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About jteastside

  • Rank
    Banded 7/2/07
  • Birthday 07/04/1970

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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday jteastside!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday jteastside!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary jteastside!

  4. jteastside

    The NO MOTRIN thing...what to do?????

    I'm able to take tylenol, it just does nothing for me. Headaches or swelling were just a simple solution with motrin, at least for me. I understand the WHY, it is just a bummer and I was hoping maybe someone else might have something that has worked for them when they have the need. Even if it is something that is a daily joint/muscle vitamin of some sort...just to keep myself moving and not so stiff while this is healing. I know things like Flaxseed Oil or other oils you buy at health food stores are what they encourage for joint health-- just curious how much they really work before I go spend the money--am willing to whatever to move easier in the morning....I mean, for goodness sake--I'm only 37 and am 30lbs lighter...I should be dancing!!
  5. jteastside

    Anyone only get one fill?

    I am so bad, I don't remember the name, but I know he told me. I just did the fill in the office and didn't have to use xray or any scopes...just the syringe and my skin!! But I know they do use the scope or xrays alot when the port is harder to find. I too get the lump in the throat when I'm full--like my stomach isn't so much feeling it, but my throat is, very strange!
  6. jteastside

    Those of you that drink alcohol

    I drink ..often, alot and it does not seem to be any different than before my band. I know it isn't good--my friends just love happy hours..hahaha...I usually always drink beer and usually up to 12 on weekends if I'm there for long periods of time (BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING--YES I HAVE A D.D.) Luckily I don't get overly hungry when I drink now like I did before LB. It has not made any impact on my losing weight or has not 'stretched' anything. I think if you do the moderation thing and watch your food, you'll be fine.
  7. I have had some problems since surgery because of lying around and the way I was stetched out on the table--nothing they did wrong, just my out of shape joints and muscles (didn't know I even had any until they started to hurt!!). Anyway, I have been having alot of Sciatica and problems with my SI Joint (runs along the pelvis, butt, sciatic...basically an area you don't just go around talking about--butt cheeks) and since we cannot take anti-inflammatories I was screwed!! I have been having to go to physical therapy and having ultrasound treatments and deep tissue massage (yes, I told the girl I am soooooo sorry she doesn't even know me and she has to rub, of all places, MY BUTT!!..). They had given me some more Lortab--and I say, it is like they truly think I am trying to traffic them or something because I basically had to let them see me cry in agony to have them believe how horrible and painful it is(all this from my regular dr., not my lapband dr because i thought it was more of an ortho or neuro problem at first). I've never asked for 'painkillers' before, but they treated me like I was a naughty girl for even asking. I must say, general docs aren't much up on the rules and procedures for patients of banding or BP because I had to REMIND them that I can't take things with aspirin/ibu and they said "well, this is really going to be difficult then"--so supportive!! Does anyone have anything they take that helps promote joints and muscles since we can't take my beloved ibuprofen? Would love any thoughts.
  8. I had a plateau early on too....what I did (not by Dr. rules, but by what I had learned as a little trick in WW) is cut back on all carbs and ate alot of lean protein..chicken, tuna, eggs and cheese for about 2 days and didn't have any breads, crackers(the yummy stuff) and it was like it kinda jump started my metabolism again. I think my body truly thought it was being starved because I am such a carb addict and I have really had to retrain myself on that one. Even lean cuisine's have high carbs sometimes, even though low cal. Just try it for a few days and see if it helps...I mean I did have a few carbs, but very, very little. Also, instead of my daily regular vitamin, I switched to these stupid, cheap pills I grabbed at the dollar store because I was out and they didn't have what I needed, so I figured for a buck I could just have some spare vitamins laying around...but ironically since I've taken these I have been feeling better and actually lose a pound every couple of days. Not so stupid after all!!! They are called "Daily Diet Support" and I found them at The Dollar General. Just letting you know what worked for this sloth--my metabolism is the slower than Christmas and I am not, repeat NOT active at all because I am an elementary school teacher and I don't even want to move once school is out!!! Good luck, keep us posted!!
  9. jteastside

    Anyone only get one fill?

