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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    Sore after fill

    with my 1st fill I had no pain. my second fill was yesterday, and I have pain. pain at the band site, not the port site. Weird. I'm way too tight and I am hoping this will go away after a few weeks. If I can get water down I guess I'm ok.
  2. Yesterday was my second fill and she said, "It's full". She put in 2.3 cc. Don't know how much was in my first one. 1.5? I am super tight and can barely drink water. I'm scared!!
  3. want2beme

    Second fill may be too tight

    I went to Mexico for fill #2 yesterday. (I'm from Sacramento, CA) ~ I think I am too tight too. My last fill wasn't tight enough and I only lost 12 pounds in 2 months. So, I am happy I am 'tight', but I'm less than 24 hours into it. I've only had Water, tea and coffee. Oh and chicken bullion. Seems like the warmer the liquid the easier to go down. Just wondering if anybody knows why and/or when you can start eating again. Even soup, I'd live on soup for a while till I could get an unfill. No problem. Hmmm... I also have tightness where the band is. I couldn't feel this before at all. Maybe when I first had my surgery I could. I don't know. A little confused. And it hurts a little to take a deep breathe. Help! Thx.
  4. want2beme

    Stomach Problems

    Hi there. I was banded in Aug 2007. I went for my 2nd fill yesterday. the first fill wasn't that great... I have a 4cc band and she only put 1.5. This time, the doc said "IT'S FULL" What the hell? Anyway, Im at home today and I am scared to drink water. I have a tight feeling where my band is. Is this normal? Is this the type of stomach pain you are having too??????
  5. want2beme

    Goal!!! and 2 pounds under!

    What's your secret? I am 1/2 way to goal and need some encouragement. My weight loss has slowed, or just stopped over the past 2 weeks. I need some words of advice! (I'm going to another fill on Jan 12th.) But, I can't wait to be where you are right now! Great Job!!!
  6. want2beme


    You are doing the right thing! Good Luck with your journey. We are here for you!
  7. want2beme

    one month out, first fill, can still eat!

    Don't try to measure your restriction during the liquid or mushy stage. You must wait until you are on solids to measure your restriction. I could eat 4 cups of refried beans right now, but could only eat 3-4 oz of tuna or chicken. Hold out, and don't stress about it. You are doing just fine!
  8. want2beme


    I am a sushi lover too. You wont be able to stuff that whole piece of sushi in your mouth. You'll have to cut it into 1/2s or 1/4s and chew slowly, etc... In fact, I just had sushi tonight for dinner! I ate 4 pieces. When you are tightened, you may find it hard to tolerate rice. Some people say that rice gets stuck easily. This has happened to me too, and it hurts! I didn't chew well enough though. Chewing is key. You'll be able to experiment with it and find your tolerance. In addition, eat the fish first, then the rice. You'll need lots of protien.
  9. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Salsa, My house and 'roommates' are a HUGE problem in my weight loss. My son and I (I'm a single mom) are temporarily staying with my parents until next month. This house is FULL! Full of people and full of food. My mother is over weight and doesn't care to diet at all. She made fudge EVERY DAY last week. Not to mention the peanut brittle, prime rib, sausage every morning for breakfast, store bought cookies, M&M dishes around the house, etc. Besides my 15 month old son and I, there are 4 other people in this house. My sister is an eater too! She recently gained 25 pounds because she is addicted to food too. She sometimes cooks 2-3 breakfasts. She's ALWASY in the kitchen. There's always a skillet on the stove ful of potatoes, avocado, bacon, cheese, you name it! It's terrible around here! My son and I have one shelf in the pantry that I keep stocked with tuna, canned soups, his baby food, etc. I have a shelf in the outdoor fridge where I keep veggies, eggs, turkey sausage, avo, etc... Those other eaters get to my food b4 I do! Because I don't eat that much and only grocery shop once per week, they eat all my damn food and then I'm left over with their crap. MY FAMILY ARE WORSE THAN COLLEGE ROOMMATES!!!!!! **** I can't wait to get the hell out of here! ****** OK, so that was more of a 'vent', with a few excuses on top. I think if I am tightened up more I will be more likely to stick with my protien shakes, tuna, eggs, etc. That's how I was b4. I think once I move out, my weight loss will start to improve again. Thanks for listening to my b*&tch session! haha Dana
  10. want2beme

    I Have A Needle Phobia!!

