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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by joho

  1. You are joking arent you?????? She lashed out more than most!. She has made 4 posts in total ever, the first one asking for (in my opinion) why so many rules. The second post asking (in my opinion) that she is confused as to why there are such a vary in rules between docs and who is right and how she is struggling to retrain her brain and wishes that there was concrete rules given to all. (perhaps take out the sentance mentioning sheep in because no one seems to go past that). 3 was a little pissed and 4 was well ticked off (and who can blame her). A few people have (yourself included) posted some good advice given in either a spiteful, mean or judgemental way. Look at the first response to her original post, helpful, I think not. Some of you have said her tone 'appeared' off, well you read your posts in a negative tone (which they are) or anyones, you can read whatever tone you like into a comment. To me the posters is confused, frustrataed and stuggling (maybe read the comments with this thought in mind). I think a few of you should be ashamed of your responses and maybe in future if you really feel offended by what someone says just dont bother replying. (I am now going to take my own advice :thumbup:). Jo
  2. Personally I would go with 8cc, its a very fine line between loose and tight. 2cc at this stage could cause you probs. You are still meant to be able to eat. Jo
  3. Wow what a roller coaster you have been on, time to get off I think:tongue:. They say it comes in 3s so you have had your 3. the only way is up. Good Luck. Jo
  4. I think you may have read the question and her response in the wrong tone, again I have just been to read her posts and I can't see anything wrong with what she wrote. Even the bit about sheep was I think not meant to offend just a description (probably not a good one). I am still baffled to be honest. And as she has just explained she doesnt have much free time so. I probably would have been in tears with all the comments, and gutted when I was feeling so down that I got creamed instead of supported. Not meant to offend just my point of view and to give the poor OP a bit of support. Jo
  5. Thats cool:thumbup:. I am not perfect by any stretch when things are going well, just not enough to put any weight on. My only thing is that I feel for the OP, I re-read his original post and am sure that heaps of people agree with or would love to ask these questions. Maybe its not a good thing to do but I am disappointed with a lot of the (in my opinion) judgmental replies. There are ways of saying dont be an idiot without sounding mean. This is meant to be a supportive site for people to come for support and advice not criticism. Jo
  6. Actually I did reply on page 2 and although my wight loss is not as much as a lot and I could probably do with losing a few more kgs I am actually happy where I am, I have been at this weight for more that 18 months. Sometimes life can dictate what you can and cannot eat. For me I have an added issue of MS diagnosed only 6 weeks after my band was fitted and totally out of the blue. At first it didnt seem to make any difference to my band or vice versa but after a few months as my MS progressed at first, my stomach muscles became sluggish. I have to work with what my body will allow me to eat. If my MS is not playing up I can eat very well and sensibly. If my MS is a little flared up my muscles will not push food through even Soup or mashed potato. I have to resort to a very thin soup, a milk drink or similar and maybe a coke for some sugar as NOTHING will stay down, sometimes even they wont either. this can last for up to 3 weeks and then I am very down and begin to hate the band and then the next day I could be fine again. This is the reason why I have had so much out my band that my doc actually says that I am at the stage where no more can come out as its basically empty anyway but still I have the same issues but not so often. Each step of the way I have discussed my issues with my doc, who has been very supportive. I realise that I am not the norm but everyone is different and we should support them rather than criticise them. The OP has probably run for cover and will never post again and I think that is a shame for them. Jo
  7. We were told too not to drink with meals but the last time I went for a unfill the doc told me that they had revised this and after testing several pts (I think doing a barium or similar) that it made no difference having a glass of Water with a meal and if I wanted to drink I could. Of course that was from my doctor. It amazes me the difference in guidelines etc from doc to doc. I do think that as time goes on they will revise and adjust previous thinking as more data comes to light. Jo
  8. You know there are lot of good points in here and the op was very brave. My surgeon here in australia does NOT ban carbonated drinks or drinking with meals, they even did a study with patients (not sure how like a barium I expect)and proven that it made no difference at all drinking with meals. Actually with my issues I find it easier to eat and keep food down if I sip a glass of Water, or I have something with a lot of gravy or some form of sauce. I do drink full sugar coke of occasion (which my doc knows about), I now have only 2ccs in my 11cc band and have lost heaps of weight and kept it off. It has not stretched my stomach. I am coming upto 3 years banding. I have trouble some days keeping food down. I do have issues with my band but my doc assures me that its not due to what I eat but due to my MS. You can only go by what you are told is acceptable and there does seem to be a wide range of 'rules'. I think some of the comments are a bit rough to the OP though. Jo
  9. joho

    I dont Understand :(

    it can sure be funny sometimes. I now have only 2 in mine, the same as when it was fitted and still somedays I cant keep food or Fluid down. The most I ever had in it was 5.5. I get mildly hungry at about 10-11 but dont tend to eat til 12ish. Jo
  10. joho

    Humm is it considered cheating???

