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Everything posted by want2beme

  1. want2beme

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    Did I meantion he isn't skinny? 5'11" 215lbs. Because he plays soccer, he thinks he's physically fit. I'm getting over him slowly, but surely.... thx...
  2. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Just had to tell everybody the dilema I've been having regarding my CLOTHES!!! I started at an 18. I am now moving on to a 14. I had saved my 'skinny' (meaning 14 and 16) clothes for this glorious day! Well, I have lost weight so fast that I only got to wear these clothes for a couple of weeks! Now they are going to be donated. All I'm saying is that these damn clothes, that are now out of style by the way, have been taking up precious space in my closet for what!? NOTHING! I thought I wouldn't have to buy clothes for a while... but guess what... I'ts 2:30pm and I don't have any pants on right now because none of them fit me~! Shit!!!!!!!! I'm a single mom and I am BROKE AS A JOKE! I don't have the $$ to go out and buy a new wardrobe. I have been locating garage sales for tomorrow morning so I can maybe find some damn pants to wear to work. I guess I'll have to wear sweatpants 'till then... Oh yeah! And another thing... I'm 31 years old and I guess I have been aging under all this fat for the past 10 years, and now that I am losing weight, I look like an old lady. Yippi!!!! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  3. want2beme

    Don't save your skinny jeans...

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I thought about the seamstress thing (spelling???) ~ but how much would that cost? Hmmm... I am good at sewing myself, but I don't own a surger. I'd be afraid my pants would fall off in the middle of a Friday night rush! (i'm a server)... that would be so funny! At least its dark in the restaurant and my cellulite wouldn't show that much! lol... I may just try that. I also have a friend who is pre-bypass surgery and is looking for some clothes. She is a 20/18, so my clothes may benefit her. I'm also sad to give away really nice clothes I have... I FINALLY decided to splurge and buy nice clothes when I thought I'd just be fat forever. My timing is always off with everything in my life! Geez! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  4. want2beme

    Don't save your skinny jeans...

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Wow, what a great idea! Recycling clothes right here on this site! That's fabulous! I have some size 18 and very soon to be 16s I'd be willing to give up if anybody's interested. I am also looking for 14s... that's the size I am assuming I'll be in by Christmas or so... I love this thread! Dana </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  5. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">It sounds as if your friend is still not being honest with you. Her lame cover-up excuses have more holes than swiss cheese. Reading between the lines, (and lies), this is what I think she meant to say: Dear Amy, I can't tell you how much I am hurt that you had WLS. I mean, I am the skinny one! I am the center of attention! And now I hate you for taking that away from me! I could try to stay skinnier than you, so I can keep up my rep, but NO FAIR! You had WLS, and I have to do it on my own! WWHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were my wounded bird. You made me feel good about myself, especially when you and I were in public together. The boys always looked at me... now I have competition? I hate you for that. I am going to take a break from you because I can't handle the emotional stress this has caused me. In the meantime, i am going to try to find another fat friend that can boost my confidence once again. Thanks for being my 'friend', but your purpose has now dissolved. Sincerely, Best Friend w/ Major Self Issues </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  6. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">1. I can tie my shoes without losing my breath. 2. My eyes don't shut when I smile. 3. My big hips have less bruises. 4. I can see my feet. 5. I can see my cheek bones. 6. I can walk much further without getting tired. 7. I can cross my legs. 8. I can shave my legs in the shower! 9. I can get out of the bathtub without 911 on speed dial. 10. I can bend over and..... GET BACK UP!<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --> </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  7. want2beme

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    SSDiva ~ I love the part about us being in 3D! That is so great!!!!!! I'm barrowing that one! Thx to all of you for responding to this post. It's so frustrating... He didn't have a problem dating a 'big' girl, but sex was a different story I guess. And I guess he wasn't willing to wait around for the other fifty pounds to drop either. You're right, I'm glad he's gone... better sooner than later too.
  8. want2beme

    Don't save your skinny jeans...

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">LOL that is so funny! Seriously! I wasn't expecting to be so upset about this!!! haha!!!! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  9. want2beme

    Fruits and Vegetables

    Have a jamba juice and buy some V8!
  10. want2beme

    Seafood help???????????????