    I was afraid of needles too. I went throught a year long medical assisting class and about half way through, we had to learn how to give injections and take blood. They didn't tell me we practices on EACH OTHER! I passed out about 15 times and wouldn't let anybody stick me for the 1st week. The teacher thought I was doing it 'for attention'. YEAH RIGHT! Anyway, I ended up being the BIGGEST VAMPIRE of the class. By week two I was sticking people left and right, we were drawing blood from each other, injecting saline in smiley face patterns subcutaniously... it was a blast! My point? It is just a phobia. The needle for the fills is very thin. It looks a lot scarier than it actually is. Somebody said they numb you? I don't know if I was numbed or not, but I didn't feel a thing. The needle was in before I knew it. Don't be scared. You are going to stress yourself out over nothing and that's not good for you. Just relax and if you're that nervous, ask the doc to prescribe a little medicine for you b4 your apt. My dentist does it for me, I don't know why any other doctor wouldn't.
  11. want2beme

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hi. About the dumping syndrom. I am not a doctor, but I did hear something from my doctor during my flouro... She said that she could see on the screen that I have mild reflux, and this causes vomitting. She purposely didn't tighten me too much b/c of this. She said if I were any tighter, I would be vomitting a lot. So, just a thought.
  12. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I think I am starting to fall into old habits. Does anybody agree that chocolate goes down pretty easy? lol ~ My last fill was about 6 weeks ago and I've only lost 12 pounds since. My weight loss was fast before and now it is very slow. If I chew my food really really good, I can eat A LOT. I think that means I need a fill. I like the feeling of being 'tight'. Since I have no willpower, I need that to help me. Eating becomes too much hassle so I just quit eating after ten minutes. Weird, I know, but I like that. Anybody else feel this way? Dana
  13. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"> List ONE THING that has changed for you since you've lost weight. Doesn't matter if you've lost 10 or 100+ pounds, something has changed. I'll start the list.... copy and paste and keep adding on! I'm going to write a book and I need help coming up with 1000 ways weight loss changed my life! haha... 1. I can tie my shoes without losing my breath. 2. My eyes don't shut when I smile. 3. My big hips have less bruises. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  14. I want to Celebrate the fact that I am 1/2 way to my goal weight! I think back on all those damn Weight Watcher's 5 lbs bookmarks and 10 pound stars and want to... FLIP 'EM OFF! haha... I am actually going to be to my half way point soon. Any ideas on how to celebrate my half way point? I want to do something for myself. I was thinking a pedicure and get my hair 'did'. ?? Celebrate with me, please! Starting Weight/Current/Half Way/Goal/Prize 236/196/194/150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pedicure
  15. want2beme

    Saying hi and freaking out

    OMG! What's wrong with you! Just Kidding.... :eek: Of course it's normal. Everything will be great. Nobody on this site died! (lol) ~ok, I have a SICK sense of humor... I was totally freaked out. I live in Sac, CA. I flew to San Diego, drove over the boarder and had Lap Band surgery the same day... and get this, I TRAVELED ALONE! Yeah, talk about being totally scared. The only time I've been to TJ was to buy cheap liquor, get drunk and hope to crawl back over the border without being arrested! LOL To go there for surgery was INSANE TO ME. But, the doc and hospital were great and I was in good hands. Wouldn't have had it any other way. You'll be fine. Don't be scared....
  16. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Since I was born in 1975, that would make my REAL age 31. BUT, my knees were more like 49 and my heart like 63, and my feet like 104. So, what are we talking about here? After 44 pounds lost, my body is finally catching up with my mind, where it should be. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  17. I still haven't celebrated! What am I thinking? I did buy a new outfit, but I needed the clothes anyway. I think I'd like to drink a bottle of wine for my celebration! haha
  18. want2beme

