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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kelliebelly

  1. Kelliebelly

    C-Section Flab after Band?

    Im the same, havent seen my ceasar scar in quite a while. I have had 2 ceasars and there is no way I will be able to tuck a shirt in and feel comfortable without a TT. My belly hangs a fair way and has for a lot of yrs. The last time I lost weight I got pretty thin but still had a hangy belly and would always feel self concious about it. I was so unhappy how I was, I am feeling happier about losing weight, but unhappy about the hanging bits. I wonder if I really will ever feel happy with myself...I really doubt it.
  2. I lost 10 kgs or so, but put another 3 or 4 back on...I took iut back off after my 2nd fill...but I have the big band so the first fill really didnt do anything.
  3. Kelliebelly

    Vanguard band too big...

    I am up to 9.6mls in a VG band. I dont have great restriction either. I work alot with my band, but my main concern has been getting to such a high fill amount so early on and not having anything to play with later if I need to. My Dr doesnt use any other band but the VG band. He puts that in all his patients no matter what.
  4. Kelliebelly

    Demotivation...just when you need to laugh!

    Here are some proverbs I found : Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone. Baby conceived on back seat of car with automatic transmission grow up to be shiftless bastard. Woman who cooks Beans and peas in same pot very unsanitary. Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing. Man who marries a girl with no bust has right to feel low down. Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts. He who fishes in another man's well often catches crab. Man who speaks with forked tongue should not kiss balloons. He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise. Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert. The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door.. Man who sneezes without hanky takes matters into his own hands. He who eats to many prunes, sits on toilet many moons. Man who drop watch in toilet bound to have shitty time. Man who fly plane upside down have crackup. War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left. Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone. Man who eat prunes get good run for money. Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night. Man with one chopstick go hungry. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails. 7/5th of all people do not understand fractions. 43% of all statistics are worthless. A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead. You can lead a fool to wisdom but you can't make him think. "A Wise Man can see more from the bottom of a well than a Fool can see from the top of a mountain." . "You never test the depth of a river with both feet." "Hear and you forget; see and you remember; do and you understand." "The believer is happy. The doubter is wise." It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. There are no short cuts to any place worth going. Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen. A man who thinks too much about his ancestors is like a potato—the best part of him is underground. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. A closed mouth gathers no feet. Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive; trust your heart. A peacock who sits on his tail is just another turkey. He who never made a mistake never made a discovery. It is never too late to be what you might have been. If you are willing to admit faults, you have one less fault to admit. You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom.
  5. Wow, is this your doctor that banded you talking like this...or the company that organised it all? I would be so very angry and considering legal action against them myself. Although I dont know all the facts and wasnt going to post at all, I couldnt help posting to this one.
  6. Kelliebelly

    BCP pre-op

    My Dr was very serious about me going off them the month leading up to my surgery because of clots.
  7. Kelliebelly

    Happy Birthday Pink Mary!!

    Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!
  8. I am 7 months into my journey and I have had some ups and downs. This last 2 weeks seems to have been the worse for me by far. I had a fill a couple of months ago and seemed to have great restriction. As I mentioned in another post it gradually started disappearing. I went to see my Dr and put on 2 kgs. He gave me a fill. Since having the fill, I notice that I can eat less at a sitting but I am so much more hungrier quicker. I mean hungry as in gut rumbles. I feel as if I am constantly eating and that 2kgs has turned into 3.5kgs(7pd). So in 2 weeks I have put on that much. I am at a loss what to do. Because I have put on weight I am also not giving a stuff about what I eat, I am making very bad choices and not caring. It is this vicious circle that I cant get control of. Each day I have woken up thinking good choices today etc, but I fail...again. I just feel so out of control and hungry. I dont know what to do.
  9. Kelliebelly

    Cream Cheese

    Has anyone started this or tried it. I would be so scared that eating that much fat and stuff would make me put on weight, which is what I so dont need right now after putting on a few kgs the last couple of weeks.
  10. Kelliebelly

    Rate of weight loss

    Sigh, sorry I posted this on the wrong thread.
  11. Kelliebelly

    Rate of weight loss

    I had a tummy bug last week and was vomiting, same as I vomited before. I went to the hospital and they gave me an injection and within 15 mins it had stopped and the next day it was all gone.
  12. Kelliebelly