    I'm sorry but I think it would be wrong to join without them knowing you have the band. You could join but say you dont want the prize if you win. It isnt the easy option but it still is a pretty good boost with a much less chance of failure than a normal dieter. If the role was reversed I am sure you would be ticked off if someone did that. Jo
  11. Just out of curiosity how do they do the fill in USA, I used to lie on bed and he would ask you to lift your head off bed. But since then they have discovered they find it easier if you raise your legs off the bed instead. My friend in UK says her doc does it while she is stood up and then once in asks her to lie down. I remember one time he had terrible trouble finding my port and the needle slipped and missed, scared me to death. Now he hits it sweet as a nut. Jo
  12. brief outline. Had band in sept 07. All good for a few months, fill went upto 5.5mls, then I started having probs keeping food down and sometimes even Fluid. Had some out, again all ok then the same circle. I now have 2mls (like not having one my surgeon says) and I still have issues keeping food down. I have kept my weight off and even have lost more. I had the added problem of being dx with Multiple sclerosis only 8 weeks after band was fitted. I know I really need to go in for a barium meal which my doc wants me too. He actually doesnt think there is slippage because some days I can eat normally without issues at all. We both think that I may have muscle weakness from the MS which has got progressively worse over time so my muscles are so weak some days it cant push the food through even so loose. Anyone else have these probs or similar. Sometimes I just wanna scream. My weight is now 74kgs down from 102kg and I am happy where I am, its just so bloody hard some days. Jo
  13. Wow its good to have someone experiencing similar things to me and I have MS also. I put a post up a few days ago about my band getting tighter and tighter and I am down to 2.85 mls in a 11 ml band and 2 years post op, I did get upto about 5.5 in the band. I cannot eat anything until about 3pm. I have lost a lot more than you but I have been the same weight now for the last 10-12 months (75kg). I am happy at this weight though so thats cool for me. My concern is that I was putting alittle back on and didnt want it to carry on. I have read on an MS website that anothe person was suffering the same fate as we seem to be and after some testing it was discovered that her oesphagus muscles werent working properly to push the food down probably due to MS. Also at the time of my weight gain I switched meds to copaxone and believe that this has played a small part in the weight problem. I also have had a few other issue. Meant to also say that I can eat bread occasionally with Soup. its Pasta, rice and salad stuff that I ahve issues with, anything with a skin, I take the skin off tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber or it sticks, kinda weird. My hubby is brilliant, we make lots of casseroles with both proper meat and mince so that I can eat some too, even curries this way. Or make meat balls which hubby freezes in 2s and pops them into whatever we are cooking with the real meat, you can get mince in all meats which is good. Also find that I eat more veggie dishes too which is great for your health and I make lots of homemade Soups too. Great for getting veggies into the kids too, my daughter loves my chicken soup which I make with chicken mince. Real chicken is my worst meat to eat. Jo
  14. Things have settled a bit since the last lot taken out. The only issue now is that I cant seem to eat any food with even the smallest lumps before about 3pm or it sticks. For my evening meal though i can eat really well, mash potato, mince and soft veggies or home made burgers (hubby makes a mean thai chick burger) and as long as I avoid Pasta or rice it all seems good. I think the problem maybe that If I vomit It pushes a bit of stomach up through the band and this causes a blockage. I am just glad that I can eat some food and keep it down. Also on a MS web site I frequent another lady there had a similar problem with her band and it was discovered that her esophagus muscles where not working properly (due to the MS) and unable to push the food through the band if the hole was to small. although I am reluctant to blame the MS it could be playing a part in it, and in the last few days have also discovered that the new med I am on can cause unexplained weight gain so I will just have to be extra careful and cut out the milky drinks. Jo
  15. I was banded in Sept 07 at at weight of 102kg (sorry from Aus) anyway 6 weeks after I was dx with Multiple sclerosis, total shock and out of the blue. I didnt appear to affect my banding in anyway and over the next few months the band was filled to approx 5.5mls in a 11ml band. Suddenly and for no apparant reason my problems started with constant vomiting, not being able to keep fluids down etc. I had bits taken out and all would be ok for another couple of weeks then the same thing, until eventually I had enough and asked for a full 1ml to be taken out which them put me at 2.6 mls in the band (its fitted with 2mls in it). This was cool and I found myself eating an acceptable amount of food and being able to eat stuff I hadnt been able to for ages (but nothing naughty). Over the course of 2 months a but back on 2-3 kgs but it was nice to have the break. I decided to have .5mls put back in and the whole bloody thing has started up again. I had .25 taken back out sigh and still feel something is not right. Today for instance, I had a coffee in the morning which was fine, Soup for lunch and not to much and hey presto up it comes. Decided to have a flavoured milk small bottle as I was concerned I had nothing in me, up it comes (not a thick one either). I am so frustrated, most people have about 8-9mls in their bands at this stage. I am totally happy at my current weight of 73-75kg and would just love to find that nice place where I can eat a small meal without fear of it coming back. I have found that sometimes if I eat a bit more than I should it will resolve the issue, almost like I have pushed through the barrier. Do you think that the vomiting has caused my stomach to push up through the band and this is what causes my issues. Boy oh Boy who said this was the easy option, sometimes I feel like I am over it. Jo
