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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About brownj15

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/10/1973

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  1. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    My surgery was on June 4 and I have the same problem. I was stalled for 3 weeks after losing about 17 lbs my first 2 weeks. It was just a few days ago that the scale went down 3 lbs, yesterday it was back up by 3 lbs and then today it was down 4 lbs. I know weighing myself everyday is a bad idea but I can't seem to stop doing that! It is very frustrating. I have another post op appt w my doc on Thursday so not sure what she will say. Based on what I have read here it will probably be to just keep a food diary, exercise and be patient! It is very hard to do though.
  2. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I am also a June 4th sleeved and am only down 18 pounds. I have been stalled for the last 2 weeks and getting more discouraged every day even though I know that stalls are common. Keep up the good work...23 lbs is great for one month
  3. I was sleeved on June 4th. I have had a pretty easy recovery so far. No vomiting or other complications. I had my 2 week appt yesterday and am down 17 lbs. The pain from incisions got so much better around day 10. I are too much at dinner last night and it was like having a brick in my chest for a few hours. It was an awful feeling and almost wanted to throw up but I was too scared to do that. Noticed I ate a lot less today just because I was afraid of overeating. On the mushy phase now but my NUT said I could advance to soft foods if I felt like I was ready for it sooner than 2 weeks from now. Feeling a bit more tired this week but also getting sick of staying home so much! I have noticed that I am not having the horrible food cravings that I was having the first several days home. Thanks everyone for all the posts. I love reading the forums and hearing about how everyone is doing.
  4. brownj15

    I miss food

    I miss food as well. Really was hoping that I would not have so many cravings but I do all the time. I can't really say that I get very hungry but it is like I just miss being able to eat anything I want. Plus I think it is harder because I am home all day with my kids and am around food all day. I was thinking about taking the whole month off of work but am wondering if it would be better for me to go back to work next week. I have my 2 week post op appt tomorrow and am going to ask about the cravings. Might need to see someone to try and help me with the food addiction part.
  5. brownj15

    3 Days Post Op

    Muscle milk is in most stores by the other protein drinks. I bought it ready made but not sure if they have powders too. I have only tried vanilla so far and I liked it but had to mix some skim milk with it to cut down on sweetness.
  6. brownj15

    Post Op June 2014 Sleevers

    Had my sleeve on June 4th and went home on the 5th. I am weaning myself off of pain meds because they make me so tired. Doing ok with fluids and protein but nothing really tastes good. Started having diarrhea yesterday so not sure why that is happening. I usually get constipated after surgery. My stomach is always making these loud gurgling noises too. I am feeling a strong desire to eat something and am so sick of liquids. Coming to this site helps keep me on track though. I am supposed to stay on liquids for 10 days but I am having a hard time thinking of doing this same food for another week!
  7. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I had surgery on Wed. It went well and I got home late last night. Have some gas pain in shoulders but belly pain is fine except for when I sit up, etc. Not getting a lot of fluids in yet but I am working on it. Just really sleepy from the pain medicine.
  8. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Thanks. Leaving soon for hospital. Very calm last night but the nerves kicked in big time this morning.
  9. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Just added myself for tomorrow. Surgery at noon! Please copy and paste and add your info in...... Wendyt (?) Michigan 6/2 Wadet67 (Taryn) OK 6/3 meggollll (?) Louisiana 6/3 ColoEmpress (Leona) CO 6/03 jodimarie San Diego, CA 06/03 Nyzira (Bambi) TN 06/04 brownj15 (Jodi) MI 06/04 Jenuine629 (Jen) NY 6/4 Mrs King (Erin) CA 6/6 Cutiecake (Alisha) FLA 6/9 J-F ord (Jan) GA 6/9 Jennyinky KY June 10 Tagyoorit (Rob) BC Canada 6/11 Kimgettingslim (Kim) Texas 6/13 Megamoma (Lisa) AR 6/14 Pugmadkate (Kate) TX 6/17 Weasle mama (Sara) Iowa 6/17 jjinWA ? WA 6/17 Patricia_sleeve (Patricia) 6/18 stacielynntate (Stacie) CA 6/15 Mowgli19 (Sue) WA 6/19 mt_hi_liner (Tim) MT 06/19 - Dr. Umbach in Vegas Relentless (Liz)MI 6/25 cortonball (Liz) Michigan 6/25 beep&bun (Jenna) TX 6/26 TiredMama (Amber) PA 6/30
  10. brownj15

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Wadet67 (Taryn) OK 6/3 Cutiecake (Alisha) FLA 6/9 J-F ord (?) CA 6/9 Tagyoorit (Rob) BC Canada 6/11 Patricia_sleeve (Patricia) 6/18 Mowgli19 (Sue) WA 6/19 Relentless (Liz)MI 6/25 beep&bun (Jenna) TX 6/26 TiredMama (Amber) PA 6/30 ColoEmpress (Leona) CO 6/03 jodimarie San Diego, CA 06/03 brownj15 Jodi, MI 06/04
  11. brownj15

    Judgemental People

    I have slowly started to tell people. I go in for surgery in 2 days- gulp. My mistake was telling my 9 year old daughter what I was doing and she keeps telling everyone even thought I asked her not to tell people! However, I have found that the people that I was nervous would be judgmental have been supportive. I had to laugh because the 1st person I told said "I am so glad you are doing this" and the second person said "you don't really need to get that." I am not sure what the better reaction is But overall, everyone that knows about it has been very supportive and offering to help out with food for my family and help with kids.
  12. brownj15

    Any 2014 June Sleevers

    3 days for me! I am starting my 2 day liquid diet tomorrow. I am really nervous but feel a little better because I tried another protein drink and it was much better than the first one I tried. To be fair, I took the muscle milk vanilla and added about 1/2 cup of milk and it went down much easier. The first time I had premium protein chocolate straight from the container. I am going to try that one again tomorrow with milk mixed in and see if it is better that way. Tomorrow, I am supposed to find out what time my surgery is as well. Really hoping for early Wed morning...Good luck everyone that is going in this week.
  13. I have surgery on June 4th with Dr. Holman. Glad to hear you had a good experience with her. How is it going with the Protein and fluids?
  14. brownj15

    Any 2014 June Sleevers

    Yes! My date is June 4th as well. Seems like most say they are excited but I am more in the scared category and wondering if I am making the right decision. Just cant stop worrying about nausea, complications, and trying to drink protein shakes. I am also very unprepared and have bought nothing much yet from the store for either myself or my family. Seems like May has been a very busy month around here with softball/baseball games, etc. Planning to do a bunch of shopping this weekend but have no clue what kind of protein shake to try next. I only tried Premium Protein chocolate ready made shake and I thought it was nasty. That was disappointing since it seemed to get pretty good reviews. Think I am going to try the Syntrax Nectar stuff next, My doctors office carries that one and they have sample packs for 1.75. Anyone else tried those? I am also thinking I should get something unflavored that I can try to mix in with broth, yogurt, etc.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
