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About newnicole

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  1. newnicole

    FL - Orlando

    Maybe we can come up with a local support group In Orlando. That would be great. I know it's not the same when you don't have it locally. It's a a lot you have to figure out on your own.
  2. newnicole

    FL - Orlando

    I used Dr Lopez Specialized Bariactrics in Tijuana I heard great things about Quinones. I've lost 40 pounds so far.
  3. newnicole

    FL - Orlando

    I use to stay in oviedo and I live In orlando now. I went to mexico in April for vsg and it was great. Who is your dr?
  4. newnicole

    Before and After Pics

    You look great!! Congrats to your success.
  5. newnicole

    social media

    I sent you a request.
  6. newnicole

    5 months Post Op

    You look great!!
  7. newnicole

    Mexico bariatrics

    I had Dr Lopez 3 weeks ago And I had a good experience. The staff was good and the coordinators are awesome. I was in pain in the beginning but each day it got better. I went back to work one week later. I've lost 25 pounds so far.
  8. newnicole

    Mexico bariatrics

    I had Dr Lopez about three weeks ago and I
  9. newnicole

    Dr Lopez

    I was very happy with the care. The process was a lot smoother than I expected. The nurses are quite different than in the states but I'm a nurse so I look at things a little differently. Dr Lopez was very nice and and checked me before surgery and afterward each day. When they discharge me they gave me liquid medicine to help the acid, meds and antibiotics. If you have any problems the coordinators take care of it. The coordinators are awesome. I was in slight pain for about 1 week and then got much better. Now I feel great I have lost 25 so far and exercise 4 times a week on the treadmill. I went back to work one week after surgery. I never threw up anything but occasionally I had heartburn and I started taking Prilosec and it went away. I had a hard time sleeping at night until about 2 1/2 weeks out. If you going my plane please take your pain meds before getting in the plane. I had a 7 hour flight and I was in pain when I got home.
  10. If you all order from bariatric choice here is a code to get $20.00 off. Use this site https://www.bariatricchoice.com/rewardsref/index/refer/id/128639/ or put in code 9905203 and it will give you 20.00 off your order. They have soup with protein for those of you on liquid diets.
  11. I went to Mexico last week and find out that you can download an app called magic jack to your phone and call home for free once you hook up to Marriott internet. You can also download viper and that make calls free but for viper you must have who you want to call download it also. These two apps calls by using the internet so it's free. They both worked fine for me.
  12. newnicole

    Dr Lopez

    Thanks you all
  13. Had my surgery yesterday with Dr. Lopez and it went well. The first day was the roughest because of the gas pain and nausea. But they give medication around the clock for it. Walking and gas x strips have been what works best for me. They gave me blue drink to see if it come out in the drain. Then later I will take more liquid to take the leak test. Dr Lopez did stop in this morning to see how I was doing. Everyone here is really nice.

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