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No More Shelly Belly

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by No More Shelly Belly

  1. No More Shelly Belly

    Labor day Challenge

    I'm in as well! Thank u so much for taking on such a project! I will post my weight and goal on Monday! Thanks again for stepping up! These challenges help so many people!
  2. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    Oh and thanks again Bea for all your help! Happy 4th of July everyone! Be safe!
  3. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    Reporting in @ 153.4!!! Yay! Went to the dr and unfortunately the haven't reduced any of my meds but they did say they saw improvement! To be cont....<smiles>
  4. No More Shelly Belly

    8 1/2 months! :)

    You are exactly where I aim to be! You look great!
  5. No More Shelly Belly


    You look beautiful!
  6. No More Shelly Belly

    How often do you step on the scale?

    Not only do I watch the scale everyday, I bought two scales because I thought my first one was lying to me! I only record my weight on Fridays though. I have yet to see the scale go backwards. I'm fascinated how much weight u can lose after a good bathroom break...hehehe!
  7. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    Although I know you are following your dreams, I'm completely sad that you are leaving again! I love you and will miss you! There is not enough words to say how grateful I am in your guidance and help with my new journey in life! Good luck on your adventures and don't forget about us back home! I'm so lucky to have you as my Mom! And yes, you are my Mom, there is no such thing as step mom! By the way, I reached my Fourth of July goal! 155.8! I never thought this procedure would actually work for me, but your inspiration has led us ALL to achieving small victories! Love you! And thanks again! I'll try to take care of Dad! Now that is a challenge in its self ????!
  8. No More Shelly Belly

    Protein pills?

    Started thinking that there is a pill for everything. When I looked up Protein pills, there are tons of options. Is this safe for sleeves? Do they work? Which one is best? By the way, I can NOT do shakes of any kind and I've been trying so hard to eat as much protein as possible, but I can never make the requirements. Im well past any restrictions in my diet, and I already take lots of pills/vitamins. What's one more? Thoughts? Side effects? I also had my surgery in Mexico so I really do not talk to a NUT. Any thoughts?
  9. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    157.1!!! Still truckin' on!
  10. No More Shelly Belly

    Snack ideas

    I buy them at Walmart or HEB. They are usually by the rice cakes section. They are pretty good!
  11. No More Shelly Belly

    Snack ideas

    Oh and I'm currently obsessed with edamame (salted soy beans). I steam them at night and eat them cold the next day at work. Most frozen let u control the salt amount, so I put just a little to none! Can't get enough! I like them hot or cold!
  12. No More Shelly Belly

    Snack ideas

  13. No More Shelly Belly

    Snack ideas

    Also look for the weight watchers ice cream line. I like the cone and sprinkle a like protein granola on top! These are not everyday snacks, but they are not as bad as the ones I used to snack on allll day!
  14. No More Shelly Belly

    Snack ideas

    I like Veggie Straws. They taste like potato chips. A few of those and I'm full again. I dip them in Greek yogurt...yum! Very easily digestible. They melt in ur mouth.
  15. No More Shelly Belly

    Scared to go back to work

    To be honest, who really EVER wants to go back to work. I was scared too. I packed so many "emergency" snack, water, medicines to feed the whole forum here. Relax, drink ur protein shakes, sip on water all day, and stay busy! U got this! It was kind of nice burying yourself in work to ease the anxieties. They will come and go for awhile, but life will settle back down. I am what u call a worry wart! I could not lose any weight at first, but as soon as I settled my brain, the pounds starting flying off! It will happen, just takes some getting used to! Good luck and my wishes are with you!
  16. No More Shelly Belly


    80 lbs! U go girl!
  17. No More Shelly Belly

    6 months today - with current picture :)

    So pretty!
  18. No More Shelly Belly

    8 weeks out!

    Ordered some new work pants and thought I would be brave and order the next size down too Woohoo... The size 10 fit! Someone even complimented my butt considering it is so flat from sitting on it all day. It is pretty exciting when the right size clothes fit!
  19. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    Holy Hot Momma! That pic is gorgeous in the blue dress! You look amazing! Daddy's a lucky guy! I know this sounds backwards but I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to look as half as amazing as u someday! Love u!
  20. No More Shelly Belly

    4th of July Challenge

    159.8! I finally crossed over to the 150's...barely, but I'll take it!
  21. No More Shelly Belly


    I'm a sneezer! My husband thinks it's hilarious and try's to make me sneeze every time. This is what got me in this mess! First time I sneezed with real food, I wasn't expecting it and had a mouth full of food! It shot out like a cannon! I couldn't stop laughing, sneezing, and trying not to pee all at the same time! I'm a hot mess...but it is still funny! Good times!
  22. No More Shelly Belly

    NSV for me!

    Check out those legs! You run on with your bad self!
  23. No More Shelly Belly

    8 months op

    Hot momma! Work it!
  24. No More Shelly Belly


    Wow! Good job!
  25. No More Shelly Belly

    8 weeks out!

    I'm right there with you. Well not really, I'm at a slower pace. I'm 10 wks out and just reached 40lb mark. 35-40 more to go! We can do it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
