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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheyncarsmommy

  1. cheyncarsmommy

    When's your birthday?

    nov 10 1983
  2. cheyncarsmommy

    New at this!!

    I was banded on the 16th of August and I have already lost 9 pounds!! Sure does make me want to keep truckin!! I would like to meet some people in VA that are banded as well or are going to be. So let me know if ya live in the area!!
  3. cheyncarsmommy

    August 15, 16, 17th bandsters

    I was also banded on the 16th. Doing very well. Good to meet people who are going through the samething as me!!!!
  4. cheyncarsmommy

    I am the second for the 16th

    Rosie How are ya doin now?? I was banded the same day as you. I am doing pretty good. Are you off your meds yet??

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