Hello, I am 12 days post op and feel awful. The day of surgery I think was my best day because I didn't feel much pain I was able to get up right away and walk, I felt a little week, and sore but that was all. Day to in the hospital after my upper GI study I tried to start the liquids and that's when it started going down hill. I have the worst reflux I have ever had. Anything that touched my stomach, hot, cold, warm, made me gag, my stomach spasm and severely cramp, and heave and kicked up my stomach acid so bad that it burn all the way up my esophagus to the back of my mouth. I am on reflux meds and it was still so bad that I was prescribed what is called a white slider (a mix of mom and lidocane) just in order to take a sip. I had to go home with this script it helps but I have to be very careful because every thing gets numb after I take this and its hard to judge if I have taken in to much Fluid at one time. I can drink more than 2-3oz an hour. Every sip I take feels like I'm swallowing a baseball slowly. I'm very frustrated and depressed I can seem to get any type of satisfaction to quench my thirst. I'm having more pain and feel just week! TODAY ALL I CAN DO IS CRY!