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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by changetocome2014

  1. Surgery Monday!!! Such a long and trying journey so far and it's not even here yet........ Any last minute things I should do before Monday??? (Besides clean the

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skinny_minnie_wannabe


      My surgery is Monday too. It is unreal! I don't even feel like it's happening. Everything will go smoothly! Take care. :)

    3. one_more_time


      Surgery is Monday... well wishes to everyone...

    4. clairec


      Hi changetocome, skinnyminnie and onemore time. My surgery is Tuesday. There are lots of people on the February surgery thread if you would like to join us, it is really supportive. It is under Gastric Bypass Surgery/Basics for GBS beginners/ Pre op GBS Q and As. I will be thinking of you all on the day before mine. Take care Claire

  2. Shopped in the regular women's section for the first timw in my life!!!!!!! and bought a dress.... Lane Bryant no more!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. changetocome2014


      congrats! I can't dog the LB, they've been there for me. LOL But I can't wait until I can shop like that too! You look fabulous!

    4. changetocome2014


      Ty ;) and for sure you'll get there too.... Long but well worth the wait... And even better things for us to come!!!

  3. Was all tht weight really on me??

    1. luckyknickers57


      I so know what you mean. You look at something that weighs the same as you have lost.... and wow, how did I even carry that!!!!!

    2. Kittenheart


      Too funny I was just thinking about this yesterday...I have an aunt that weighs about 110 lbs... I have been carrying her around with me for years : )

    3. Kittenheart


      I hope to feel set free, finally starting next Tuesday and from then on....

  4. Have to stop comparing!!!!!

    1. NancyintheNorth


      the thief of joy! hang in there :)

  5. I neeeeed to stop snacking!!!!

    1. Iambeautiful


      they call that 'grazing' for us 'sleever's and yes that can lead to a stall or even a gain. I was drinking things frequently on the liquid diet but since I'm on the pureed phase I only have my three small meals a day and if I have to have something extra I have a sugar free popsicle or jello and occasionally some hot chicken broth.... it helps a lot to curb hunger. The protein shakes help with hunger too. Anything with protein will curb hunger well.

  6. The positive comments from everyone is encouraging...but I wanna see number results!!!

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