Thanks for the response everyone.
I'm 60 yrs old.
Have fibromyalgia and on going problems with abdominal
Hernias for which I've had several surgeries.
Really thinking the probs I had before Christmas had nothing to do with band
but was because after just having fill had couple Surgeon appts
and all the poking and probing probably caused the stomach and abdominal pain.
The Doc I saw in Emerge was not familiar with Bariatic surgery so deflated the band
Just to be safe.
I do journal everyday.
Always walked anywhere from 30 40 min.
Since Xmas I've been doing 45-50 min walking at gym.
Sometimes 60but mostly 50-55.
Just can't seem to understand why the weight loss just stopped !
Checked back in journal and during Xmas did eat more carbs and sweets but have never gone over calorie
Limit which is 1250 for me.
Mostly 950-1100.
Also not sure I've ever reached sweet spot.
Not sure i really know what sweet spot is.
Started the 5 Day pouch test today.
Fee,ing bit more encouraged .
Hopefully this will help.