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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    OH yeah, I forgot to ask.... Do you really have to blend the tuna? Can't I just chew it?
  2. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Thanks for the great idea! I'm ready for next week to come! I went to the store today and bought my tuna! haha... I hope I feel full soon.... Thanks again, Dana
  3. want2beme

    Fill In Sac or NorCal

    Thanks so much! I'm calling first thing Monday!
  4. want2beme

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    I love hummus. I love salsas. I love avocado dip. ONE QUESTION: Are y'all eating these with anything? I know chips are out of the question, but can we eat it with lettuce? Sincerely, Almost to Mushies
  5. My doctor told my group that there was no chance of hernia with a lapriscopic procedure. Did they say yours was from the procedure or from something else? Also, give it a week. I'm on day 11 and just started having energy today.
  6. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Wow. Today is day 11! I feel totally different than I did a week ago: 1) I have energy enough to wake up a 6am with the baby, get errands done around town and even play with the baby up 'till 6pm. 2) My tape is still on my wounds, except for one. The scar is covered with a this scab. I was told to put neosporn on it. I did. 3) I can't wait till day 15 when I get to expand my food options to cheese, tuna and eggs! 4) Right now my diet looks like this: a) oatmeal and coffee for Breakfast yogurt for lunch c) Soup for dinner d) also a Protein drink, popsicle and lots of Water. I DO HAVE SOME QUESTIONS FOR YALL!!!! 1) What are you eating in your week 2 diet? I am bored. 2) Any idea for recipes for week 3? 3) When should I start feeling like I am getting 'full'? When I start more solid foods? I'm confused because the liquid goes down so easily... I guess I'm a little scared that I won't have any restriction when I get to week 3. I DO
  7. want2beme

    Big Con

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">The band is not a 100% guarantee for weight loss. There's still a lot of work that goes into it. Diet and exercise are a MUST if you want to lose all of your excess weight. I'm just planning on it! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  8. want2beme

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">New bandster here! I love hearing about everybody's success. It gives me hope. I've lost 12 pounds and it hasn't made too much difference yet, but I'm sure the upcoming months will change that. So far, I can see the weight loss in my face, I feel good when I wake up in the morning, I no longer have food coma after a large meal, I have saved money on groceries and restaurants, and I've met a lot of great people on LBT! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  9. I have the same doctor, but a different band. That flouro says it all! When they did mine, it showed a tiny tiny stream of fluid flowing through. Yours must have been bigger. Sounds normal to me... again, you have a different band. Email the doc with your concerns. Especially if you have any problems drinking your liquids!
  10. want2beme

    Lap-Band Failure Rates

    Wow, this is scary! I was banded 8 days ago! I want a refund! Haha, just kidding... I too read a lot about the stats and understood and understand the risks of this surgery. It is not created to make you lose all you excess weight and then you look like Pam Anderson! Going into this, I knew that I had to diet and exercise along with the band to guarantee weighloss. In addition, I did a lot of research on erosion and slippage, etc. There are precautions you can take to decrease these risks. Like the doctor said, "You have to take care of your band." And that's true. I am not relying on the band to just suck all the fat out. I hope people feel the same way.
  11. want2beme

    First Fill

    I am really excited to hear about your first fill. I am only 8 days post op, so I am still on liquids. I don't really know when I'm suppose to get my first fill. How did you know? It seems so fast. Please let me know the difference in how you feel... Dana
  12. want2beme

    San Diego after getting Banded

    I was banded in TJ on Aug 27th. I stayed in the hospital for 3 nights. Most patients stayed 2 nights. I was up and walking 3 hours after surgery, but that's all I had energy for. The second day i was sore and it was still difficult to get around... my IV's were still in until the late afternoon. You'll want to stay somewhere where you can be close to the doctor in case you have any questions or concerns. By day 3 I did take a cab to downtown and shopped. But, I could only hang for about an hour. I was wiped! Hope this helps!
  13. Not being able to spend an hour in the grocery store shopping for food has led me to find something else to do! I actually have time now to spend 10 minutes in the magazine isle! I am addicted to the Tabloid Magazines all of the sudden! I was planning on taking up painting, but this is much more fun! J/K, I'll paint too! Wondering if you have found any new interests or hobbies?
  14. want2beme


    Thank you so much for the input. It mean a lot. This subject is very delicate, yet seriously serious! I'll take your advice... I will take it slow for both of our sanity. Thanks a lot!
  15. want2beme

    Had my surgery on 8-30-07 in Mexico

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">They are absolutely right! Only go by your doctor's orders!!!!!!!!! I will tell you what my doc gave me, but PLEASE do not follow it unless it's exactly what your doc gave you! Week One: Clear Liquids... Water, juice, broth, Jello, tea, coffee Week Two: Add... Non-clear liquids... creamy Soups, popsicles, oatmeal, mild, yogurt, Protein suppliment Week Three: Add... sliced cheese, egg, tuna, canned 'soft' fruit and veg Week Four: check up with your doctor to move on to more solid foods. He also said get 50-70 grams of protein per day for energy and wound healing. Hope that helps! I had the same questions, even with the nutrition guide they gave me! Dana </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  16. want2beme

    Proper restriction

    I was just banded a week ago. I am on stage 2 foods, non-clear liquids. I'm tolerating oatmeal, yogurt, creamy soups, fruit smoothies, you name it. I am only eating about 1/2 to 1 cup of these 4 times per day. I did add a SF popsicle to my diet today. I feel like I should have restriction, but I don't. Is it because these things are more liquid? I'm totally confused! I feel full after eating, but hungry again 2-3 hours later. Today I was able to have a can of Cream of Broccoli Soup, 3/4 yogurt, 1/2 cup Cream of Chicken Soup, Popsicle, water and coffee. This seems like a lot. How much should I be eating?
  17. want2beme

    Does being fat determine your personality?

