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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    Does being fat determine your personality?

    For me, I experience fat discrimination in the work place mostely. I have been in management for several years now, and usually manage anywhere between 80 and 200 employees at one time, with the help of 1-3 other managers and 1-2 other supervisors. It is a HARD job, managing people. A lot of the employees are young, in the their 20's. I started managing in my 20's, and now I'm in my 30's. Over the years, I have gained weight. With age comes more respect, but with weight gain comes more disrespect. Being the only fat manager is hard. I have to work 4 times harder to earn people's respect. I have to PROVE to the staff that I have the ability to do my job. Where the other managers can walk into a room and gain instant respect because of how they look. My old co-worker is a perfect example. Him and I worked so well together, both had lots of experience and great ideas to increase sales, etc. BUT, we looked opposite. He was 36 years old, great shape, HOT AT HELL... and here I was: 236 pounds, hair not bleached blond, didn't wear the nice girly-suits that hugged my body, etc. The staff treated us totally different. Let's also not forget the fact that I am a woman and he's a man and well right there is a challenge in itself. I'm not complaining about our staff, but more about society and how we look at people. It's just a true fact that people are thought of differently when they are overweight: dumb, lazy, incomp, etc. During my stay at this one location, I did join a weight loss group and took off 30 pounds. As the weight came off, I did notice a difference in how the staff treated me. They would approach me with a smile instead of a look of demand. They would wait till I was off the phone to ask me a question instead of inturrupting me. They would show more respect for me in front of other co-workers instead of disrespect. I could go on and on and on about this subject. In fact, I am. So, I'll stop now. By losing weight you change your entire life. It's such a positive thing. I can't wait 'till I'm at goal and then I will have nobody and no 'thing' to blame anything on again. If somebody treats me like crap, it's because I deserve it. Period. Thanks for listening!
  2. want2beme

    charley horses ...

    When I was pregnant, my doctor told me it was from a lack of calcium. Try taking a suppliment, see what happens. I'm allergic to dairy, so this has always been an issue for me.
  3. want2beme

    how soon after surgery can i exercise???

    My doctor said 3 weeks for cardio and 6 weeks for weights.
  4. want2beme

    I want to cry

    I am only 6 days post op. Yesterday I had no energy at all and was freakin' out. My doc said Clear Liquids for the first week. week2 can start non=clear liquids. I called the doc's office. Although I was only 5 days post-op, they said to start on week2 foods. The nurse told me that they over-exagerate the diet because they don't want anybody to slip up... it's a cusion in case somebody "cheats". If you feel like you can eat solids, by all means.... go for it! You're just one step ahead of the gang. Remember, food is our friend. We need food, just not as much as we think. Food is Fuel. Eating solids is a positive thing, and if you are already at that stage it sounds like your doctor did an ABFAB job on your surgery. Congratulations!
  5. Yeah. And what's funny is that Apple juice does not agree with me. Ang that's what they gave me in the hospital! Funny. I do wake up feeling great, but I think its because I just got a good night's sleep. I lose energy throughout the day. I need a nap.
  6. want2beme

    I Panic Easily Help Me

    I'm new too. But I feel for ya! Since you can keep down Water and coffee, sounds like everything is A O K. My doctor said that if your band slips you can't keep anything down at all. You may have got something stuck and it has to work its way through. At any rate, call you doctor immediately. I panic easily too. And it's usually not as bad as I think!
  7. want2beme

    I pulled my port!

    Yeah, that's true! You're is probably faster! I find I have to bend over a lot and pick him up (I know I'm not suppose to), but man he's a small package and he's ALL THE WAY on the floor. I tend to bend to the right to avoid my port. haha
  8. want2beme

    Looking for Fill in California with Fluro

    Nope. But I am still searching and will let you know when I find out!!!!
  9. want2beme

    I pulled my port!

    luvelmo! It makes me feel better that I'm not alone. Thanks a lot. I hope by tomorrow I feel better. This is really hard to do with a baby who isn't walking yet. Good luck with everything!
  10. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Oh yeah. I had the same thing. It's gone now, but it hurt to take a deep breathe. Like my ribs were bruised or something. My surgery was at 4pm on Monday, and I was walking down the hall by 8pm. I think that helped a lot with the gas. I barely have any gas and I only had a slight shoulder thing for a few minutes. When it happened I JUMPED UP AND STARTED MOVING! haha...
  11. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Hello to all my Aug 27th friends! How are you all doing? Today is Saturday, just 5 days post op. I am hoping to hear from all of you soon and to see your progress and to share notes. Dr. Lopez said to stay on clear liquids for one week, then move to non-clear liquids for week 2. I called the office and told them I was really dizzy after just walking a short distance. They said it was the lack of protein and they said since it's day 5, go ahead with phase two and introduce creamed soups and protein drinks. So, I did. I was so scared to do it though! I took a Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, put it in the blender for about five minutes. Then, I strained out all the left over little pieces of mushrooms! Totally paranoid! Hello! I was able to eat about 1/2 cup. I enjoyed two more small snacks out of it, and I still have another portion left in the fridge. What a cheap date! A can of soup lasts all day long! AND, the hunger I was feeling over the past few days is completely gone with the soup. It was enough to do the trick. Really. I feel like a new woman. Other than that, I did have an incident where I sat up fast in bed and did an accidental 'crunch', which resulted in a very sharp pain around my port. Probably pulled a stitch a little. Freakin' ouch. Also told the nurse about this, she said it's normal and everybody does it. If it hurts only when I move in a certain direction, no biggie and it will heal. If its constant pain no matter what position I am in, then I should see the doctor... she also said unbearable pain. Not much room for that port to really go anywhere, and it's stitched to the muscle sucurely. Also heard that after a month or so, you wont be able to feel the port at all. Only if you feel it from the outside. Other than that, all is well! I think I've lost a little over 10 pounds already. Yeah! As long as I can get to goal within a year, I'm happy! Can't wait to hear from all of you! Dana
  12. want2beme

