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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    2nd fill ~ Too Tight ~ Less than 24 hours.

    Geez... maybe you need a small unfill. We shouldn't be miserable, that's for sure. There is a sweet spot out there somewhere. I haven't found it yet, but when you do, let me know! haha
  2. Yes! I will do it for April too! I don't know how everybody else is doing, but I'm only down 2 pounds! Maybe the 10 # thing was too aggressive. BUT, it's worth a try anyway, and just for fun! I'm gonna keep goin' though! I think my weight loss slowed b/c I wasn't eating more than 600 cals per day. I increased my calorie intake to 1000 per day and started losing!
  3. I love it! Too funny!!!!!!! We can do it!!!!!!!
  4. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    You are all doing so well! I am feeling like I'm a little behind. I'm only down 55 pounds. I feel like I am about 10-15 pounds behind the game!!!!
  5. I have to add one thing to this... I have learned so much about myself when I do not have good restriction. I have learned that what goes in my mouth really is ALL ME! I do not have fabulous restriction right now, and I made a deal with myself. I will not allow myself to get a fill until I drop 15 more pounds. I CAN DO IT! Why can't I? I've already lost 55 pounds.... what's 15 more? I am on a roll. I ate 700 calories today. I did great. I am on the right track. The band is a tool, and only a tool. It has taught me so much about how much control I have. I actually am in charge of my body, not the other way around. I am glad I have the band, and wouldn't change a thing. In fact, it will be great to have a fill when I drop 15 more pounds. It will be a reward and a boost! A boost for more weight loss and relief that I have help!!!!! Just thought I'd spill my gutts, thanks.
  6. want2beme

    2nd fill ~ Too Tight ~ Less than 24 hours.

    OK, I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you irritated your stoma. Eating shrimp on day 3 or 4 may have been too aggressive. Then taking that pill, really irritated it. By irritation, I mean swelling... so then it's even harder to get the liquids down. My advice? Well, go back to clear liquids for a couple of days, onto full liquids and so on. sometime it can take a week for the swelling to go down. If you can get down Water, you're good. You're not gonna die. I'd hold out until the swelling goes down. You may be really happy with the actual restriction you'll have 3 weeks from now.
  7. I have had no complications. I was overfilled once, but looks like that's pretty common here on lbt.com. I talk to Dr. Carmen on the phone anytime I want, and have her direct phone number. She is Dr. Lopez's side kick... she's the one who does the video tour on their website: obesitycontrolclinic.com I am very happy with my results. I love my band. Dr. Lopez is very nice and funny. Dr. Carmen is very detail oriented and I like that a lot. As far as an elevator conversation, I don't believe it. I think that you must brush up on your spanish. That's very unprofessional of somebody to do, and he has been doing this type of surgery for almost 2 decades, and it much too smart to make a rude comment like that. The hospital goes by US standards and in fact is the best hospital I've ever been to/stayed in.
  8. want2beme

    2nd fill ~ Too Tight ~ Less than 24 hours.

    Well, I went back for an unfill about 4 days later. Now I think I am too loose. I am going to lose the next 15 pounds on my own without restriction b4 I go back for another fill. It's just a personal thing for me... to see if I can do it. But man, that fill killed me! I was way too tight. I barely made it on the airplane and across the border. Wow, what a pain... But, I am good now. I am trying to eat the most solid foods as possible so I can feel restriction. It's working. My willpower is also working too. I am being a good girl right now. Thx for all the responses!
  9. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I have never been discriminated against b/c I'm big. I think it's in your head. Why would somebody reject you for a job based on your looks? I mean if you're qualified for the position, then you should get it, right? Men have always treated me the same no matter what I look like. I've never been rejected for a job that I really wanted because of my weight. I've never been stared at in the mall, or when I'm eating in a restaurant. I've never been upset because I have nothing to wear because I was too fat to fit into anything in my closet. I have never cried myself to sleep thinking, "Why can't I loose weight and be normal?". I have never thought that personal trainer at the gym looked down on my because I was so fat. I don't think anybody in the girl's locker room has stared, wondering where my fat rolls end and begin... OK, lets get real. I can go on and on... Facts are facts. FAT PEOPLE ARE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ALL THE TIME, EVERY DAY, EVERY MINUTE, EVERY HOUR!!! If you say it hasn't happened to you, you are still in denial. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  10. want2beme

    How much over 4cc's can I go?

    You're doing better than me that's for sure. It's so hard for me to diet in my house. right now I am looking at chinese food, jelly bellies, rice crispy treats, wine, beet, Cookies, chocolate, banana cream pie,,, shall I go on????? I would not be afraid to tell you doctor. You should! Absolutely! Who cares what they think. Too bad! This is your life.... not theirs!
  11. want2beme

    How is your body reshaping?

