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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cocoabean

  1. Cocoabean

    Drinking and Eating

    Does anyone know if there have been any studies about this? It seems the rule is all over the place, as are many of the rules. I have seen 1 hour before to 2 hours after. No time before to 45 mintes after. 30 minutes before to 30 minuts after. It is doctor specific. My doctor doesn't have a problem with me having some liquid with my meals. He just said I might not have room for it. It seems we are all instructed to chew, chew, chew....doesn't that fairly liquify the food to begin with? How could taking a few sips of something wash it out quicker? In my own banded life, I have experimented with not drinking and drinking with my meals (as I have permission from my surgeon) and can't say I notice a difference as to when I get hungry again. As to the nutrients, we don't absorb those through the stomach. That all occurs in the intestine.
  2. Cocoabean


    I am down the hill in La Mesa! My best shopping pal is in Ramona, right near Mount Woodson. We camp quite often at Dos Picos. Love it up there!
  3. As your new way of eating gets more ingrained it becomes habit. It takes time, though. But the band won't let you go back to your old habits (if eating fast and taking big bites are your habits). You won't obsess over every detail as you learn what works and what doesnt.
  4. Cocoabean


    Yay!! Super congrats!! Well done! I am doing a happy dance for you.
  5. Call your doc and tell him you are starving. Perhaps you'll be able to move to mushies. I was doing very well and my surgeon let me move through the post-op plan faster than I was originally told. I told him I was ready to eat my dog, and that they only that saved him was that he could move faster than I could!
  6. Cocoabean

    Tired of throwing up.

    You have multiple things that could be not helping the situation. Antibioitcs and vicodin can both cause stomach upset. Eating while lying down causes me all sorts of stuck problems. Finally, I can't eat cherry or grape tomatoes, it is just too much skin for me to chew thoroughly. Put all that together and it is one big whammy! As another poster said, don't hesitate to call your doctor, that is what we pay them for. As a side note, I take vicodin for arthritis pain. Yes, the pills are big, but I do better to take the whole pill than to break it in half. It seems to me like the edges of the halfs make them stick more than the larger whole pill. Hope you are feeling better soon!
  7. Hey Chickadee, I got a tip on another thread for the public toilet urping with splash back to the face. Put a seat cover into the water, it stops the splash! I filed the information into my pea brain this morning for future reference. Well, today we had sushi for lunch, and yours truly, the effing dork, popped the whole piece into her mouth. Usually I break them up into little pieces. Guess I had a brain dead moment! Yep, STUCK CITY! So, I tried the seat cover in the water trick, it worked very well to stop the splashing! This is, of course, assuming you have time to grab it before the urping begins. I was sooooo ticked at myself. A ten dollar roll down the toilet, literally! Well, I guess they all go down the toilet, just not that quickly!! :bored: On the plus side, because of my band and lovely episodes like that, I got some more pants in size 10! Yay!
  8. Thanks again for this tip, it came in handy today. Got stuck at lunch and had to urp in the ladies room! Worked like a charm! Adagray, so glad things went well for you, and you were able to have a great time at the wedding!!
  9. Yes, she is an adult, and when they got home, she could have gotten in the car and gone to McDonald's if she wanted the fries that badly. My question to the OP, did she ask you for your support during all this? I would think tht she did. My husband would have done exactly the same during my pre-op had I asked him to stop. I told him the rules of my pre-op diet, and I asked him for support. Support is refusing to help me give in to temptation. He would not have taken my keys away if I were going to drive myself. But he certainly would not stop if he were driving and I asked him to go through the drive-thru. I'd have been angry at the time, but I would have later realized he was supporting me--just as I'd asked him to do. The only person who gets hurt by cheating is the cheating person. If her liver does not shrink enough for the surgeon to be comfortable, she may not get her band. I have read of folk going under anesthesia expecting to wake up with bands and waking up with just scars and no bands because their surgeons did not like the looks of the liver. So, it is up to the wife, how badly does she want her band, and how badly does she want to succeed. If she is a true grazer of junk food, perhaps the band isn't the best choice? My two cents worth.
  10. Hey Everyone! Anyone seen Bob or JensGems lately? Happy Saturday! I have a headache from heck today. Not the worst but blah. Threw a handful of meds down my throat. Is better, but yuck. Not sure if migraine or sinus, maybe a mix of both. We have high pressure building behind a weather system that came through. That's always a bad thing for me. Butters and I finally made it out for a walk the other day. As he'd had a longish break, much of his recent training had gone out the window. Poor guy. :bored: Bad mommy! Checked my blood sugar this morning 95!! Woohoo! We are going out to lunch today, and shopping for a new bathroom rug. Anne--way to find the bright side to the lag in your approval! Keep learning. The more prepared you are, the better you will do post-op. Betsy-I used to hate all pictures of me. Now I love all those old ugly ones, the uglier the better! Congrats on getting rid of the "wide" rating on your sizes! Woot woot!! You are doing great, even with all the stresses in your life right now. Keep up the good work! Hope everyone has a super great day!!!
  11. Some people use PB (productive burb) as a name for what you have described. I've seen it used interchangeably with burping up stuff and vomitting up stuck stuff. For me, a PB is just that, a burp where I bring up something. It produces more than air. Being stuck then urping something up is different to me. It is closer to vomit than burp, but it doesn't take near the effort from the gut that a flu-like vomit does. Urping up something stuck takes effort on my part. Either working my gut muscles, or gulping some Water to start the launch sequence, or sticking my finger down my throat. A PB happens all on its own. I can PB even if I don't feel stuck. I'll just think it is going to be a normal burp and up comes some food or slime. Just like a baby brings up some formula. Hope this helps.
  12. That's brilliant! Thank you!!! Will definitely keep that one on file!
  13. Hey Humming Bird, My surgeon says that as we get more fill it takes less to make a difference. He draws a picture with a curve to explain it all. But it makes sense, just like with a belt on your pants. When it is very loose, you can take it in several holes, when tight, you really have to pull to bring it in even half way between two holes. So, you might be surprised what that 0.1cc will do for you!! Here's hoping it busts that plateau wide open!!
  14. Wow, 2 shakes and 1 lean and green? Yeah, I'd be whiny AND grumpy! I did 5 medifast products and the lean and green. I had a limit of either 1 or 2 bars per day (can't quite remember which). I was not allowed to snack other than the medifast stuff. I'll say it was not gourmet, but it got the job done and I got my band. As of a couple of weeks ago, I am at a normal BMI. You can do it!! You can come here and whine, we all understand!
  15. Cocoabean

