Two things made me finally decide to do this. One is finding out about sleeve gastrectomy. Band surgery I have never liked b/c it is a foreign object. Bypass was never an option because of the malabsorption; I have a form of leukemia that requires lifelong medication, so I'm a bit paranoid about making sure that medication gets absorbed properly (the kind I take is metabolized in the stomach).
Finding out about the sleeve allowed me to consider surgery when an ENT doctor decided I was too fat to get my tonsils out. I have very large tonsils and always have and they must have grown a bit or something b/c I now have extremely frequent earaches and mild sore throats. Plus the frequency of throat infections like strep. He first wanted to not do it b/c of the CML, but my oncologist shot that down so he came back with "lose some weight first and then we'll do it." I'm not giving up on getting it done sooner rather than later, but it was finally just enough. I had to do something different about my weight b/c the thought of trying to diet off enough for surgery is just depressing.