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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Janette

  1. Janette

    hi from downunder

    Hi - good luck with your band. I had mine put in on Tuesday morning and have the most dreadful wind. I'm sure I drank my soup too quick. Otherwise, the stay in hospital was great and got to compare war wounds with the lady in the next bed, who had her's in just before me. I'm getting sick of jelly, but at least I can get my teeth into it!!
  2. Janette

    hi from downunder

    Hi - good luck with your band. I had mine put in on Tuesday morning and have the most dreadful wind. I'm sure I drank my soup too quick. Otherwise, the stay in hospital was great and got to compare war wounds with the lady in the next bed, who had her's in just before me. I'm getting sick of jelly, but at least I can get my teeth into it!!

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