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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MsButterKup23

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  • Birthday 05/23/1978

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About Me

  • Biography
    29 Years old, Married and new mom 10/04
  • Interests
    Lately losing weight and working
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  1. Happy 35th Birthday MsButterKup23!

  2. Happy 34th Birthday MsButterKup23!

  3. I am a former patient of Dr. Robert Owen Powell. This man operated on me in 2005. I kept a blog of my experience of being banded by Dr. Powell. It is located at the link below: http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/msbutterkup23/blog/2006/10/ For those who are interested in every little detail in why I say RUN away from this doctor. He commonly went back and forth between Texas and California and it looks like he is only in California. I'm sure he FORGETS to tell the nice people who come into his office that ALL of his Texas Patients were TAKEN away from him and given to other physicians. I'm not the only person with complaints about Dr. Powell, there is at least one lady online who claims Dr. Powell failed to give her mom proper care and he almost killed her!! Do your research folks. Life has gone on and I haven't kept the previously mentioned blog current. On August 26, 2010, I made the wisest decision I could have based upon the fact that I got to a point where I was unable to swallow Water let alone eat solid food for months! I got completely away from True Results AKA Surgery Center of Richardson and went with another DFW Area physician that specializes in Lap Band revisisons to Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG). I was tired of the sales pitch I guess and more so the constant adjustments (Fills) that a Lap Band requires. I lost 140lbs when the band seemed to be working right so I know my story might be a bit hard to understand completely. During my surgery to have the band removed my new surgeon realized why I had such hell with the Lap Band. DR. POWELL HAD PLACED MY LAP BAND IN BACKWARDS, in fact my new surgeon, whom I completely trust now has NEVER seen a Band placed the way Dr. Powell had mine in my chest. The word is Lap Band is reversable. That is SOMEWHAT true. The damage it causes is permanent. I will forever have a severely weakened esophagus because of this band and I'm only 33 years old. I still have times of discomfort even after having the band from hell removed when I try to eat solids and they get stuck in the weaken portion. Please take the time to do your research on Dr. Powell or any surgeon you pick to do anytype of surgery on your body. It's your body, you are stuck with any and all damages and complications that might occur. Do web searches and ask other patients about their experiences. Just be careful because some doctors have staff posing as patients to get you interested!! Not to start a which is best surgery war, but do an internet search for "Lap Band Lawyer" because he suits are about to start as people are realizing what was done to them.. Sincerely, Carrie H
  4. I am curious to see how everyone from a few years back are doing. I'm not sure if there is anyone else who has been on OH that's been banded as long or longer than me and still has the band. I am NOT happy with my band neither is my Hubby. I can eat mushy foods on a good day. I'm mostly on a liquid diet. I originally lost 140lbs, played the fill/unfill games. In Feb. 2008 I had ALL of my Fluid removed because I could not swallow my own saliva. At the current time, I have ZERO liquid in my band and I'm on liquids most of the time. My husband on the other hand has fluid in his band and can eat whatever he wants as much as he wants. My plan is to have an EGD tomorrow, see how destroyed my stomach is from this stupid band. My insurance company approved me for a band removal but denied me for the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectemy Procedure as it's "experimental". Dr. Robert O. Powell had several of us in the DFW area. For some reason his patients were ALL TAKEN away from him and given to other doctors. We didn't pick the doctor we have at this time and I think he knows a lot more about all the bad stuff he's seen that Dr. Powell has done. Dr. Powell is in California still banding innocent folks. He needs to be stopped in my honest opinion. I have an appointment for a second opinion with another doctor who is not affiliated with my case or the Surgery Center and is used to "cleaning up" after the crappy doctors destroy bodies. I'd love to see other's updates. Perhaps it might make others think twice before having this procedure done. All was great for 2-3 years then what. They couldn't give us an estimate on how long the band was good for when we first asked. I refuse to ever have another band placed in my body and would beg anyone I know not to have one placed. Best of luck to everyone! -Carrie
  5. Avoid him like the plage. I'm still trying to get my body fixed from the damage he did. That man has no business in medicine. It's soley for the money!!

  6. Can you tell me anything about Dr powell in so Cal?

  7. MsButterKup23's Profile Has my blog with my experience with Dr. Powell on it.
  8. Sorry I'm the one to burst your bubble. I'm in the Dallas area where Dr. Powell had ALL of his patients handed out to other doctors. My husband and I were both banded by this man and personally I would not allow him to remove a hemmorhoid off my dog. It's all about the money with him. Once one surgeon touches you due to liabilty it's hard to get someone else to take over your care. Check out his reviews on obesityhelp and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I went almost a year without any care and was scheduled for major surgery because of this man. Stay away from him!!!
  9. I don't know "the rules" as both are considered major surgery. I was 10 months out from my c-section with our first daughter when I was banded. I would have been banded sooner but my original surgeon and his office were idiots.
  10. MsButterKup23

    How long did you wait?

    My original surgeon said 18 months. I lost 140lbs during that time so I knew it wouldn't be good to get pregnant at that time. I waited almost 4 years because of me going back to school and working and life in general (nothing to do with the band). Personally I would wait at least 1-2 years after you stabilize.
  11. I haven't posted on here in ages. I'm one of those who've had a difficult road with my band and original surgeon. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my second child. I was banded in 2005. I thought some may want to hear about my pregnancy experience with the band. My first pregnancy (without the band) I started out around 302lbs and ended up losing 40lbs due to daily nausea/vomiting. My daughter was born at 38 weeks via c-section due to hypertension and a failed induction. She weighed 7lbs, 2 ozs and is a healthy 4 year old. This pregnancy I've had very little nausea and vomiting compared to my previous pregnancy. I've only "lost it" a couple times per month on average. My doctor gave me Phenergan to prevent it but I am unable to take it due to a seizure disorder I have. I take Benadryl if it gets real bad and it helps the nausea. I'm about 3 pounds under my starting weight at the beginning of this pregnancy. I'm constantly between 230 and 235. My OB has done growth scans on my daughter and she is consistantly measuring a week ahead on her growth. We are expecing another 7 pound baby. My husband is also banded and he has gained the 30 pounds I was supposed to. We both have some work to do after Trinity is born. I'm having a scheduled c-section on Feb. 12th so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Best of luck to everyone who is pregnant or TTC.
  12. I've been banded for over 3 years. I got down to 160ish from 297. I quit working prior to getting preggo and ended up starting this pregnancy at 234. Well 24 weeks later I'm at 236 and having a heck of a time eating. Yes, I've only gained 2 pounds at 6 months gestation! Prior to getting preggo I also had my band completely unfilled while I was trying to figure out if I wanted to switch to GBS rather than to continue my bumpy road with the band, thus the pre-pregnancy weight gain. Now I have no interest in food. My OB is monitoring the grown of the baby and isn't yelling at me as long as she continues to grow correctly. I've had some nausea, dry hurling and occasional vomiting but nothing extreme just no interest in eating. Anyone else in this frustrating situation??
  13. GeezerSue = my hero. :)

  14. I hate my band. I wish I could pull the stupid thing out of my own body. My initial surgeon bailed on all his patients. My new surgeon is starting to do the same crap my old surgeon did before he bailed. After 3 years, the best advice I can give you is not to have the band. Once they put it in that's it.. unless YOU come up with the $$ to have it taken out and find a surgeon who will do so you are screwed. It's all about the $$$$$ to hell with patient care.
  15. He's our new doctor. While he didn't do our orginal surgeries we have been pleased with him so far. He was very nice and understanding after everything we had been through with our previous crappy money hungry surgeon.

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