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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Don

  1. This morning I attended a lap band seminar in Richardson, and my research online led me to this site. It looks like there's an enormous amount of personal experience discussed here, so I'll be working on reading that the next few days to fill in some of the gaps and answer the questions I still have. But in the mean time, I'll jump in with my first question: I budget about $400/mo. for groceries. After your lap band, how much did your food costs increase/decrease? I'm thinking that with such restricted food intakes, most people would see significant savings each month from buying less food. Is that pretty common? Thanks in advance, everyone. I look forward to participating here! :huggie:
  2. Don


    Thanks for the responses! Just a point of clarification: the reason I ask about food costs is that I'm trying to figure out what changes I would need to make to my monthly budget to accommodate a loan in case I have to pay for the surgery myself. I have Cigna for health insurance, and based on what I've read regarding difficulties with Cigna, I'm both optimistic and skeptical. Nonetheless, I'm growing more certain that a lap band may be the answer for me; the question is just who's going to pay for it! :confused: Anyway, if anyone has other thoughts, please share! Thanks again.

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