I was sleeved on May 13, 2014. Just a few short days ago. My procedure went well. So well in fact I only spent one night in the hospital.
However as I have read other posts here I have seen that things have been handled a good deal different in my case or so it seems. I was given only one meal of Clear liquids, Breakfast the next day and the lunch the same day put on full liquids. I have read posts here where people are a week out or even more and still on clear liquids.
I know all Docs have different ways of doing things and all but does this seem a bit..well not right to any of you? I tried stuff on the full liquid list (yogurt, creamed thin Soup etc) and was miserable. Today I went back to veggie broth, Jello and popsicles and felt WAY better. I ordered some unflavoured powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury to add to my broth to get my Protein so that part is taken care of.
Am I right in thinking all of that was just a tiny bit rushed? Seems to me that it was just a bit too hurried...