    wow..I know my Dr. only gave me 1.5 cc my first fill and he told me that was actually .5 more than usual for the first fill because I had one of the newer bands that had just been being used with this hospital. I have never heard of 4 cc's the first time, but I really only know what my Dr. does and I will be curious to hear if anyone else has had that much each time. My Dr. does the first fill 6-8 weeks post op and then adds every 6 weeks for the first 4 months or so, depending on tolerance or success. Maybe your band is different in diameter or something. I don't know much about the aparatus other than the things I've read make them all sound pretty much the same. Also, reading the part about the eating rules, it does sound as if your Dr. just has a different way of doing his fills--I'm sure they all do. I watch "Big Medicine" on TLC and they do it different than you are saying and different than my Dr. too...so I'm sure it is just Dr. preferance....on my first fill I only had to have liquids the day of the fill, the next morning could eat full liquid or mushy food (scram eggs/ mashed pot.) and if I felt good with that, then I was free to have solids for lunch and supper. Let us know how it is going. I'm sure you will be successful either way. I have only had the one fill and am supposed to go in on Monday and have the 2nd one, but still feel that I am getting full with the amount I have--so I will be curious on my ownself too!
  10. I had my band surgery July 2 and there were no problems at all. When I was in recovery the nurses just hounded me to breathe deeper when I was coming out of the stupor (which of course just bothers you because you are sleeping peacefully and don't realize that you aren't taking deep breaths)..I have not been diagnosed with sleep apnea, but the recovery nurse said I must have had mild sleep apnea because of not taking deep breaths while I was coming out--they just put that little oxygen thing to my nostrils (not the full mask, just the things that look like nose plugs) and told me to breathe deeper. Other than it getting on my nerves because I wanted to be left alone in my drug induced haze, that was the extent of it! Hope all goes well...let us know!! You'll be happy you did it.....
  11. I DIDN'T FEEL MY FILL AT ALL--no fullness or pressure at all.<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->My dr. had a hard time finding mine port too, but then said he found it--I went for my 6 week check-up assuming I would get a fill and he really wanted to wait until my 8th week visit, but since I live 6 hrs from there, he went ahead and said he'd fill it -I feel my port (and if it is scar tissue, it would be in the same general region) up above my long incision--however, he placed the injection about an inch below my incision and I know he was just barely filling it because it was my first fill--but I HONESTLY didn't feel the pressure that I was supposed to feel--the tightening of the stomach or the pressure when he pulled the needle out, I didn't feel any less hunger and still can eat portions bigger than 3oz. Is is possible he just told me he did it to appease me? I find that hard to believe, but I can't tell ANY difference and the shot was about 3 inches from the port location that I feel while standing and laying stretched out. I read one person's blog that said it didn't hurt getting your fill, but you felt alot of pulling and pressure when he removes the needle--I didn't at all--like it wasn't even pushing into anything but my skin. What do y'all think--could it be that he didn't hit the mark and thought he did?<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <!-- / message -->
  12. jteastside

    can you feel your port??

    My dr. had a hard time finding mine port too, but then said he found it--I went for my 6 week check-up assuming I would get a fill and he really wanted to wait until my 8th week visit, but since I live 6 hrs from there, he went ahead and said he'd fill it -I feel my port (and if it is scar tissue, it would be in the same general region) up above my long incision--however, he placed the injection about an inch below my incision and I know he was just barely filling it because it was my first fill--but I HONESTLY didn't feel the pressure that I was supposed to feel--the tightening of the stomach or the pressure when he pulled the needle out, I didn't feel any less hunger and still can eat portions bigger than 3oz. Is is possible he just told me he did it to appease me? I find that hard to believe, but I can't tell ANY difference and the shot was about 3 inches from the port location that I feel while standing and laying stretched out. What do y'all think--could it be that he didn't hit the mark and thought he did?
  13. Has anyone had this same problem? About 3 days after surgery (of course when I was already away from the morphine pump...or hey, maybe I DID have it before then, just didn't know it..lol)I started having really bad butt/lower back pain. I am now 6 weeks out of surgery and it is progessively getting worse. I think the way they position us must cause our lower backs to kind of 'sway-back', due to larger butts!! Honestly, this butt pain is much worse than any of the other pain from surgery. I did look up some of the symptoms and mine sounds like something called SACROILIAC JOINT INFLAMMATION. It causes pain in the lower back, both butt cheeks, the sciatic nerve area and around to the front pelvis area. I had to go to my GP (I don't live in the same town as my surgeon) and he gave me ( Tramadol (generic Ultracet, which is Ultrum and Tylenol)_--and also Skelaxin which is a functionable muscle relaxer for the butt spasms. I have to go back in 2 weeks if it isn't better and I have been told that Chiropractors work wonders on this, so I might try that avenue, although I've never been to one before. It is total misery and hopefully it will end soon so I can get to more walking and exercise. Describe your pain--mine is pretty much anywhere in the butt/hip/pelvis/lower back region and it is painful to sit, stand for long times, bending, getting up and down, out of bed is a fiasco and changing positions when I sleep is agonizing. Does this sound like anything you or anyone else you know has experieced? When will it end? Suggestions? <!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message -->
  14. jteastside

    Back pain??

    I had the same problem, but 3 days after surgery (of course when I was already away from the morphine pump...or hey, maybe I DID have it before then, just didn't know it..lol). I am now 6 weeks out of surgery and it is progessively getting worse. I think the way they position us must cause our lower backs to kind of 'sway-back', due to larger butts!! Honestly, this butt pain is much worse than any of the other pain. I did look up some of the symptoms and mine sounds like something called SACROILIAC JOINT INFLAMMATION. It causes pain in the lower back, both butt cheeks, the sciatic nerve area and around to the front pelvis area. I had to go to my GP (I don't live in the same town as my surgeon) and he gave me ( Tramadol (generic Ultracet, which is Ultrum and Tylenol)_--and also Skelaxin which is a functionable muscle relaxer for the butt spasms. I have to go back in 2 weeks if it isn't better and I have been told that Chiropractors work wonders on this, so I might try that avenue, although I've never been to one before. It is total misery and hopefully it will end soon so I can get to more walking and exercise. Describe your pain--mine is pretty much anywhere in the butt/hip/pelvis/lower back region and it is painful to sit, stand for long times, bending, getting up and down, out of bed is a fiasco and changing positions when I sleep is agonizing. Does this sound like anything you or anyone else has experieced?

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