    Thick Chick Texas, I thought I'd never get to OneDerland... but it happened. And don't worry, you'll get there too! **************************** I am 32. Started at 236 (my highest was 255), now at 180. Goal is 152.4ish. lol ~~~ I have about 30 pounds to lose, and I can see already that I am going to have trouble with my sagginess... Starting from the TOP! My neck is skinny and back to normal, no double chin anymore. My face looks a little saggy, which I wasn't expecting. My arms aren't as flabby as I thought they'd be. I can actually see a bicep and happy about that. My boobs need a lift. My tummy needs a tuck. (one baby 09.30.2006) My butt is saggy and not happy about that. My thighs are wrinkly if I push the skin together. My knees are ugly as usual. Calves are looking ok. My ankles are skinnier, but I've always had thick ankles. OVERALL I want a tummy tuck, boob lift/implant, butt implant and lipo on the saddle bags. BUT I am going to wait 2 years and going to have 1 solid year of workouts under my belt b4 I go through with it. I want to see what I can do on my own first.
  12. want2beme

    How much over 4cc's can I go?

    Wow. I'm sorry you are going through this. I was banded in Aug of 2007 as well. And I didn't realize how frustrating the fills would be. I had two fills and one unfill... I'm at 2.6 in a 4cc band. I feel like I don't have much restriction. One thing that I have learned is that you must follow the lap band diet in order for the band to work. When I went to a superbowl party yesterday, the chips and cheese dip, guacamole, and creamcheese filled goodies went down really easy. And, I was drinking wine along with those appetizers so I didn't feel any restriction. Being back on track today, I have to remember that I have to eat solid foods... In the morning I have my coffee, an hour later I eat solid food. 2-3 turkey sausages. From there I alternate liquid and solid throughout the day until I've eaten 3 meals. When i am eating solid Protein, the restriction IS there. I think if your 4 cc band feels like it's not working, you may have to adjust your diet. (now I am just assuming that diet is an issue, because it was for me) If you are following your diet to a 'T', then you may want to go back to your doctor's office. Have them check one more time, withdrawl the saline to see if there's really 4 ccs in there. If so, you can go up to 5ccs in a 4 cc band. Please keep me updated! I would love to see your progress, and learn more about this topic as well.
  13. want2beme

    a little rant

    Girl, a week on each stage? That's more like Drastic Bypass, not a lap band diet! haha... I'd try refried Beans with sour cream, avocado, hot sauce and cheese. That is still one of my favorites today! Only now I eat it with tortilla chips too. I know you are sick of Soup, but I found that Campbells split pea was very good. Try: Jamba juice Starbucks Popsicles Hummus and my favorite... Wine! haha There are choices. There are a few good threads on this site that talk specifically about food. Talk to your doctor about moving onto the next stage. I did and he said go for it. I had no problems. More often than not, your stoma is bigger than you think right after sugery and you wont do damage to it, like previously stated. You do damage after you are at or close to a sweet spot (where your band is tight enough to stop the flow of food going through too fast), and that's when you can stretch your pouch. Where you are right now, is a place where you can test the waters. Be careful and chew, because if you don't and something does get stuck, it is painful and for me lasted about 15 min. Something else people didn't tell me was when food DOES get stuck (cause it will happen), don't drink water! It makes it worse! Just lean over the sink, or have your upper body more parallel to the ground to take the pressure off the stoma (gravity plays a big part)... anyway, good luck.
  14. Don't laugh, but I told my friend to wear ankle weights! haha!!! And I know a girl who actually did so she could get the surgery! Of course, I don't recommend this, but this was the first thing that popped into my mind when you asked! haha LOL
  15. want2beme

    Pain On Shollder

    WALK WALK WALK!!!! The gas that has moved into your shoulder can be released through your skin, if you walk. I walked up and down that hospital hallway all day long... I was scared to have shoulder pain, it just sounds awful. It worked, no pain.
  16. Everything is just fine. If you could eat a horse a week after surgery, that means you didn't swell that bad and that's great! Most docs wont do a fill prior to 6 weeks post op, but in your case, you may want to tell your doc how fast you healed and that you are ready for your first fill. See what he says!
  17. OK, here's the reality: Your body has to go through a withdrawl stage before your cravings will stop. No joke! I'm totally serious. Have you ever done Atkins? Remember those first 7 days away from all carbs... wow. I thought I was in Oreo Rehab. Fuck! (sorry) But, once you break through the wall, quit cold turkey, and let the time pass, your sugar cravings will go away. You'll start subbing out new foods and you'll find new passions other than sweetness. GOOD LUCK!
  18. want2beme

