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No More Shelly Belly

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No More Shelly Belly

  1. No More Shelly Belly

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    U both look fantastic! Can't wait to show before and after pics myself!
  2. No More Shelly Belly

    14 Months Out and Counting!

    Damn...I'm actually small boned. Looks like my target weight just increased. Stupid small wrists!
  3. No More Shelly Belly

    9 months post op w/ pics

    What a transformation! Lookin' good!
  4. No More Shelly Belly


    From the album: No More Shelly Belly

  5. No More Shelly Belly

    No More Shelly Belly

  6. No More Shelly Belly


    From the album: No More Shelly Belly

  7. No More Shelly Belly


    From the album: No More Shelly Belly

  8. No More Shelly Belly


    From the album: No More Shelly Belly

  9. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    161.2 Ugg.. It's like watching paint dry!
  10. No More Shelly Belly

    Panic! Gained 6 pounds

    try using Miralax everyday! Good stuff! :-)
  11. No More Shelly Belly

    Did you lose tons of inches first?

    I am a little over 2 months out. I had an extremely slow start. My face was the biggest indicator of the lose of weight before the numbers. Everyday someone new asks me how much I weigh (I was very open about my surgery). At first I was proud to tell them but now the numbers are staying the same but my clothes and confidence are improving which gets me noticed! I've lost 37 lbs ( not great compared to most) but I only have to lose 70 total to hit my regular BMI. I have major health issues and still do. I feel great even though the numbers and docs say I have a long way to go! The scale will eventually move but I have learned to "skirt" around the numbers people are very curious to know about! I like being mysterious now!
  12. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    SW: 163.3 GW: 154 Not much change since Monday but plan on working out this challenge. Come on 150's!
  13. No More Shelly Belly

    What to drink at a cocktail party?

    I had a cranberry juice with water! Technically it is a mixed drink and no one even knew that I wasn't drinking!
  14. I was terrified of this side effect! I started losing my hair early too...about 1.5 months out. I have super fine hair to begin with. It started in clumps but has since trickled to loose hair shedding ( slightly more than norm. I found a (don't laugh) hair powder at Sally's for about $20 that fills my part a little bit. It's amazing! Doesn't come out unless I wash with shampoo. It's called Toppix hair fibers. ($20). Worth every penny! Got a super cute hair cut, and have been getting so many compliments! There are plenty of products out there! No worries! Your gorgeous mane will grow back eventually! I can't really get in all my protein but take biotin religiously! My doc said I'm completely healthy and I look great! Isn't that all that matters?
  15. No More Shelly Belly

    Memorial Day Challenge

    163.8!!!!! Not only did I meet my first goal for this challenge, I managed to meet my 2nd goal too! Hope I can keep it going for the next challenge! Woohoo!
  16. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    Thanks Bea! I'm in again!
  17. No More Shelly Belly

    Memorial Day Challenge

    164.6 Still losing considering I ran out of healthy foods. Going shopping today! Went to a baby shower and got loads of compliments. I felt just a little bad taking away my friends spotlight....ok not that bad ????
  18. No More Shelly Belly

    Memorial Day Challenge

    166.8. Goal met! Holy cow! Going for 163 for next week now!
  19. No More Shelly Belly


    Thanks for all of the advice. I feel better knowing I'm taking a small dose. I still feel weird though. I might look into Welbutrin. Thank u all again!
  20. No More Shelly Belly

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I might be the slowest out of the gate, but I'll take it! 170.0!
  21. No More Shelly Belly

    Memorial Day Challenge

    OMG...the scale moved! 173.8
  22. No More Shelly Belly

    5 wks out and stll in stall!

    This is my first post so I'm very anxious about putting myself out there. I should start by saying that I've lost a total of 21 lbs but most of this weight was from pre op. I am stressing myself out about not losing that I don't even want to eat any more. I am still hungry all the time. I take more pills than I did preop, my hair is already falling out, I cry all the time for no reason, my acne is back, I walk at least 2x a week ( long walks) but fall asleep before I can shed out of my workout clothes, AND I have nothing to show for it! I have not gained and everyone says my body is just adjusting and is about to start losing some major weight....uhhh, it's been 5 weeks! No weight loss really? And I just got started! What if I never lose weight? I'm so confused! My co workers try to be supportive by saying "I think I see it in your face". I don't believe them. I'm just so confused/angry/sad! Anybody out there not lose right away? How is this possible? I can only eat a few bites of anything!
  23. No More Shelly Belly

    5 wks out and stll in stall!

    Thanks for the replays. I will try the hydro whey. I tried a protein shake again w very little powder and milk and got sent home bc I threw up all over my shirt at work. (This was yesterday) I'm embarrassed. I told everyone about my wls. Maybe I should have waited. People think I'm crazy bc other co workers are on diets and have passed me up. They are very smug that they could do it without surgery. I feel like a fool and I even question if the surgery even happened.
  24. No More Shelly Belly

    5 wks out and stll in stall!

    Oh and pooping is never an issue! I keep track and I have never had to take anything. Things are moving along there!
  25. No More Shelly Belly

    5 wks out and stll in stall!

    Oh and I drink my fluids plus more each day since I sweat when I think Im going to exercise. Now protein shakes don't agree with me. I have thrown up every brand listed and have spent a lot of money. I have donated all my shakes so I compensate by buying any foods high in protein. Yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, soups (I add unflavored protein to anything I can) ,

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