    Hi Haha, I have been called that a fair few times also. Thats why I thought it would be appropriate...as well as my belly is where I carry most of my weight. As for your question, I have asked that a lot of times to alot of different people. The most common answer being, as we lose weight in the active losing period, we need fills because our tummy shrinks etc, but as the weight slows up the adjustments become further and further apart, especially when we reach maintainance mode *wish* I sometimes myself think I would have done better with the smaller band rather than a big band that has taken nearly max filling to get restriction, but either way once we all reach good restriction and follow the rules etc we all lose weight hopefully. Good Luck!!!!
  13. Kelliebelly

    I am (getting) discouraged!

    I would wait to. I have the VG band also and have had trouble finding restriction. I didnt have restriction at 8mls either. It took 8.9mls to get good restriction. I had that for a couple of months and then it waned. I had a fill last week taking me up to 9.6mls and I felt no difference from it till today. My fills usually dont kick in for a couple of weeks so I am hoping that is what this one does but even if it doesnt I am going to try and work with it for a while as I am worrying about being so little into my journey and so high up in the mls already. Anyway my point is dont worry too much about your restriction as I know alot of other with the VG band not getting restriction till 8.5-9.5mls. All insides are different I was told and everyone can take different levels till they find the restriction right for them. PS I do feel your pain tho
  14. Kelliebelly

    Goodbye Obese - Hello Overweight!!!

    Yayyyyyyyyyyy WTG Jess!!!
  15. Kelliebelly

    LBT Member (Francesca) Needs support!

    I am really sorry this is happening. What an amazing thing you have accomplished. Im not up on the facts with erosion...are you able to get another band? Again I am really sorry.
  16. Kelliebelly

    Happy Birthday theresa2mum

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY THERESA!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day and many more.
  17. Kelliebelly

    6th Month Bandiversary and I Did It!

    WOW!!!!!!!!! I cant believe how much you have lost in such a small amount of time. It is absolutely amazing. How did you do it? Did you follow bandsters rules exactly? Do you exercise? You truely are an inspiration.
  18. Kelliebelly

    Very depressed

    Hi benet Thanks for the words. I have seen my Dr a few times about getting of it and each times he says take one every other day then break it in half and do that for a while blah blah. Its getting through those every other days since if I take my tablet even an hr late I am getting those electric shock things in my head. They are the worst of the withdrawels.
  19. Kelliebelly

    Large band vs regular band???

    I have 9.6mls in my VG band. I had NO restriction till it reached about 7.5mls. It gets to a stage where you will get restriction, its just different for everyone. i wish i could have found restriction on a less amount so I had some to play with, but *sigh* cant have everything.
  20. Until I got some restriction I put some of the weight back on I had lost on the pre op diet too. The scales stayed the same alot too. Once I reached about 7.5mls in my Vg 10ml band I started losing.
  21. There are days I wake up and find that I can have no restriction and days I wake up and find it hard to get in what i am suppose to. The days I wake up with no restriction the first thing that goes through my head is...Do I need a fill? Has my restriction disappeared overnight? Did my band slip? I worry constantly about all that stuff. Sigh...as if we dont have enough to worry about As for chicken...I love it and have no probs with it at all. I have chicken about 5 nights out of the week.
  22. Kelliebelly

    size 10 band question

    I have the VG 10ml band and have had 9 fills and have 9.6mls in my band now. I have good restriction with 8.9mls for a couple of months and lost 15 kgs or so and the restriction gradually went over a period of a month or so. My friend has great restriction with 4mls in the 10ml band. It is never the same for 2 ppl.
  23. Kelliebelly

    BANDED: What's your "diet"??

    I dont diet either. I have the lite version of most things tho, plus eat alot less than I ever used to.
  24. Kelliebelly

    I love Taco Bell. I Hate Taco Bell.

    Taco Bell...so being a dumb Aussie here I guess it is a place you get tacos. I make my own with lean mince salad and sauce. It healthy and low in fat. Half of those things you guys have mentioned I have never even heard of. Sounds yummy tho
  25. Kelliebelly


    Just wondering did your Dr tell you not to drink it as alot if the other Aussies have not been warned off it. My dr said diet was fine to drink.

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