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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MR0218

  1. Ok my March sleevers question who is cold all the time. I'm going thru menopause and i have been b4 this journey now it's worse hot cold hot cold. Anyone experience this?

    No menopause, but YES I am cold ALL the time now! I have to sleep with long sleeves and socks on! Wondering if this will pass? Anyone having issues with hair loss? I know its normal, and I've been taking the Biotin daily, just wondering when it will pass, and if anyone is on the other side of this issue yet?

  2. This past month was my worst loss so far. 2 pounds.

    I know... Me too... I was hoping to get to 100 lbs lost, now I'm hovering at 80 lbs, and think I might be done. Its been gradually slowing down for me. As much as I said I wouldn't make this about a number, I am so close, and I wanted to see that number on the scale :( I feel so much better than I did at this time last year! I have to keep reminding myself of that! This was the best decision I've ever made!

    Putting it in perspective - when was the last time you lost 80 lbs in six months?? THAT IS AMAZING!! Keep your chin (not chins) up - as you said this is the best decision you have ever made. The tool will keep working for us, it just might not be as fast as we want. Great job!! :)

    Yesss!!!!! Thank you!!! I love my new life! Me and the scale on the other hand... Its a love/hate relationship... LOL

  3. This past month was my worst loss so far. 2 pounds.

    I know... Me too... I was hoping to get to 100 lbs lost, now I'm hovering at 80 lbs, and think I might be done. Its been gradually slowing down for me. As much as I said I wouldn't make this about a number, I am so close, and I wanted to see that number on the scale :( I feel so much better than I did at this time last year! I have to keep reminding myself of that! This was the best decision I've ever made!

  4. Hey guys! Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this... 6 months post op this past Saturday, (9/5/2015), and about a week ago I started experiencing what google seems to think are symptoms of hypoglycemia. I feel fine, then all of a sudden I get cold sweats, shaky, lightheaded and this strong desire to eat, especially something sweet. I feel quite thirsty too. This happened once last week as I was getting home from work, again Sunday evening, and last night I was woken out of my sleep because of this. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and/or if its normal. I have been able to control it by eating something, but don't know if I should let my doctor know.

  5. So I have surgery in 6 days! I had my pre-op yesterday and they did blood testing to figure out what my blood type was and a urine test to make sure I am not pregnant. I figured since I am on my period this week that it would be a pretty straight answer, but I understand them wanting to be sure. Which let me tell you.. The universe is getting back at you for something if you go on your period the same time you are on a liquid diet. I seriously do not know how I am able to interact with people without losing it!!

    I think I might have mine on surgery day :( I feel like its coming on any day now, and my surgery is on Thursday :(

  6. I started today too!!! Felt great this morning, now I feel like Im counting down the minutes to lunch... lol... Luckily my surgeon ok'd Herbalife shakes which I like, so that makes it a little easier for me.

    Good Luck! Here's to hoping the next two weeks fly by :)

    I started my liquid diet today.... The Protein Shakes are making me gag a little..not going to lie. I diluted them with Water which is making it a little easier to take in. It will be a long 2 weeks but it will totally be worth it!

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