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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. I'm very serious about this! I want to start a support group in my area. I don't care if we only start with 3 people... that is just fine. I know some people who have had both lapband and bypass. I'd like to meet once per month and talk about our weight loss efforts. I am very organized and would treat this as a social/fun event, yet educational and supportive. I'll have excercises for us to do to help us talk about our issues, etc. If interested, please let me know!!!!!!
  2. Today I started phase 3 foods. I had about 2/3 cup of tuna. I don't feel like I have any restriction at all. I stopped before the last bite because I had a very small feeling of being full, but I don't know if that is restriction. Can somebody help me? Also, phase 3 foods are confusing to me. This is what I did: 1/2 can tuna in the food processor with 2 Tbsp pickles (no skin), mayo and mustard and S&P. Mixed that with the other 1/2 of the can of tuna for a better consistancy. Is this right? What am I suppose to do with an egg? Egg salad? Can I eat lettuce yet? I'm confused! Please help me with the restriction questions and maybe a few tips on food ideas... Thanks!
  3. I need some SERIOUS advice! Got filled 1.5 weeks ago (a pretty tight fill for me) 2.6 in a 4cc band. I stayed on liquids for a week, slowly went to mushies, etc... was able to eat ahi tuna a few nights ago. STUPID EFFEN ME! I drank OJ before bed 2 nights ago and it had pulp. Created a blocked stoma and acid reflux. Have only been able to tolerate warm liquids since. (Starbucks and broth) ~~ I thought I was getting beter today. Took the prilosec, had Soup for din-din. Soup started going down easy so I got over excited. I had another bowl. Don't know what the hell happened, but totally got reflux! I can't lay down at all. I AM SO SCARED, I will wake up and not be able to drink Water. What do I do? I already took the max dose of prilosec. Last time I ate (the soup) was about 1.5 hours ago. Scared to death to lay down. PLEASE! HOW CAN I AVOID A DAY OF TRYING TO GET WATER DOWN! I have a job and can't afford to miss ANY WORK! Thanks, Dana
  4. Seems as if erosion is the most common complication. What are the syptoms of this?
  5. At 31 years old, just had a baby boy, single, mid-career crisis, I thought my life was over. I was 255 when I had my son. As I breast fed, I lost weight. But as soon as my son went to formula, the 'baby-fat' came back. Truth is, I have been fat all my damn life. Been on every diet, weight ranges from 135 to 255... up and down the scale.... lost and gained thousands of pounds. My best friend was in the same boat. We've been talking about WLS for years, and finally she called me one day and said, "We have to do this! My doctor said to go outside of the country to have WLS. Let's look into it." So, our journey began. I was approved for financing within a week and my surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks out. I did a ton of research within that month, day and night, around the clock. I was scared. My actual surgery was on August 27th, 2007. I had a great experience in Mexico with Dr. Lopez-Corvala. (if anybody wants to know more, email me) ~ I've been very happy with my band so far. I have gone through banster hell, I've been over-filled, I've had food get stuck, I've also lost 55 pounds. As of today, I am happy. I have about 25 pounds left to go. I really wanted to start my journal so I could keep track of my efforts. Also, I wanted to make sure I keep on track. I love lapbandtalk.com. It's been really encouraging... 'till next time.
  6. I just read a great post by 'wasabubblebutt' regarding Mexico doctors. I wanted to let anybody know, who is interested, that I was banded by Dr. Lopez in TJ, Mexico. If anybody has any questions regarding this doctor, his side-kick doctors, price, pre-op diet, post-op diet, hospital care, transportation, staff, flouroscopy, or anything else regarding my experience, please do not hesitate to ask right here. Or you can privately email me and I will answer your questions. I want people to feel like they are making the right decision by having surgery outside of the US and with a doctor they can trust.
  7. did you get banded? I was wondering who you went to? I am from Sac. I was banded in Mexico, but Cirangle is going to do my follow up care...

