I am a former patient of Dr. Robert Owen Powell. This man operated on me in 2005.
I kept a blog of my experience of being banded by Dr. Powell. It is located at the link below:
For those who are interested in every little detail in why I say RUN away from this doctor. He commonly went back and forth between Texas and California and it looks like he is only in California. I'm sure he FORGETS to tell the nice people who come into his office that ALL of his Texas Patients were TAKEN away from him and given to other physicians. I'm not the only person with complaints about Dr. Powell, there is at least one lady online who claims Dr. Powell failed to give her mom proper care and he almost killed her!! Do your research folks.
Life has gone on and I haven't kept the previously mentioned blog current. On August 26, 2010, I made the wisest decision I could have based upon the fact that I got to a point where I was unable to swallow Water let alone eat solid food for months! I got completely away from True Results AKA Surgery Center of Richardson and went with another DFW Area physician that specializes in Lap Band revisisons to Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG). I was tired of the sales pitch I guess and more so the constant adjustments (Fills) that a Lap Band requires. I lost 140lbs when the band seemed to be working right so I know my story might be a bit hard to understand completely. During my surgery to have the band removed my new surgeon realized why I had such hell with the Lap Band. DR. POWELL HAD PLACED MY LAP BAND IN BACKWARDS, in fact my new surgeon, whom I completely trust now has NEVER seen a Band placed the way Dr. Powell had mine in my chest.
The word is Lap Band is reversable. That is SOMEWHAT true. The damage it causes is permanent. I will forever have a severely weakened esophagus because of this band and I'm only 33 years old. I still have times of discomfort even after having the band from hell removed when I try to eat solids and they get stuck in the weaken portion.
Please take the time to do your research on Dr. Powell or any surgeon you pick to do anytype of surgery on your body. It's your body, you are stuck with any and all damages and complications that might occur. Do web searches and ask other patients about their experiences. Just be careful because some doctors have staff posing as patients to get you interested!! Not to start a which is best surgery war, but do an internet search for "Lap Band Lawyer" because he suits are about to start as people are realizing what was done to them..
Carrie H