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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kkrk91

  1. kkrk91

    Help! Anyone else have this happen??

    Also, the cost for the fills after the first two is $450.00, again under fluro.
  2. kkrk91

    Help! Anyone else have this happen??

    <p>Denise: You asked about the cost with Dr. Mirande. His fee for cash pay patients is $9,999.00. This includes the nutritional evaluation, psych. eval, pre-op labs, esophogram, surgery, anesthesia, 1 night's hospital stay, first post-op follow-up and the first 2 fills under fluroscope. He does charge an additional $200 for his first office pre-op evaluation. </p> <p> </p> <p>I am extremely pleased with the care I have been getting from Dr. Mirande and his staff. Very informative, very up-front, nothing hidden. Couldn't ask for better patient care!</p>
  3. kkrk91

    Help! Anyone else have this happen??

    Dr. Mirande in Klamath Falls does every fill under fluro and the first 2 fills are covered in the initial cost. I was banded on 9/17 and just had my first fill yesterday. It went very smoothly and I was able to watch the entire process on the screen. It was really cool to see the barium go through unrestricted, then with the fill, to see it with the restriction. Dr. also took a "snapshot" of the restriction and gave it to me. Makes it easier to explain to family and friends how the whole process works.
  4. kkrk91

    Breaking Through The Plateau

    I am so glad I found this thread this morning. All of your replys have been very helpful. I was banded on 9/17/07 and lost 22 lbs in the first week. Then nothing. I keep trying to tell myself that my body is trying to adjust to such a drastic change in a short time, but I was at least hoping for another couple of lbs by this time. So, I will just put the scale away, stop obsessing about the numbers, crank up a notch on the exercise and keep close track of my portion sizes. Thanks again; sometimes it's just good to "vent."
  5. kkrk91

    Where are my fellow Oregonians?

    Renee' in Grants Pass. Had surgery 9/17/07 with Dr. Mirande in Klamath Falls.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