  8. want2beme

    Dec 2008

    From the album: Before and Afters

  9. want2beme


    From the album: Before and Afters

  10. want2beme

    December 2008 167 pounds

    From the album: Before and Afters

  11. So depressed.................... I'm almost at goal and I find out I have a slipped band. It's going to cost me $3500+ to get re-banded. I'm still paying off the last surgery. F&*K. !!! I have gained back 12 pounds so far. I just feel like dying. Really. I can eat anything and its the holidays. I'm trying to diet like crazy, but still don't know how! I am great on the lap band diet... but I'm just missing the band! I am totally deflated and depressed. I'm trying to drink coffee to poop, thinking about going on Whale Watchers again, liquid diet, shit, I don't know what to do! My insurance doesn't kick in till Jan and I have to wait for insurance approval after that. Oh yeah, and my tax return so I can pay my co-pay. Damn. This totally sucks ass. Is there a possibility I don't have a slipped band? I wish. My new doc, Dr. Billy says he wants to put the 10cc band in me, its designed differently and has a much better rate of succes (as far as slippage) ~ I am just going to die if I gain back one more pound. My lowest was 152. I am 168 today. Yesterday I was 166, and I'm trying to stay between 160-165 before surgery. I am struggling seriously and I don't know what to do. My best friend had bypass a year after I had my surgery. WE are at the same weight now. She is going to pass me up... she's doing well with the bypass, except she can't eat much at all. I'm thinking about doing bypass instead. The results are much better I think. I don't know. Any advice for a depressed chick who's gaining weight????? Dana
  12. Has anybody tried this? I bought 2 bottles and I love it. You take 2 oz in the AM and 2 oz in the PM... it equals 13 servings of fruits and vegetables and its in liquid form. It's 30 calories per oz and 4 grams of sugar per oz (for those bypass pts) ~ Mone-Vie is also a multi-level marketing program where you can become a distributor... so, that's what I did just so I can break even on the juice I'm drinking. It's expensive at $35.00 per bottle. Anybody heard of it or tried it?
  13. Hi there. I am sorry to hear about the heart burn. It's as simple as this: You're too tight. You should be able to get things down easier than that. Your esophogus has a bit of reflux it sounds like. If you can get a cup of food down a day, that's actually not bad. However, you are having heart burn, so that food is moving down, then back up again. Heart burn is not good for your esophogus. Get over the counter prilosec, take 20 mg in the AM and 20 mg in the PM... this is to heal your burned esophogus and keep the acid to a minimum. Get a 'slight' unfill before the reflux gets so bad where you have to have a COMPLETE unfill to heal everything.

  14. Thanks. It's a struggle right now. I have a doctor telling me I have a slipped band and another doc telling me I'm fine. I don't know what is going on, but I have gained some weight back due to deflation of my band by doc #2. I am 165 pounds and am stressing/dieting every day. I hopefully have surgery early 2009 so I can get back on track. I love my band, but right now its not working for me. I never want to be fat again. It's not healthy and I like my new lifestyle. I looked so horrible with all that weight on me. Some girls look cute big, I'm not one of them.

  15. want2beme

    2 Esophgrams - Slippage

    I am living with a slipped band right now. I have gained 12 pounds in 2 months and very depressed. My band slippage was due to being OVER FILLED BY THE DOCTOR! When the band was totally deflated, that thing 'fell'. Now it's sitting in a position where I can't get a fill. I have to have surgery to fix it. I'm freakin' pissed off too! Anyway, don't get over filled. Be conservative with fills. I tried to tell my doctor with my last two fills (well, his assistant) that I was too tight. She didn't believe me. 2 days later I couldn't drink Water. (bitch) Anyway, I feel ya... and I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
  16. Hi. I was banded Aug 27, 2007 by Dr. Lopez in Mexico. A year later, I have a slipped band... or as one doctor tells me I do and another tells me I don't... Anyway, I was a cash payment and I am going to have Aetna through my new employer starting in Jan. The research I've done so far is this: 1) No waiting period 2) $2000 for out of pocket expense for In Network Doctor 3) $4000 for out of network 4) Found out what 'reasonable and customary' really means 5) Doctor Billy says aetna pts usually pay about $3500 out of pocket. My questions: 1) How long will it take for authorization in my situation? 2) Are there any NEW bands out that I should be looking into getting. (currently have the 4cc Inamad, billy says he wants me to have the 10cc J&J) 3) What diet should I be doing now that I have a slipped band and have to diet as a normal person! My stats: Starting weight: 255 Dec 2006 Before Surgery: 236 Aug 2007 Lowest: 152 Sept 2008 Now: 168......... and getting scared! I'll take any and all advice! Thanks, Dana
  17. want2beme

