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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Hell to the Yeah! 14 more pounds and I'm in ONEderland too!
  2. want2beme

    second thoughts?

    OF COURSE! It's totally natural to have second thoughts. As I was driving over the border, I was thinking, "Am I totally insane! What the F%^* am I doing?" I almost turned around. But, I did it and I'd do it again!
  3. I was banded by Dr. Lopez Corvala in TJ, Mexico. If you have any questions, email me. Here's his website: obesitycontrolclinic.com
  4. want2beme

    How do you get over the head issues?

    I don't really know what to tell you. But, I do feel really bad that you are going through this. There are so many answers to your question, yet really there are none. Know what I mean? Everybody is different. I was banded 3 weeks ago and I haven't really had any head issues yet. My best friend will be banded in November and we talk every day on the phone regarding HER head issues. Therapy has not worked for her either. This is what I told her, from a non-professional bandster.... : 1) Meal Planning. It totally helps me. If lunch time approaches and I don't know what I'm going to eat, I stare into the fridge blankly and see all the food that I CAN'T have and want to scream. So, now I meal plan. Just one week at a time. It's really fun and saves me money at the grocery store. It takes the question out what I will eat, and I now don't have to think about my meals 2 hours prior. It's freeing... REALLY! 2) Habits. It takes 6 weeks to create or break a habit. If you can't go one week without cheating, you need to rethink your stragity. Start with meal planning. Head down, and plow through 6 weeks and do what ever you have to do to not cheat. See what habits you've developed and broken. 3) Have an answer for everything. For me, I love food and wine, and actually have made a career out of it. That's what made me fat! I have a ton of critics at work (restaurant) and they ask me all the time stupid ass questions. But, I always have an answer to questions like, "But, you love oysters!" and "Want a bite of our new German chocolate cheese Cake" and "Hey, you want a beer, I'm buying"... I have an answer for everything and this helps me with peer pressure. 4) Support. You are in the right spot for support. This website has helped me so much with everything. Knowing that it's OK not to be perfect, but it's important that I try. 5) Remember why. Make a list of the top 10 reasons WHY you had lapband done. Post in on the wall in front of you toilet in your bathroom. That way you read it several times per day. It's a reminder. We need reminders. (Kinda like how children are a reminder of birth contorl! lol) I hope this helps a little. Use the tools that your doctor gave you. Stay strong and develop your own way of doing things. Maybe my tools wont work for you, but maybe they gave you an idea or two how to develop your own key tools. Well, gotta go. My kid is stuck in his toy! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH Dana
  5. want2beme

    Creative Mushies Suggestions

    I love to eat hummus, but with chips or bread of course! But, during the mushie stage, I tried it alone and it was really good! Very rich though. A store bought container will last 2 weeks if you only eat a tbsp at a time. I also mushed refried Beans, avacado and sour cream (all FF or course!). It was delicious! Tons of Protein and very filling. I even experimented with more Soups too. I still found these very good even though I was over my non-clear liquid phase. I just cooked the Soup a long time so everything was really soft. I did blend some soups and strain them too. Soup is really filling and was essential to me during the mushie phase because it was so hard to find different mushies and I was still scared to eat! haha
  6. want2beme

    Weight / Scales / HELP!

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">oh my gosh! thank you so much! i think i'm going to go out shopping today. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  7. want2beme