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Just a quick side note... not to discourage anybody, but just wanted to put my 2 cents in about Dr. Machado... (no hate mail, please!) ~ I was banded in Mexico by a great doctor. Been trying to find somebody up here in Sac that will do fills. I went to Dr. M's orientation, which she said would be required for me to attend even if I was just looking for 'fills'. I wont get into how rude she was to me, but my point is this: Dr. M is conservative because she doesn't use flouroscopy to do fills, "I just do it in my office, there's no need for a flouro"... That's why she's conservative. The flouro gives you the most accurant fill, BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THE DAMN THING ON THE SCREEN. Adding a bit at a time seems, well... like an insurance scam for one thing... and well, we'll leave it at that. In my humble opinion, its a waste of a patients time and money to be strung along on her 6 week journeys. Sorry, but if I need a fill, I need a fill! I've only needed one so far, and getting to where I'll need another here soon (losing weight fast), and my doctor will do it because he (and she) uses flouroscopy. Sorry about the rant... I don't want to discourage anybody, but if I needed a fill and was told no, I'd be freakin' pissed off! (if anybody wants to know more about why I can't stand this doc, email me privately. I don't want this to become one of those hate threads!) ~~~ thx.
  19. want2beme

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    So, after a seven month dry spell, I decided its time for me to date. I'm 40 pounds skinnier, feelin' good, why not try!? Right? I met a guy, we dated for about 5-6 weeks, and started having sex around week 4. Guess what, he broke up with me because he said we were not sexually compatable. He would not give details, but I can tell you that I did a hell of a lot more FOR HIM in bed than he did for me, if you catch my drift...? Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that its because I am a 200 pound woman. He told me that he is use to size 2, 3, 4 women. I am not that. Ya know, after losing 40 pounds, going through surgery to lose weight and then putting myself out there... I am so frustrated! I am still dealing with the fat issues... I have 50 more pounds to lose. Am I every gonna get over it? Or what????
  20. want2beme

    Hi Everyone I'm a Newbie

    Personally, my doctor did not require me to do ANY diet prior to surgery. I understand some insurance companies require the pre-op diet, but I was a cash pay client, and did it in Mexcio. I was only required to do what you'd do prior to any surgery and that was fast for 24 hours before. And I did. Boy, it was hard! Because I live in Sacramento.... I had to wake up, fly to San Diego, drive over the border, get to the hospital, check in, do pre-ops, unpack, and then surgery was at 4pm... yeah, that sucked! And no water either! haha...
  21. want2beme

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Do you have a doctor in Sacramento???
  22. want2beme

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    thx! I will not let him get me down. I mean shit! I'm a 14 now! I don't even consider that super-fat anymore! I haven't been in a 14 since.... ummmmmmmmmmmmm........ I have no idea! I am now the same size as several of my co-workers... and I'm usually 'the fat one' or if there are two Dana's... 'big Dana'... yeah, lame. I know. thx everybody!
  23. want2beme

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    Hey there! It's me! The chick who got dumped! haha I love everybody's thoughts and opinions on this issue, I really do! Thank you so much... even the ones that were hard to take - in, I did! I totally think that ALL OF YOU are right and I thank you so much for all of the comments. No matter what you said, I really think I am doing better because of it. I realize now the mistakes I made and also that I am worth more than that. I am happy to say, that I am 90% over this guy now and it just took a little time, but I am a new woman now. I am going to take dating slowly. I am not going to jump into the first thing that walks my way. My son also deserves better than that. In fact, I was gonna ask... ARE THERE ANY SINGLE GUYS OUT THERE IN THE SACRAMENTO AREA? (California?)??? LOL Thanks again to all of you!
  24. want2beme

    Hi Everyone I'm a Newbie

    Hey there. I was banded on Aug 27th of this year. I started at 236, I am 42 pounds down and am liking the band. There are pros and cons to both surgeries... To be honest, sometimes I wish I would have had Bypass. I think it's easier than Lap Band, from what I've heard. I know a bunch of people are going to say "What!? Easier?! Are you kidding..." that's just the way I feel. I like the band, don't get me wrong, I have done great on it. I will be 100% honest with you, ask me anything you want to know....
  25. I was thinking about getting a babysitter and staying home to clean the house. Is that weird? haha

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