    Lunch Ideas

  13. want2beme

    Post Op Diet Journal - Phase 1

    Hi. I too was banded Aug 27th. Just started non-clear liquids today. Feels much better. I was sooo tired from no calories. Hope all is well.
  14. want2beme

    I Did It

    We have the same band date! Cool!
  15. want2beme

    Number 2 ("unconstipation")

    Banded 5 days ago. 2 liquid movements... and I ain't talkin' about the 60's.
  16. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I lost 80 pounds on Fin Phen. Then they took it off the market. I gained 10 pounds per year after that,,,, and uhhhh.... that was 10 years ago! LOL </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  17. want2beme


    Hi. I have only had my band for 5 days now, but I can tell you that I am very happy I did it. I've already lost 10 pounds. The first questions is, would you rather live happy or live with health complications? The risks of having this non-invasive surgery are so much less than what you are already dealing with (heart problems). This surgery could save your life. At the rate I was going, I was shortening my life every day. food. Yes, I'm in love with food. I have been in the restaurant business for 17 years, I love the art and social aspect of it. This is my life. I had to make a decision to look at food differently. I think I will respect it much more with the band. I will still be able to enjoy the foods I love, but in a different way. I have had no problem so far sticking to the pos-op diet. Funny thing, I don't feel that hungry. Today I got to eat Stage 2 foods. Which included Cream of Mushroom Soup. (I put it in the blender and strained the small pieces out just in case), but it tasted wonderful! One more thing.... I too was hesitant about the surgery. I think all of us were. But, there's so much success here. You should talk to people who have had the band at different stages. That's what I did. Maybe somebody new like me who can tell you about the hospital stay while fresh in my mind. Also, somebody who is mid-weight loss and perhaps somebody who's kept it off for 3+ years. Go with you gut.
  18. want2beme

    Can you eat any food after a year?

    QUESTION FROM A NEW BANDSTER!! So, if you 'can't' eat a food. How do you know....? OK, I'm assuming you throw up. So, isn't throwing up really bad with the band? I hear it can cause slippage. Also, does it feel like a normal vomit session? Or does it hurt worse or what... Signed, Scared to death of the next month's transitions.
  19. challenge Name.............Chall. Start Wt......Current......Chall. Goal......To Go losingjusme...........273.....................273. .............238...............35 faithmd................303.....................303 ...............283...............20 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200...............29 want2beme...........225.....................225................195................30
  20. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I was just banded, so I'll have to speak from previous weight loss experience. It wasn't so much the fact that I lost weight that gave me energy... Losing weight helped me get motivated to excercise more, which in turn gave me more energy. Sometimes I felt like I could do anything after a couple of days at the gym! Especially at work. I managed a very busy restaurant and was running all day long... sometimes I'd wear out so fast. But not after working out. I felt like I could work forever! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  21. Thanks Sue! I will do that. I may just avoid raw fish for now, since it's not so pleasant if you chew it a lot. Also, I just realized that I'll never be able to do another oyster shooter! WWHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Four days, still on liquids! I too want some meat! Canned tuna never looked so damn good!
  23. want2beme

    What is going in with my body!

    I too have the growling stomach. I just had my band put in on Monday, Aug 27th. I feel hungry, but I think it's more mental than physical. I hear the first 2 weeks are the hardest, emotionally. My doctor put me on a strict diet. My band is really tight. I can only have Clear Liquids for week 1. Week 2 I can introduce smooth/pureed foods. juice, V8, Blended Soups, Jamba Juice. Week 3 I can start on mushy fish, cotto and cheese. Week 4-6 I can add more hearty foods like red meat, pork, etc... but only in small quantities and I was told to 'test them out' first before diving in. I hope you feel better. Trust me, I'm right there with ya.
  24. want2beme

    Getting banded

    Congratulations! I am a new bandster too. You'll do great!
  25. want2beme

    Does being fat determine your personality?

    Of course! It effects EVERYTHING in your life. I know for me it determines my salary, my love life and even the kind of car I drive. My best friend and I are making a top 100 list of reasons to lose weight. I am going to post it here on this thread when I am done with it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
