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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by enzochiefs

  1. I have had my band for about 10 months now. My first fill was in Nov it was 4.5 cc in a 10 cc band. Yesterday 7 July 2008 I had another 2 cc put in. Last night I tried to eat soup and I couldnt pass it. And this morning I tried to drink milk and I can 1 sip and then after that I couldnt pass it either. Has anybody had this problem before. If so let me know what you did to solve it and or if it went away in time.
  2. send me some pics of your weight loss.

  3. its going good i lost 70 lbs in almost 7 months next month i go to get another fill.

  4. hello do you have any pic of you on your bike. and your 2 day older than me lol.

  5. enzochiefs


    From the album: me

  6. me of last year and the new pic of 20 April 2008
  7. enzochiefs


    From the album: me

  8. enzochiefs

    Nov 9 2007 pic 2

    From the album: me

  9. enzochiefs


    after i got the ban
  10. enzochiefs

    Nov 9 2007 pic 3

    From the album: me

  11. enzochiefs

    Oct 11 2007

    From the album: me

  12. enzochiefs

    Oct 11 2007 pic 2

    From the album: me

  13. enzochiefs

    me 20 april 2008

    me sitting on my bike
  14. enzochiefs

    20 april 2008

    From the album: me 20 april 2008

  15. enzochiefs

    For Just Us Guys

    Hello I live in France I been here for 4 years. I moved here from Texas. I got banded sep 25 if 2007 so far i have lost 23 kilos or 50 pounds. Next week I will join a gym for 6 months. The Doc told me I should lose about 30 kilos or 66 pounds per year. I cant wait until I get my goal weight. Losing 50 lbs so far is good and I feel better in my body, but I still dont like the way I look in a mirror.
  16. enzochiefs

    My first fill

    <p>Yesterday Nov 19, 2007 I got my first fill 4.5 cc. For 10 days i only can eat yougert or soup. And after that I can eat mashed stuff again lol. It didnt hurt at all. They took pictures and I had to drink nasty stuff again lol. They said everything was fine. For my stomach they said it lost weight lol.</p>
  17. enzochiefs

    Protein shakes?

    As for me I am drinking Nestle Nesvital for breakfast. It has 34 grams of protien and 12 vit and 12 minerals. But sometimes I drink slimfast.
  18. enzochiefs

    My first fill

    So far today I have lost 37 lbs. I dont have any pain in my chest but after the 2nd day it hurts to drink anything. My doctor said if i have any trouble I should call him. 4.5cc for my first fill.
  19. enzochiefs

    Avg weight loss

    I been banded for almost 2 months I have lost 28 lbs after 6 weeks. And I will have my first fill 19 of Nov. I am wonder do you still lose weight like you do after the first 6 week until the first fill. After the first fill what is the normal weight lose. My Doctor said I lost 10 lbs of water and 10 lbs of fat after the first month. I just want to know because I lose 2 lbs and it stays the same for a week or so. Help me if you know how to help me.
  20. enzochiefs

    Avg weight loss

    Thank you both very much. This monday I go for my first Fill.
  21. I have been over weight most of my life. My sister and mother are both over weight. I am 30 years old and living in France. I have to pay the person doing it 700 and the person doing the anesthesia 150 kind of on the high side even thought he gets paid for doing it. I am looking for people who has lap band and can walk me thought everything. Like what to eat and do I take multi vitamins. And how much weigth you have lost and other things.:help:
  22. Hello In 5 weeks since I got banded I have lost 28 lbs.
  23. So far I have lost 24 lbs in 4 weeks. It feels good to lose the weight but I dont see any difference.
  24. Well i work standing up 12 hour shifts where is very hot and I have a lot of very hot rubber from tires going under my shirt and my doctor told me no you cant work at least I get paid for the days that I didnt work.
  25. enzochiefs

    are you hungry?

    I have to give them a try I used to drink soy Choc milk when I lived in Texas.

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