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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About maxrobison

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/26/1956

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 57 yr old grandmother on disability, not related to my weight and decided its time for me.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    reading, farmville2, campfires
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  1. maxrobison


    I agree that salvation army works best for me, I can get jean and tops for two dollars and some are even brand new. When they get to big doesn't seem to take long, back to salvation army they. Win, win for everyone, this is even cheaper than those rent clothes online thing. And it seems they have much better selection of clothes.
  2. maxrobison

    4 mths post op and still unhappy

    So sorry you are going thru this, my surgery was Jan 22, 2014. The first couple weeks were rough and I was weak a lot. Better now but still get tired easily. Are you seeing or talking to psyc about your feelings, that is what they are there for and can help at least it helped me a lot. Hope you are seeing a specialist for your kidneys, please hang in there.
  3. maxrobison

    Doubting...please help

    Try a different Protein powder I went thru at least 6 till I found one I like and try the sugar free coffee flavors, now I have trouble in am I am almost 3 months post op with anything cold, I make a protein coffee soy latte that I love and it contains 32 protein. Don't forget the sf Jello that help me a lot. Best of luck, and remember you are worth it.
  4. maxrobison

    in need of CLOTHES!

    Do you have any salvation army stores there, I go in on sale days half off and get really cheap clothes, jeans for $2.00, cheaper than these online programs. Best of luck to you, I agree clothing can get costly, wish my doc office had clothing exchange, check your local meetings too. Max
  5. maxrobison

    Surgery scheduled but family unsupportive need help

    Well maybe you need to look at the other side of what will happen if you don't have the surgery. That is what did it for me, diabetic, high blood pressure, high chol, knee surgery, needing knee replacement, etc... With the surgery off meds for HB, diabetic, knees doing much better. I had to look at what was better for me, for my health, for my life. There is a difference between quality of life and quanity of life, with this surgery I have received the ability of both quality and quanity. We never know what the next day brings, but we do know that we hold in our hands the future of our life. The decision will always be yours don't be upset with your family, they are just scared, like you. All you can do is try to inform them, the decision is solely on you. I wish you the best of luck, please remember that family will always be family, you are the one living with you.
  6. maxrobison


    Hi I had my sleeve done in Jan, did have a catch overnight, was glad I did all the fluids and pain meds was safer for me and I could sleep most of the night, good luck on the surgery, easiest procedure I ever had.
  7. I had my surgery on Jan 22, 2014 , just starting soft food. I was 2 weeks liquid, then 3 weeks puree. I can eat about 1/4 cup then full. After that nausea and vomiting, pressure in my chest feels like my heart will explode. Be careful don't stretch your pouch.

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