    UHC - BMI 40 w/no comorbidities

    I hope this is your coverage: From: https://www.unitedhealthcareonline.com From the home page, scroll to the bottom, type in bariatric, it is the second article. Bariatric surgery is proven for the following: 1. Class III obese (BMI > 40 kg/m2) 2. Class II obese (BMI 35-39.9 kg/m2) in the presence of one or more of the following comorbidities: • Type 2 diabetes • Cardiovascular disease (e.g., stroke, myocardial infarction, stable or unstable angina pectoris, hypertension or coronary artery bypass) • Life-threatening cardiopulmonary problems (e.g., severe sleep apnea, Pickwickian syndrome, obesity-related cardiomyopathy) Surgical revision or a second bariatric surgery is proven for inadequate weight loss if the
  16. Do you get to do the full medifast? I did, it includes a lean and green meal each day. That kept me from going bonkers and helped with the headaches. Actually getting to chew each day really helped. I went through two days before I read the instructions and realized I could have some meat and veggies. The day of my surgery, I was down 8 lbs. and my surgeon told me he could tell I had stuck to it as my liver was nice and small. He said that made the surgery very easy for him to perform. That made it all worth it!
  17. I have to go with the don't eat crowd. Eating in a group of people is always difficult for me. Too many distractions to concentrate on what I am doing. Add to that being sensitive from a bad stuckage....yes, I'd have to not eat at the event. If they have soup, try that. Much worse than explaining to someone why you aren't eating would be getting stuck and sliming in front of people. Worse than that is urping in a public toilet, especially of the multi-stall variety, with people you know on either side of you. I even had one urp into a public toilet that splashed up and got me in the eye. Yeah, that was super fun! "I am not hungry," "I already ate some" ...those work well. If it is a buffet, you have much more control. If not, move as much as you can off your plate when you can. After my hubby eats his share, I'll move some over to his plate so it doesn't appear as so much waste. Less explaining to do to servers when they clear the plates. You can get some odd looks sometimes. For cake time, just get busy taking pictures. Wander around and "forget" to be served any. Or take it and put it down somewhere and wander off. I know that for me after a bad stuck episode, I'll take it very easy for a few days. Not always clear liquids, but mushies and the like. Best wishes at the wedding, just remember to enjoy yourself!
  18. Cocoabean

    Trim the crust

    For me, crust is the easiest part to eat. But I don't eat much bread these days. I just don't have the room for it. I can do tomato seeds, it's the skin I have issues with. I ate one of those little grape tomatoes whole. Discovered the hard way that they are not easy to chew, chew, chew! But easily created slime, slime, slime! Never had a problem with cucumbers. Yummy!
  19. Thanks Hummingbird! Going through all the pics on disc to put them back on hubby's computer got me going. The changes in my face really amaze me the most. That, and the fact that I blend into the crowd now! :frown:
  20. Cocoabean

    After 5

    From the album: Before and After

  21. Cocoabean

    Before 2

    From the album: Before and After

  22. Cocoabean

    Before 4

    From the album: Before and After

  23. Cocoabean

    Before 3

    From the album: Before and After

  24. Cocoabean

    Before 1

    From the album: Before and After

  25. Cocoabean

    After 4

    From the album: Before and After

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