    Dr Billy Ventura California

    Yes! He will see pts from Mexico. In fact, is very familiar with a lot of the doctors down there, and friends with some. I saw his nurse on Monday and they emptied me out completely. I see Dr. Billy on Saturday (tomorrow) to look at xrays and a possible fill if everything looks okay. AND HE'S NOT A RIP OFF! I'm able to get my xrays from anywhere and bring them to him. Med7 is doing them today for $133.00. I had Dr. Machado quote me $1500. Bullshit! Do your shopping!
  18. want2beme

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    Could you give some more details about the oxygen being cut off? What does that mean? My friend had bypass and she's having problems like that, but I've never heard of it from the band. Who was your doctor?
  19. want2beme

    Dr Billy Ventura California

    I just talked to him for the first time yesterday. What a great guy. I'm in Sacramento, and I will be visiting him tomorrow in Ventura. I can't drink any liquid... my doc in Mexico is too aggressive with fills and I feel like I'm going to die!
  20. YOU ARE ALL RIGHT!!! Well, this is where I'm at. I talked to a NEW doctor today... (mine is in Mexico and I've been trying to find one here in the states)... he said I am just TOO TIGHT! About 3 months ago I was at 2.5ccs. It was too tight. So, I got .5ccs taken out. That was too little. So, I went back and she said since I had lost weight, I needed more, so now I have 2.6ccs. That was on the 4th of Sept. Yeah, I haven't eaten much at all. I was on liquids for a while. As soon as I had 'real' food (tuna and beans), I started to tighten up. I am really swollen now. I have been able to get down about 10 oz of liquid today and that's it. The new doc says to get 40 oz down until he can see me, next Saturday. He explained it really well... he said, "A lot of doctors and patients rely on the band to do all the work and therefore over fill often. You need to find the right spot for you where you'll start using your brain, not your band, to make healthy food choices." It totally made sense. I have gotten in the bad habit of saying, "I need to lose 15 pounds, tighten me up!" And now look where I'm at! Doctor also says that the nexium and prilosec wont help shit if nothing will go down. That medicine needs to get to the bottom of your stomach to work. If your liquid is puddled on top of the stoma, it could irritate it even more! Again, totally makes sense. About the vinegar. I have heard it works for acid reflux... Because you are putting something acidic in your stomach, your stomach doesn't need to produce it. You already did the work for the stomach. I've heard weird medical remedies like this before too... like eat hot hot hot sauce if you have ulcers... it creates a coating in your stomach to protect the ulcers, like salavating. I know, off subject, but makes sense. But, I don't think the vinegar will help with lap band reflux.. this is all due to being too tight and that's it. The nexium didn't feel like it was helping me at all. The doctor said it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do b/c it was in the wrong spot. Well, I better try to get some of that liquid in. Thanks for all your help. I'll take on more suggestions, please!
  21. Hey there!~ I'm having a hell of a time. My doctor is in mexico so I just hate to go back again. After a year of research, I finally found a doctor here in California who will see a "mexico patient". And he's not expensive! ANYWAY, I talked to him for about 30 minutes today regarding my reflux. First off, he said if you can get 40 oz of liquid down per day, you're not gonna die. YEAH! Try to include some of that ISOPURE clear liquid protien too. He said I was banded too tight. If you are not able to get food down and your having reflux, you are just too tight. He said a lot of doctors AND patients rely SO MUCH on the band, they want to tighten it up as much as tolerable... and that's not the way the band is suppose to work. He said I need to take out 1cc, wait a month, let the stoma heal, then SLOWLY put back 3-4ccs at a time... and he said I was probably about 3ccs over what I should be (which is what I told my doctor in mexico, but she wouldn't listen) which is why I am in this situation now. I asked him about prilosec and nexium. He said if I can get down liquid okay, then take it. Otherwise, it could irritate the esophagus more. So, hold off on the meds until you can get down warm water at least. So far, that's all I have! I don't know where you live, but this doctor sounds great and I am so happy I found him. His name is Dr. Billy. He's from SoCal, I'm in NorCal, but he sees pts up here once per month. I'm seeing him next Saturday.

  22. Oh yeah, that unfamiliar feeling is called FULL.

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