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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by janno54

  1. I have just joined this forum yesterday, and so far I see alot of support for one another. I am going for a consult soon. BMI 40.9 5.1" 218. I keep climbing and climbing. Ten years ago I was 117 and feeling good. So putting on a 100 pounds in ten years has caused allot of joint pain. My sugars are perfect and so is my BP. But I noticed allot of you did not have to wait the 6 months that we have to do in Maine. Or am I misinformed. Thank you Jannno

  2. I am so sorry this happened to you/ My sister is also dead set against me having it done. She got my mother upset as well until I told my mother how I feel about myself. I'm 5"1 218 BMI 41.2 at 54 years old I am making my own decision. My husband has done the research and has read up on everything, and agrees that there are more health risk being heavey, then having the lap band that will be closely monitored. My sister does not have a weight problem, she is tall and slim. Some times you wonder if it's a form of jealousy that make family members (female) put this down. Make your own decisions and you will feel so much better about yourself.

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