    I work in a seafood restaurant and there are several foods I can eat. Mostly any type of white fish is easy... I eat bay shrimp cocktails, Ahi Tuna, Balckened Snapper, Salmon, Crab, Swordfish, calamari, etc... All of these are easy to chew. The items that are harder to chew are mussels, clams, prawns, lobster, clam chowder, oysters, etc... Good Luck!
  11. want2beme

    Diet Coke

    I have not had any carbonation since my surgery aug 27th. I'd love to have a diet coke... the doc says 1) It can hurt really abd 2) It can cause erosion 3) It can expand the pouch... so, no champange for me!!!!
  12. want2beme

    First Fill

    Hi there... Hope your first fill goes well. Mine went just fine. The doctor went conservative with mine... at first I was kinda mad about that, but now I am happy. I am eating about a cup of food per meal, and I've lost another 4 pounds since my fill. So, I am really happy. I may go back for another fill when I lose another 15 more pounds... and the fill doesn't hurt at all. It's really no big deal. Easier than getting a flu shot!
  13. want2beme

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I'm so glad this thread was started for us August Bansters! Seems like we are all in the same boat! I was banded 2 months ago, have had little or no restriction for 4 weeks. I have lost weight, I started at 236, went down to 199 (as seen on my ticker and I'm not changing it), and then I gained 3 pounds... so back up to 202. I flew to Mexico for the day yesterday to have MY FIRST FILL. I will be on liquids for 4-7 days and move gradually to solids again. I am so happy I got a fill. I feel like a new woman! I can remember this feeling... a long long time ago, where you had to sip your water, not gulp it. It feels soooo good to be restricted again. I can't wait for next week to see how well I do with normal solid foods. I know this week will be hard with the liquids only, but I am looking forward to the weight coming off! I've been stuck at '200ish' now for 3 weeks. Good Luck to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. want2beme

    How much first fill?

    Hi there. I too had many questions regarding the fill level of a band... What's cool about the band is that it can be custom adjusted to YOUR body. No two people have the same restriction or fill success, etc. My doctor takes a different approach when it comes to fills. She only goes by what she can see visibly on the flouroscopy screen. She says she can tell me how many cc's she's injected, but it doesn't mean squat! She explained that your perfect fill level is when there's a thin stream of liquid (from the barium swallow) flowing through nicely and at a certain rate... not to fast, not too slow. Something else that happened during my fill was that while I was drinking my barium swallow, she pointed out that my esophagus (spelling?) has a tendancy to 'reflux', so she did not fill anymore at that point. She said if she did, I would be vomitting... and as you read on this forum, a lot of people have that problem. This is why you should always have your fills done under flouroscopy. I don't know why a doctor would do otherwise... I want the biggest bang for my buck, and I wont play the guessing game... I want to see it with my own two eyes! So, just take it easy and you'll be just fine. I'm sure your doctor will explain all of this to you as well. So, bottom line, it doesn't matter what other people's fills are, they have nothing to do with what your fill will be like. Just make sure its done under flouro, and educate yourself on this process... as you already are! Thx.
  15. I have been SEARCHING for a fill doctor too... but, here in California, for the past two months. Every doctor I found had their own issues that I was not too impressed with. So, I returned yesterday to Mexico for my fill ~ and glad I did! Try Fill Centers USA Fill Centers USA - Weight Loss Surgery - Bariatric Surgery - Gastric Bypass Surgery - Lap Band Surgery Information and Support ~ They may be able to help you. I don't care what anybody says, every single fill needs to be done under flouroscopy, NO MATTER WHAT! That is total F*7#!ing BS that you could have DIED from dehydration... that's so WRONG! Big deal, the ER can give you an IV. So... while you're lying there, who's trying to get ahold of a real doctor for you so you can release some of this saline? I am so sorry you went through that. I hope you are better now. Good Luck!
  16. :help:This morning when I woke up, I forgot I had the surgery. I sat up really fast using my stomach muscles and OUCH! Sharp freakin' pain! Like the port cut through my muscle or something! I called the nurse. She said everybody does it. Man, is it sore! Then, I took it easy today to help it heal and my son (who is 11 months old) grabbed onto a small table and 'somehow' pulled it over on top of him! I freaked out! I jumped up and AGAIN! OUCH! (he's fine) Two injuries in one day. I talked to 3 people who had the same thing, from the office. Anybody else experience this? It's almost like I pulled one of the stitches out or something. Sharp pain. :help:
  17. want2beme

    Calm me down! Now!