    True that! I am going back to work here soon (after a very long maternity leave) and I am hoping to gain some more respect. Both by my weight loss and my changes in behavior.
  18. want2beme

    wow..this is weird!!

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I have these 1/2 hicup 1/2 burp things going on! I totally feel ya! I have no shame in burping at all now! And my family thinks I'm crazy. Haha... </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  19. want2beme

    I pulled my port!

    Thanks to everybody for all the responses! This helps me a lot and I don't feel so alone! I guess that port is placed securely on the front of the abdominal wall. Then sutured with 3-4 major, permenant sutures. It's a muscle that moves and is used so much that we will experience pain in the beginning because that darn port and ab wall aren't use to each other yet. (from what the nurse said) Everybody I talk to that has had the band for a while (6+ months), say they do not have any port pain anymore. But sounds like this can happen for a couple of months for some people. Other complications, well, none really. I did feel like the Soup I ate had a lot of sodium and my heart raced for a moment, but it went away. Definately tired for the first week so far, and weak, needed to sleep a lot. Today is day 7 and its getting better. A lot better. Good luck to all!!!!
  20. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Update on ME! Today is day 7. I feel better each and every day. I can tell the swelling inside the stoma is going down because its easy for me to put down soup, water, etc. Much easier.... if you can remember back to day one and that first sip of water you took, or even your first ice chip! How scary was that? I've lost 12 pounds so far and I can see it in my face. This makes me feel good. My skin has actually cleared up and I look refreshed. I've graduated in foods. I am eating similar foods to my 11 month old son! LOL ~~~~~~ I was able to tolerate oatmeal today. It really filled me up for about 4 hours. I noticed as soon as I drink some water I could feel more hunger. Oatmeal is the first real 'substance' I have had. In addition to oatmeal, I also stocked the kitchen with creamy soups, yogurt, SF popsicles/fudgesicles, V8. Creative: Mix cream of broccoli soup with cheddar cheese soup. Of course they are the 'light' kind. Really good. Stiches are a bit itchy, port is still a tad sore and I've only had two BMs in a week. (tmi) Next week we all get to eat eggs and cheese! Yummy! I'm makin' breakfast next Monday! Wish you all lived closer! Haha... Dana
  21. Hi there. I am looking for a Sacramento Support Group. I was banded Aug 27th. I live in Cameron Park. I haven't had much luck finding anything on this website or any other websites. If I can't find anything, I may just start my own. If you are interested in creating a new support group with me, let me know. I'd like to meet twice per month. One weekday night and a weekend day, so everybody can attend. I'd like to create fun exercises for us to do that will help us 'break the ice' and talk about what is going on with our band and our weight loss. I think an hour at a park or a Starbucks would be really fun! Bring anybody you want, and even the kids. Hey, we are real people with real lives and are busy. Try to make this as easy as possible. ******************************** Anyway, please any feedback would be great! Dana
  22. want2beme

    Why are so many White Women marrying Black Men?

    I don't know where you live, but I have such a diverse group of friends, co-workers and family, that I find this topic odd. I'm white, and with a Mexican man. It doesn't make a difference what ethnicity you are. My friend Kim is black and also with a Mexican man. I have latino, white, and asian in my family. America is the melting pot baby! If you got stuck in one of those backwards towns, sorry for you! Sounds like you have a problem with Black Men taking YOUR White Woman! You know the one, the one that you DON'T NEED! haha... right!
  23. want2beme

    Movies that make fun of fat people

    People tell me I look like Anna Nicole, the big version. Dude! That's like being called the old Elvis! Geez!
  24. want2beme


    Well, this conversation sure turned into something else, huh! I feel so bad for everybody when reading all the stories. Then I thought, wait just a dang minute! I don't even have a husband or a boyfriend! I should be feeling sorry for MYSELF right about now! lol On a real note, I'm a real girl. Single mother. How pathetic is this... The last person I was intimate with was my 'baby-daddy' back in March 2007. We had been off and on for 1 1/2 years, but I never slept with anybody else during this time. I still have not. I just haven't felt pretty enough since the baby and my new lovely freddi crouger stretch marks. So, now what? I am just getting to know this man... He is so great. So nice, has his shtuff together, family oriented, and he's in love with me! We have not been intimate together yet, and I am so scared to be. I just don't want his first impression of my naked body to be... THIS! On the flip side, he too is overweight and I'm sure self-concious about his body. That's why he hasn't really 'tried' to make the ol' move. He is getting prepped for garstic-bypass here soon. I don't know what to do. I think there's more to a relationship than sex, but I think it's important to make room for this too. We have everything else, and I think he could be the one! Yes, I said it!!!!!!! So, please help me. I need some advice too!

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