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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by got2bme

  1. Hello, I'm one year postop for the lap band and was doing very well for the first 3-4 mos. I lost 25 lbs and was very excited and finally felt I was on the road to really becoming who I wanted to be. As my band started getting filled I have had a few minor problems such as vomiting, or getting food stuck, which required multiple trips for readjusting. Now as I'm at, I believe 8 cc's I still feel very upset because I'm not losing anymore weight, in fact, I've gained about 10 lbs! I only needed to lose about 65 lbs, and I'm not by far morbidly obese. It seems as though all my weight is in my gut! I had lost alot of weight years ago after my second child (now 21) and have a lot of excess belly fat. It looks so disgusting and wish I could just get it cut off and would fit into clothes much easier. I don't eat meat, in fact I don't think I eat enough. I was riding my bike 10 miles per day but sice it's cold now, I have given up on that. I'm not a "stand in front of tv" exercise person, and believe me, I am very active in other ways than aerobic exercise. I work fulltime and run a household. I have a flight of stairs at home, which I'm up and down all the time, amongst all the other duties around the house. I even work in my yard, which is my favorite thing to do. Can someone please help me or give some advice as to why I'm not losing? Thanks so much. Very discouraged!:thumbup:
  2. Hi and thanks for responding so quickly. I haven't been on this site for a long time. I don't eat on a schedule, I have yogurt or eggs for breakfast, around 10 am I have a snack )cheese and maybe crackers or a pudding or something) Lunch consists of salad or slice of pizza on occasion or pasta (wheat), sometimes a sandwich. Afternon snack consists of maybe some celery and peanut butter or same as for breakfast. I drink alot of sugarfree chocolate milk (2-3 glasses a day, sometimes I subsitute it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I don't drink enough water, its really hard to because I don't like it. I'm okay with a lemon or something but after a while, i get sick of it. Dinner is always a problem because I work alot and rarely have time to cook a good meal so I end up having cereal or something. Any suggestions.

    Thanks for your response.

  3. got2bme

    Lapband And Pcos

    Hi. I also have PCOS. I was banded on 10/18/07. I've dropped 27 lbs so far. I'm very impressed. I haven't yet started to exercise like I should but I am losing. Maybe you could have leak. Do you feel any restriction when you get a fill? Do you drink with your meals? Perhaps a nutritionists may be able to help. Good luck! Got2bme
  4. got2bme

    I'm so mad at myself......

    Hi There. Sounds like your a bit discouragrd. Do you have notritionists that will work with you? Where I haad my band done, they have a nutritionist that I meet with each time I go for a checkup. I can call at anytime too with any questions. I know the feeling of cravings, I too drink sometimes with my meals, but my craving is choclate milk, and icecream. I just take a taste when I crave, and that usually satisfies me as opposed to eating a drinking the full serving. Dont give up! See if there is a Nutritionist who will work with you. Good Luck! Got2bme
  5. got2bme

    4 wks post band

    Hi there. I was banded 10/18/07 and have dropped 23 lbs already. My first fill is 11/28/07, and Im scared. I still have pain at my port site too on the left side. It sometimes goes to my groin and Im not sure if it's my back causing this or what. If I bend over to pick something up, or even to shave my legs in the shower, if feels as though the port is going under my ribs. I still can't lay on my stomach either. I hope it goes away soon. The other thing I've noticed is that my stomach seems to be indented where the incision is for the port. It feels wierd and looks lopsided. lol Do you have this? Thanks and keep up the good work.
  6. Hello. I was just banded on 10/18/07 in Langhorne, PA .by Dr. Boe. I actually feel pretty good other than my port site. I too have a great deal of pain there. It hurts to move .My doctor says its because its it's the largest incision. Your back pain is probably the carbon dioxide they used during your surgery. That is very painful. They made me get up only hours after my surgery to walk, then I had to walk every two hours, cough, and do breathing exercises as well. They say walking is the only way to expel the gas. I also found that sipping on small icechips helped. It also aids in reducing swelling at the surgical banding site. Hopefully this info will help. I'm supposed to go to work on Tuesday. We will see. Try walking, it helped me.
  7. <p>. My name is Emma and Im from NJ. Im being banded on 10.18.07. </p> <p&gt Im also new to this site. Did you have a lot of pain after you woke up from surgery? Was any vomiting involved from anesthesia? How do u feel now?</p> <p>Looking forward to your response.</p></p>

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