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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ayscott74

  1. ayscott74

    Weekly Weight Tracking

    I track my weight on Monday's too had surgery Aug 11, 2014 Hw 240 Day of surgery 231 1 week 223 (8) 2 week 217 (6) 3 week 214 (3) 4 week 212 (2) 5 week 210 (2) 6 week 208 (2) 7 week 205 (3) This is my journey so far I am happy with the progress.
  2. When I start to get full my nose runs like I have sinus problems but I don't. That is when I know to stop. I can only eat 2-3 bites and then I am done. You have to learn your body. In the beginning I didn't pay attention and I paid for it and it wasn't fun and felt awful.
  3. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    @@old_rn don't feel depressed you are, doing very well. You want a slow loss so that your body would repair its self so you don't have to much lose skin. Don't look at the scale look at the non scale victory. Look at how much you have lost already. Keep doing what you doing. Next year around this time you will be where you want to be.
  4. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hi everyone it good to see some of ya are doing well getting out of the stall. I am 7 week post op doing well haven't stall thank God. I weight once a week on a Monday I average about 2 lbs a week weight loss I am glad that its slow so I wont have any lose skin. I am weight lifting now to tone the area that I don't want the lose skin. Overall I am glad that I made this decision to get the sleeve still not able to eat a lot only spoon full two bite I still drink my protein which is good to get the protein in. I am down 34 lbs. Happy Friday to everyone and have a good weekend.
  5. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hi everyone I am 5 1/2 week I am on regular food but I can't eat anything nothing taste the same still no appetite. I do my shake to get my protein. I have re introduced different kinds of food my stomach doesn't like it. So far chicken really can't do much. I haven't tried beef. Fish is fine only about a spoonful. What I do like is homemade turkey chilli. I can eat that with beans. Only thing that doesn't make me sick. Some fruits haven't tried apples, only bananas strawberry canalopes and watermelon. I hope soon I will get better with food. I am losing no stall I am glad of it. Had surgery Aug 11 down 32 lbs happy with that. Hope everyone is doing well.
  6. ayscott74

    So now I am depressed......

    I am so sorry to hear that your having all that problem, since you had the surgery in Mexico maybe you need to call your family doctor to get a prescription for nexium, Prevacid, something to help with the reflux. I had a hiatal hernia repair to and was given prevacid for it. It help I still not able to eat like I should but it will take time. I will be praying that you get better and congrats on losing 60 lbs.
  7. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hi everyone I am 1 month post o today have a lost of 28 lbs I am happy with that. I am able to eat regular food I tried still can't do it no appetite when I do I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. So I will stay with fluid and real soft food right now for awhile. Hope everyone else who is able to eat regular food is doing better than me
  8. ayscott74

    Runny Nose?

    Yep I agree I never had a running nose now I know when to stop eating when I feel my nose starting to run.
  9. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    @@Karen Scott don't be depressed it will come. Remember not to count on the scale also the inches that is coming off too. The way your clothes feel etc. Remember we are women we carry water weight to when its our time of the month. You are doing everything right don't beat yourself because the scale hasn't moved. That is way I only weigh once a week. I know me I would be upset if it didn't move. I pray that you get peace so you can count on other factor to see that your losing the weight you need. It will be ok
  10. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hi I will be 4 week tomorrow and still not able to eat or drink like I am supposed to. I do my shake still because food doesn't agree with me that well. I was able on friday to eat 4 oz of chilli I made for the family but it took me 1 hour to finish it. I didn't have problem then but try again couldn't eat it. I am learning to not rush in what I eat or drink. I am taking it slow. Hopefully it, will get better my 1 month post op will be this Thursday. I also notice I don't get hungry and I get full fast because my nose start to run I never had that problem I thought it was my sinuses but I don't have problems with it either. Hopefully all of us will make it through these first couple months.
  11. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    @@Karen Scott thanks I think I will try it I going tomorrow to pick me some up.
  12. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    @@Karen Scott where did you get the shake
  13. ayscott74

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Hey everyone sleeved aug 11 so 3 and half weeks. Still having problem with food no appetite but trying to get my protein in. I started exercising haven't had a, stall yet hopefully I won't have lost 26 lbs so far.
  14. ayscott74

    Before and After Pics

    @@kclaws you look great when did you get sleeve.
  15. ayscott74

    What is everyones diet?

    Wow I wish I could eat like that I am on soft foods, but nothing taste good anymore I have to make myself eat still don't have an appetite. Still trying to get my daily protein in. I am being patience weight loss is good losing 1-2 pounds a week which is good.
  16. ayscott74

    Starting to feel better

    Wow congrats on ur weight loss looking great
  17. ayscott74

    August Sleevers Check In

    I also feel you about the crystal light I can't drink it either to sweet so I got a lemon and infused it in water and drink it it better and not to sweet but u have favor if you need it.
  18. ayscott74

    August Sleevers Check In

    Karen Scott it will pass I felt like that when I started to eat soft food because of that I really haven't, tried egg again. But try to eat slow very slow. I still have problems but I try to keep eating slow. There are some foods that dont agree with me so I stay away until my 6 weeks and then I will try again. Keep up the good work. Because this journey is hard.
  19. Hi everyone I want to see how everyone is doing. Just checking how the weight loss food intake is coming.
  20. Yes don't do like me I am not going to try anymore different food going back on what I know will stay down.
  21. ayscott74

    Before & "During"

    So happy for, you. You look grear
  22. Hi everyone how are ya doing now with blending/soft. Well I am not doing well not able to handle any can meat my new tummy doesn't like it. I try to grind some shrimp nope can't eat that. No eggs either So I am only doing cottage cheese, protein shake, apple sauce, some soups, Greek yogurt and protein drinks. I dont know what else to do I am getting tired of the same thing.
  23. ayscott74

    August Sleevers Check In

    Good luck and best wishes and I am sending prayer for the one getting sleeved today.

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