    New Band..chest Pain..help

    I had the same thing. It was off and on. I think that just moving around irritates the surgery site and the swelling could go up and and down. For me, it went away. I have no chest pains now, 3 weeks out. I thought I was having a heart attach! HA!
  8. YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO! First of all, you are doing the RIGHT thing by being on this website and getting advice and feedback. Don't do the surgery (either one) until you are 100% sure of which one you want to do. I found that a lot of surgeons did not know enough about Lap Band, since its so new in the US. Gastric has been done over and over. I could sit here and tell you the pros and cons about each, but I'm sure you've already done that research. The guy I'm dating is doing Gastric-Bypass, I had Lap Band. Everybody is different and it is an individual choice. The reasons I had Lap Band over Bypass: 1) My eating patterns were perfect for a lap band patient. I worked all day long and never ate. I'd get home and gorge on a 3,000 calorie dinner. I wasn't a snacker (which they say is more along the lines of a bypass pt). 2) It's reversable. I know there will be so many new surgeries and techniques out there in 10 or even 15 years. I want to know that if something better comes along, I'm not stuck with the band. With bypass, your stomach is gone. 3) I'm really bad at taking Vitamins. Bypass pt's MUST take a TON of vitamins because malnutrition has been such a big problem. Many bypass pts find themselves in their doctor's office having to get B12 shots due to lack of nutrition. 4) Non-invasive surgery. There's just something about reconstructing my anatomy that seriously scares me. Lap Band is a safer surgery. Now, here are some reasons why my 'friend' is doing Gastric Bypass: 1) He has Kaiser. They do not have enough surgeons that know about Lap Band and they are scared of the procedure and the aftercare. (costs?). 2) He doesn't want to have to have 'fills'. Once bypass is done, it's done. 3) He has very poor eating habits and Snacks all day long. Bypass is a better choice for him because the only restriction is the size of his stomach. He can still eat whatever he wants. 4) He needs to take the weight off faster since he's over 400 pounds. None of this, "It's more healthy to take it off slow..." It's not, if you're so over weight you might die. GET THE WEIGHT OFF NOW! 5) No chance of erosion, slippage, rejection of an implant, etc. *********** So, these are just some of the ups and downs, pros and cons that arose in my life. Hopefully that will help you a little. Do some research, ask people, keep a tally going and weigh the options for yourself. You'll know in your heart which surgery is right for you! GOOD LUCK!
  9. NO RESTRICTION ~ TIME TO FREAK OUT! 17 DAYS POST OP 22 POUNDS LOST REGAINING ENERGY LESS PORT PAIN SOUNDS GREAT? WELL......................................... I have no restriction. Today I ordered a cup of French Onion Soup and was able to tolerate the cheese and the bread. No problem. For dinner I ate 1 cup of Hormel 99% FF chili. That cup didn't fill me up. I felt NO RESTRICTION WHATSOEVER! I'm freaking out. My weight loss is very good, but I am scared I will fall back into old habits with this new found fact... I HAVE NO RESTRICTION. My doctor said he waits 6 weeks to do a fill, but I need to go in now. Before I start eating more than I should. Anybody else experience this?:help:
  10. I think you should have your band removed and do gastric bypass. Seems like it may fit your lifestyle better.
  11. want2beme

    No restriction. Time to Freak Out!

    Foxy ! Thanks for clerifying the PB. I get it now! haha... funny.
  12. GNC's 50 gram slam It rocks! chocolate is the best. 280 calories. 4 carbs, 1 grm fat. all Protein.
  13. want2beme

    so disappointed!

    OMG! I am so sorry! I'd be so pissed! I have no idea if this is normal, but it better not be! I haven't got my first fill yet, and if this is the case, I'm going for the ice cream right now!
  14. want2beme

    Banding set for August 27!!

    Uhhhh..... yeah. Food Demons are all around me right now. I am just taking it one day at a time and trying my best to not over eat. I think I need to log my food too. I think I'll start tomorrow. I have been eating only 5-600 calories per day. I don't know if I should stick with this or go up to 800ish? Hmmm... In the meantime, I am dreaming about a successful fill....
  15. want2beme

    Unprofessional Doctor

    And to think, there were about 100 poor souls in that seminar who looked so desperate to have the surgery, they looked past her ingnorance. I can't wait until Lap Band clinics are on every corner like Starbucks so people can pick and choose who their surgeon is. It makes me want to go back to school and just do it myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I have the 9.75 band and I have no restriction at all. I need a fill, but doc wont do it until 6 weeks out. I'm only 1/2 way. I feel ya on the hunger thing. I'm just trying my best to stick to soup and eggs.
  17. want2beme

    No restriction. Time to Freak Out!

    opps.... anyway,,,, They will have me do a barium swallow and all that jazz so they can see the flow on the screen. How much do you think they'll fill on the 1st shot? I want to avoid flying to Mexico every month for fills, so do you think they'll tighten me up pretty good or what? I HAVE NO RESTRICTION. This is what I ate today: 1 cup chili w/ cheese (breakfast) 1 cup split pea soup (lunch) 1 cup split pea soup (dinner) 2 eggs w/ cheese (dinner) Not to mention all the liquids I had like coffee, Water, iced tea, etc.
  18. want2beme

    No restriction. Time to Freak Out!

