I had it done on a Friday and took just a week off. I ended up staying in the hospital over night because It took me so long to wake up from the anesthesia. I was originally scheduled at 8am and got bumped to 2pm but didn't actually go into the OR until 4:30pm and I didn't wake up until 7pm and even then I was still out of it. Apparently I was the "worst case possible". I should have taken at least 2 weeks off. I have 2 jobs, my main job is a desk job and my second one I'm on my feet. I attempted to go to work but I was very uncomfortable sitting and I was fortunate enough that I was able to work partial shifts at my main job. My second job my boss wasn't so understanding ????.. The pain meds they gave me didn't touch my pain both in the hospital (IV morphine every 2 hours) and at home (liquid Percocet which I only took twice to try to help me sleep) but I knew this was going to happen due to having a broken arm and my wisdom teeth removed when I was younger (I was given OxyContin at that time and it didn't work). Everyone's body recovers differently, apparently I'm not so fortunate. Just take your recovery day by day and don't over do it. Just because some people are up and running after a couple days don't be discouraged if that doesn't happen to you. Best of luck. ????