    :help::mad::Banane20::help:I am having an overwhelming amount of anxiety because I have no restriction. Everyday I can eat more and more. I tried to side track myself today by taking the baby for a walk, drinking hot tea, etc. But, all I could think about was the Halloween Candy in the second drawer calling my name! (I buy the big candy bars for the kids) AAHHH!!!!!! Help me before I eat a Snickers and gain 10 pounds! (My first fill is on Oct 30th)
  18. I love my doctor in Mexico, it's just a long drive (7 hours). I've been trying to find a 'fill' doc here in Sacrament, Cali, but no such luck. Looks like I'm going back to TJ for a fill. I am kinda happy about it, because they do flour there and have such an awesome staff with 12 yrs experience with the band. So, I know I'm in good hands. You may want to know why I can't find a fill doctor here: #1) Most doctors here WILL NOT touch a Mexico pt. and the docs I found that will... #2) Dr. Machado wants $250.00 for the first visit (not a fill, just to meet her which I already did at her 2 hour seminar). Then $1200.00 for upper GI "to make sure they did it right". Then $400 for the first fill. What a bunch of BS. #3) Dr. Billy. Has an office in Ventura and in Truckee. Is only in Auburn once per month. $300 for first visit/fill, $155.00 after that. and will adjust for free within 8 weeks of a fill (to readjust if needed)... BUT, he's only up here in Truckee once per month, so if you need a readjustment, it's done in Ventura or in 4 more weeks. Uh, no thx. If it's not under flouro, how do they know the amt of restriction? THEY DON'T! #4) Dr. Hendrix in Roseville. He is 'taking a break' from doing fills and may be starting back up in Jan 2008. I went through fillcenter.com to find him, they took 3 weeks to get back to me after 4 phone calls, 3 emails, and a gun at their head... then they said, "He's not contracted with us right now"... this is after I filled out the pt forms. Ugh! I called him directly and yeah, he's on a break. (whatever that means) Bottom Line, I am going back to TJ. october 30th. I can't wait. I need a fill very very bad. I can eat anything. I am trying sooo hard to control myself. Right now I could eat a cow. My dinner was rice and veggies, but about 3 cups worth. And I wasn't full. I'm drinking hot tea now just to calm me down from the anxiety. Can you tell I'm a little wound up? Geez! Wish me luck on my fill. Well, wish me luck on the drive. 7 hours one way! I have to leave my 12 month old home. Whaaa!!! PS - Would it be weird to ask the guy I've been dating for 2 months to go with me? haha.... Thx!
  19. want2beme

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Hi there. I'm Dana. New to this Thread. Who is Dr. Lee? I haven't heard of him/her. I was banded in TJ, Mexico by Dr. Juan Lopez-Corvala. Love my doc, but so far away. I am in need of a fill (I'm about 7 weeks post op), and just made an appointment to see Dr. Lopez in Mexico for Oct 30th. I have had a hell of a time finding a doctor in the Sacramento area. I live in Cameron Park and am willing to drive to Sacramento, Roseville, South Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Yuba City, Modesto, etc. The doctors I have researched either charge $1200 for the first visit or they aren't taking pt's right now. I was desperate enough to make the apt for Mexico. So, the day b4 Halloween, I will be driving to Mexico. A good 7 hour drive. I would love to find a doc up here to fill me up, but have had no success. If somebody could please tell me who this Dr. Lee is, I'd be greatful. Or any other names in the NorCal region. Thanks a bunch! PS - To the girl who finally got her Surgery Date on Nov 7th... Congratulations! Dana
  20. want2beme

    Calm me down! Now!

    2B Thin, Thanks. I am not happy you are going through this too, but happy I'm not alone. Yesterday, I feel like I ate so much. BUT, I WAS SOOOO HUNGRY! I ate: Turkey Sausage for BRKFT, Jimboy's Veggie Burrito (3/4) for lunch, Tomato Soup for a Snack (I usually don't need a snack), and for dinner, about 3 cups of veggies/rice with sauce. I did everything I could to not snack on all the junk food in this house: Brownie Cookies, Ritz, Halloween Candy, BBQ Potato chips, etc. I kept myself occupied with lots of coffee, hot tea and even a glass of wine. But, I am realizing that alcohol makes me hungry. So, I am not going to drink anything 'till my fill apt. I can't believe I have to wait 'till the 30th, then drive 7 hours to Mexico for this. (Do I need to buy Mexi-Insurance for my car?) Anyway, I am going to do my best today to fill up on veggies. I bought a dill veggie dip, it's not non-fat, but better than nothing I guess. I also need to try to drink my Protein shakes more often. Hope everything goes well for you! Wish me luck!
  21. want2beme

    I pulled my port!

    Probably scar tissue. Do they feel like hard pebbles? Sorry your port REALLY DID GET PULLED! That sucks lolypops. I keep thinking that mine is sideways too. As I've lost weght, I think it's shifted positions. Weird, huh? I guess I'll find out on the 30th (my first fill apt. in Mexico!) Margaritas before the fill, right????
  22. want2beme

    Abusive Relationship

    I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's hard to leave when your esteem is at an all time low. I have a feeling that your life will change in the next year or two though. After losing weight, and even during, your esteem will grow. I have only lost about 40% of what I want to lose, but I have seen a world of difference in myself. Shit, I'm dating already... something I thought I'd see after 100 #s gone and a few surgeries to fix the saggy areas! haha... It's hard to describe how losing weight changes your life, but it does. In every way. You already made the decision to put yourself first by having this surgery. Don't worry, you can get through it even if you do have to do it by yourself. When you are healed and ready to get exercising, DO IT. You'll know in your heart what changes you'll have to make next.
  23. You will do fine! It's easy as pie! Just think, your whole life is going to change.... RIGHT NOW!
  24. want2beme

    Shopping for clothes is getting fun...

    You Go Girl! That Rocks!
  25. want2beme

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Congrats! You'll love the band. I am almost two months post op now, and have not had a fill. I can feel like I need one, but this thing still works for me even without the fill! I would do it again in a second!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