  16. Having been diagnosed with MS on 9th November, I have had many ups and downs for the last 2 months. Anyway to give you an outline/timeline May time, had back pain/arm pain, trips to physio and accupuncture and 4 weekls later gone.... August, symptoms return and get worse and worse, niggly back pain in shoulderblade region to the left and raditing down arm which is very very painful, having to hand my arm to my side to try to relieve the pain and no matter where I put it it still hurt. Saw physio once a week and accu once aweek. Went to hydrotherapy, hot room, sauna, spa in an attemp to relieve the pain. late Oct, finally had enough and went to see doc(friday), he referred me for bone scan and CT scan, had CT scan monday and bone scan Friday, both test picked up results next day and both normal, bugger bugger bugger. Funny how you wish for something to be wrong just so you can have an answer to your problem. Back to doc on Monday who at least did not stand on his laurels and brush me off (even though he is at lest 70), said next step is MRI but needs a neuro to refer. OK I rang the specilist and no appts for at least 6 weeks. Well it just so happens that I work at the hospital in the cardiology dept alongside neuro dept and had a quiet word with receptionist who had a quiet word with neuro (tues) and he agreed to refer me without consult. Wasnt in till Thurs so in I went and thanked him big time for doing this and how frustrated I was and mentioned that my left side of my face was numbish. Oh he said that isnt right and off he popped to the MRI dept and organised a MRI for Tues for me and free too..... chuffed to pieces off home I went and shock of shock overnight my feet went numb and going to work the next day I fell up the steps. Panicking I was whisked to A&E under same neuro and one brain scan/upper spine scan it was diagnosed. 5 days in hospital on IV steriods and 6 weeks of oral steriods later (and no weight gain) the pain in my arm and back is back, it took 4 painkillers to even stop the pain this morning and they are the ones with codine, 2 neuro plus and 2 paracetamol codenine. I cant fault my treatment, from doc to diagnosis 10 days including all tests and results. Had a full spine MRI 2 weeks later which showed 5 leisions on the spine from top to bottom. I am so over the pain. I popped into see neuro (perk of working next door) and he said that my upper leison was extremly large and could take a few months to get over. If you hear a rattling noise its just me popping more pills. Jo
  17. Having been diagnosed with MS on 9th November, I have had many ups and downs for the last 2 months. Anyway to give you an outline/timeline May time, had back pain/arm pain, trips to physio and accupuncture and 4 weekls later gone.... August, symptoms return and get worse and worse, niggly back pain in shoulderblade region to the left and raditing down arm which is very very painful, having to hand my arm to my side to try to relieve the pain and no matter where I put it it still hurt, of course I thought some of the pain was to do with the op post Sept 26th. Saw physio once a week and accu once aweek. Went to hydrotherapy, hot room, sauna, spa in an attemp to relieve the pain. late Oct, finally had enough and went to see doc(friday), he referred me for bone scan and CT scan, had CT scan monday and bone scan Friday, both test picked up results next day and both normal, bugger bugger bugger. Funny how you wish for something to be wrong just so you can have an answer to your problem. Back to doc on Monday who at least did not stand on his laurels and brush me off (even though he is at lest 70), said next step is MRI but needs a neuro to refer. OK I rang the specilist and no appts for at least 6 weeks. Well it just so happens that I work at the hospital in the cardiology dept alongside neuro dept and had a quiet word with receptionist who had a quiet word with neuro (tues) and he agreed to refer me without consult. Wasnt in till Thurs so in I went and thanked him big time for doing this and how frustrated I was and mentioned that my left side of my face was numbish. Oh he said that isnt right and off he popped to the MRI dept and organised a MRI for Tues for me and free too..... chuffed to pieces off home I went and shock of shock overnight my feet went numb and going to work the next day I fell up the steps. Panicking I was whisked to A&E under same neuro and one brain scan/upper spine scan it was diagnosed. 5 days in hospital on IV steriods and 6 weeks of oral steriods later (and no weight gain) the pain in my arm and back is back, it took 4 painkillers to even stop the pain this morning and they are the ones with codine, 2 neuro plus and 2 paracetamol codenine. I cant fault my treatment, from doc to diagnosis 10 days including all tests and results. Had a full spine MRI 2 weeks later which showed 5 leisions on the spine from top to bottom. I am so over the pain. I popped into see neuro (perk of working next door) and he said that my upper leison was extremly large and could take a few months to get over. So at the moment my band has taken a bit of a back seat, I had a fill about 5 weeks ago and explained the situ to the doc and we decided a very conservative fill was needed because of the need to take vast amonts of pills and I was worried they would get stuck. We both decided that weight loss was not a big issue and being on seriods and such wouldnt help. Anyway went for another fill today and woohoo lost 1.5 kg which isnt a lot but great as far as i'm concerned and we did another conservative one today too. The scales have been going in the right direction anyway albeit slowly. Total loss todate is now 12.5 kg about 28lbs. If you hear a rattling noise its just me popping more pills. Jo
  18. joho

