weight loss plan. Again, YOU ARE MY HERO!! You are amazing!! Frangi - Your weight loss also is amazing. I started taking a Yoga/Pilates class each week because of you. Thank you for that!! You did so well during your plastic surgery because of all the exercise you did. Not to sound creepy but...I actually miss you since you went home. You felt closer in Miami!! I bought a size 14 skort and it fits but it is tight. If i buckle down and start my losing trend again it will fit in no time. I think of you and Becky and try to find motivation in your successes. I wish you Ladies nothing but the best life can offer.
  20. Hi ladies, Becky - glad to see your back in your 10s. Don't get used to them because I bet 8s are on the way very soon!! Frangi - Hope your trip home went smoothly. Remember, whenever you wear that outfit we want a pic!!
  21. I forgot the most important thing! I did go to the Stein Mart and I LOVED it!! Since I travel the state a bit with my job it is not going to be hard to wind up down south for those great sales!:tt1:
  22. Frangi, I hope it works out that your drain comes out before you leave. You still have to post a pic of that outfit whenever you wear it!! I had to laugh that I would buy the same color given we are two red heads!! I need to post before and after pics. Jody
  23. Frangi, When do you return home?
  24. LadyBugRed

    June Exercise Challenge

    4.5 mile walk but I did manage to jog a half mile of it!! I have never ever done that before. Thanks Salsa for your advice on short strides. I won't win the race with my time but I will finish!! Now I am off to my Yoga/Pilates class. Have a great evening!:sad_smile:

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