    They Just Don't Understand

    I'll start with #2... DON'T STARVE YOURSELF! I don't know what diet your doc has you on for your pre-op, but make sure you feel good. And remember its only a couple of weeks. You can do it!!!! Now for question #1... Welcome to the club!!! Most people will be happy for you, and some will be jealous. There is a thread on here from a lady who lost her BEST friend due to weight loss. I wish I could find it for you. This is normal. But, this is about YOU. You do what makes you happy no matter what, no matter who objects! Believe it or not, now I am the 'thinner' one of friends and they do treat me a little different. I haven't lost any friends, but my weight loss is very hard on my best friend b/c her insurance has hassled her about her surgery for a year now, and she still has not been approved. Your friend will go through a lot of mixed emotions, just bare with her and be very open about everything that is going on. Let her know that this is not easy for you and you need her support.
  19. want2beme

    Did I eat too much at once?

    You shouldn't worry too much about the amount you are eating until you are on the solid food diet, or The Lap Band Diet. Liquids, mushies, soft foods can go down really easy. Remember, your band is like a funnel. The less-solid the food, the easier for it to go down. Remember this when you are on solids because its important that you feel full. If you eat mushies when you are suppose to eat solids, you WILL be able to eat more than 2-3 oz and you may think you need a fill when you actually don't. There is a Lap Band Diet that you must follow strictly. (not that I'm the perfect lap band dieter by any means!!! lol), but this is what I have learned over the past 5 months. I learned through trial and error, and probably learned more by posting threads just like this on this website....
  20. want2beme

    How many calories?

    I don't know where I am... maybe 1000?
  21. want2beme

    What is everyone eating on a typical day?

    Oh yeah, I forgot to include the wine in that meal plan! haha
  22. want2beme

    What is everyone eating on a typical day?

    I'm no pro that's for sure... but this is what I do and I am losing about 1-2 pounds per week... My one issue is liquid vs. food. Pre-Breakfast: glass of Water and morning coffee BREAKFAST: 3 Jenie-O turkey sausage patties - or - 2 Jenie-O turkey sausage patties & 1 egg Liquid: Special K Protein water Lunch: hard boiled egg, 1/2 cup tuna salad with pickles and lettuce wraps Liquid: water / crystal light Dinner: 3 oz meat, 1 cup salad (if I can eat that much) Dessert: sugar free popsicle
  23. want2beme

    5 Months Ago, I was banded

    At 31 years old, just had a baby boy, single, mid-career crisis, I thought my life was over. I was 255 when I had my son. As I breast fed, I lost weight. But as soon as my son went to formula, the 'baby-fat' came back. Truth is, I have been fat all my damn life. Been on every diet, weight ranges from 135 to 255... up and down the scale.... lost and gained thousands of pounds. My best friend was in the same boat. We've been talking about WLS for years, and finally she called me one day and said, "We have to do this! My doctor said to go outside of the country to have WLS. Let's look into it." So, our journey began. I was approved for financing within a week and my surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks out. I did a ton of research within that month, day and night, around the clock. I was scared. My actual surgery was on August 27th, 2007. I had a great experience in Mexico with Dr. Lopez-Corvala. (if anybody wants to know more, email me) ~ I've been very happy with my band so far. I have gone through banster hell, I've been over-filled, I've had food get stuck, I've also lost 55 pounds. As of today, I am happy. I have about 25 pounds left to go. I really wanted to start my journal so I could keep track of my efforts. Also, I wanted to make sure I keep on track. I love lapbandtalk.com. It's been really encouraging... 'till next time.
  24. want2beme

    I'm just plain lazy.

    I'll admit it. I haven't excercised in months. Since the weather got cold, I am afraid of taking the baby out in the jogging stroller. Being a single mom, I just can't afford my gym membership anymore. I cancelled it months ago. I found some weights at a garage sale, I used them for a few weeks, then I put them in the closet and forgot they were there. My weight loss is going just fine, but I need to excercise. How do I get motivated? No matter what diet I'm on, I have a hard time working out... unless I'm going to the gym. Then its easy. I may just have to find a way to get another gym membership and tough it out... they have daycare there too. That is awesome. Any hints on motivation? Maybe a naked picture of myself on every wall of my house! haha Dana
  25. want2beme

    I'm just plain lazy.

    I'll admit, it's been a week since I posted this and I still haven't gotten off my &^% to exercise. Geez.... I have weights I am going to take out of my closet tonight. I am going to start small.... 15 min weights, upper body for the next week. Then, I'm going to add to it.... Wish me luck!

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