    Kat ~ I have no idea what PB means, but I see people use thost Int all the time.... I want to guess: Public Barf, Puke Butter.... I don't know.... Wendell ~ I am confused about something you said, and I've heard it before I just don't understand it. Why do smaller fills become so effective later in weight loss? I don't understand. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but here's what's going on in my head: You lose weight, you lose fat, you lose fat on your stomach... I would think that the band would almost get loose, and then become harder to fill and effect the size of the stoma. I'm totally confused. Everybody ~ Thank you so much for all of your comments. It helps a lot. ONE MORE QUESTIONS FOR YOU GUYS: Say I go for my 6 week fill down in Mexico. They will do it under flouro w/
  19. want2beme

    No restriction. Time to Freak Out!

    Thanks a lot. I was kinda freakin' out there for a moment. I live in a house where junk food is a staple. Tonight my family ate enchiladas for an appetizer and Rib Eye steak for dinner. Yeah, it's hell. I stuck with my chili and crystal light. I think I am ready to move on from mushies to solids just because everything goes down easy. I was even going to try to eat a salad. What do you think? I have been craving tomatoes with mozz and basil, O&V. Could I do that? If I peel the skins from the tomatoes? We just have so many tomatoes from the garden, we have to give them away right now. This is the first season I haven't lived on tomatoes. They are the best. any other tips for filling up?
  20. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    NO RESTRICTION ~ TIME TO FREAK OUT! 17 DAYS POST OP 22 POUNDS LOST REGAINING ENERGY LESS PORT PAIN SOUNDS GREAT? WELL......................................... I have no restriction. Today I ordered a cup of French Onion Soup and was able to tolerate the cheese and the bread. No problem. For dinner I ate 1 cup of Hormel 99% FF chili. That cup didn't fill me up. I felt NO RESTRICTION WHATSOEVER! I'm freaking out. My weight loss is very good, but I am scared I will fall back into old habits with this new found fact... I HAVE NO RESTRICTION. My doctor said he waits 6 weeks to do a fill, but I need to go in now. Before I start eating more than I should. Anybody else experience this?
  21. want2beme

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    Thanks for the tip on Trader Joe's! I think I'll go there tomorrow. I am stuck in a rut right now. All I have eaten during my mushi stage is: tuna, egg, cottage cheese. That's it! I'm bored. Help! I think I may have beans tomorrow. Maybe with some avo on top. My 11 month old eats that, I think I'll join him tomorrow for lunch! haha
  22. want2beme

    I pulled my port!

    Thanks Lady Blue! I am 16 days post op and I don't really feel the port pain anymore. Thank the lord! I still am careful just in case. I have to go back to work on Sunday and I lift things all night long. I hope I'm OK. Glad to hear I'm not alonE!
  23. want2beme

    Fill In Sac or NorCal

    I am looking for a qualified doctor to do a fill in the Sacramento area or San Francisco area. I would like the flouro fill because of the acuracy and decreased chance of damaging the port. My doc is in Mexico and I just don't feel like traveling. Please help!
  24. want2beme

    Phase 3 Foods~BIG problem!

    Cindy ~ Yeah, the same goes for Lopez patients. Our phase 3 foods are eggs, tuna, cheese, cotto, etc. Soft foods I guess. I hear some people refer to this stage as the 'mushies', but my doctor didn't use that term. When I ate the tuna today I felt like it was going down without a problem. I got scared! I don't know if that's how it's suppose to be. I guess I am also hoping I am one of those patients who doesn't need a fill right away, ya know? Thanks a lot! Dana
  25. Hi there. Just checking to to see how you are doing... it gets better everyday. I'm 2 weeks post op now and I feel pretty good. I can even sleep on my port side. Once in a while I'll move the wrong way and it'll give a little pinch, but other than that, the protein drinks give me energy and I've lost 17 pounds... another thing to think about! When you lose weight, you automatically feel better. So, hope you are doing well now!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