    Not good news

    Well I had my first fill on the 26th Oct but within 3-4 days was feeling hungry and managing bread quite easily, another trip to doc and there should have been 4mls in the band but only 3 came out. So he put in 4mls and things were pretty good, but we suspect a slight port leek which may have to be replaced. So there was my first bit of possible bad news. Then cutting a long story short I have just been diagnosed with MS at the lovely age of 37 what a big bummer. The pain in my back and arm are driving me insane and I am on high dose steriods and we all know what they can do............ On a good note I have now dropped 12 kg since 12th Sept so not all bad and I dont seem to have put any weight on due to the steriods its stayed stable. I am seeing the doc again on the 27th for another fill, but I am not going to worry about the port until I have the MS under control. So at the mo I am in limbo land, not able to exercise because my leg is numb and my back hurts, on steriods and because I have to take a few tablets for the MS I am concerned that I cant have to big a tightening. Jo
  19. I had my first fill last wednesday, upto that point I had only lost about 2kg since the band was fitted. I had 2cc put in and already had 2cc in the band making 4 ccs. Anyway for the first day or 2 it was a little bit more restricted but now I am feeling hungry a lot and my meal sizes have not decreased at all. What could have gone wrong????????? Example of my day today No breaky just small glass of milk as I am taking some tablets that require food. Mid morning I had 2 very small biscuits mainly because I had forgotten my packed lunch and they were availble and I was bloody hungry, i had an egg sandwich for lunch and an apple (although I couldnt eat the apple) and for dinner I had a bit of mince beef, pumpkin and a small potato. I know its not a lot but I still feel hungry. Any guesses. I wonder if when he did the fill he punctured the tube and the fill is seeping away. I hope not. Jo
  20. joho

    What could have happened

    I decided the next day that things were worrying me so I contacted my dietician who got me in to see a partner doctor. He struggled to fing my port but when he hit the button he coud only withdraw 3cc when there should have been 4cc, he put back 4cc and said that it seems that I may have a leak. Anyway since that fill, I have had good restirction, probably to much, but I thought oh well a little will leak out, but it doesnt seem to have, also I feel much tighter than I did when I was ment to have the original 4cc in. My conclusion is that the original fill must have missed. I am not angry or dissappointed. I am very pleased they saw me immediately and I have nother appointment with him at the end of NOvember which i will go to and see what things are like then. I am relieved that it may not be a leak, but we will see. Jo
  21. joho

    What could have happened

    Thanks all. I see him again at the end of Nov, he likes 4 week appointments, I can ring him if I want and he will fill me quicker, I might just do that. But the weird thing is that since the fill I have lost weight, about 1kg in a week, happy with that. Jo
  22. I am having my band fitted tomorrow 26th September. Hopefully it will all go well and I cant wait until I can have a latte coffee. Jo
  23. joho

    Getting my band tomorrow

    I know, but I thought that most of the people on the site were using pounds and being a UK girl we to are more familiar with pounds, so I converted. I know you werent being preachy, no offence taken. I live in Umina, North of Sydney. Jo
  24. joho

    Getting my band tomorrow

    Not my doctor who is here in Australia, they have revised their diet and after seeing the dietician 1 week post op she said I can eat lumps and within the next 2 weeks (which was 1 week ago) move onto normal stuff as and when I feel I can. All docs are different I suppose. When I say normal, I am avoiding anything to hard to chew and most of it is mushie type food, veg, rice, chilli, mince beef, fish, yoghurt, custard that sort of stuff and I get full much much quicker, I can manage approx 3/4 of a weetbix for brekkie, a small Soup for lunch, small portion of chilli for dinner. Jo
  25. joho

    Getting my band tomorrow

    Fine. I am eating almost normally but smaller amounts at the moment. I dont seem to have the restriction. I havent lost any weight since the op but then again I haven't put any on. Not sure why but there you go. I see the doc for a fill in the 24th so I am hoping there will be some restriction afterwards. I still havent really had much bread or potato. Had rice yestereday for the first time and that was ok. I havent felt the need to vomit once. I think my main prob is that I forget to drink lots. Jo

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