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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by changetocome2014

  1. changetocome2014

    February Sleevers.... Check in!

    Hey all my feb sleevers!!!!! I'm so glad u posted this because I was sleeved 2/10 nd thought I was losing so slow but so pleased to see I'm on track with the rest of u guys!!! I'm eating pretty much anything I can handle and learning what I can't... Down 20 lbs since surgery and 37 in all!! I'm learning more creative ways to get my protein in but still working on getting all my fluids in. Still a daily struggle sometimes not to snack!!! My fiancé has been a super support and encouragement and I am very grateful for that! The weight loss so far is encouraging me exercise more and I'm feeling better overall!!! Was having difficulty comparing my results to others so I'm feeling better now.... Thank u!!! Good luck to all xoxo
  2. changetocome2014

    Wanted to share my results

    Amazing!! Excellent job... Honestly outstanding!
  3. Have to stop comparing!!!!!

    1. NancyintheNorth


      the thief of joy! hang in there :)

  4. changetocome2014

    Looking for NJ Buddies

    Hi !! I had my surgery 2/10 n I'm in north nj!! I'm a lil discouraged myself. Was down 17lbs at 3 weeks and haven't weighed myself since.... How is ur progress going?
  5. I had my surgery 2/10 and any little thing I eat burns like heartburn n I'm getting a terrible pain in my middle upper back. I'm on omperazole from my dr and I take it religiously but it's not helping. I eat very small amounts and slowly and it still kills to go down and I sit uncomfortably after everything I eat or drink I'm freaking that I'm gonna end up with an ulcer from all the reflux.... Has anyone gone throught that?
  6. changetocome2014

    almost 4 months out

    Omg how wonderful!! U look great!! I'm hearing all these stories about 3 months out losing 60-75 lbs... N I'm so jealous I'm getting discouraged can u give me any tips?!?! how much did u lose in month 1, 2, 3?
  7. changetocome2014

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    How's the progress going my fellow feb sleevers?!?
  8. Omg u look amazing and have done sooo awesome!!! What r ur secrets??????? PlEase share!!! I'm 3 weeks out and have only lost 17 lbs
  9. The positive comments from everyone is encouraging...but I wanna see number results!!!

  10. changetocome2014

    Anyone get an ulcer post vsg?

    Hi ny2fly... Lemme know what happens n what they say? R u already taking any reflux meds?
  11. changetocome2014

    Cramping on the left side

    I had surgery 2/10 and have same exact thing!! I'm also getting serious heartburn and pain in my back. No matter how little I eat or how slow i eat it constantly feels like its coming up and I'm scared I'm goin to end up with an ulcer :/
  12. changetocome2014

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    Had my sleev 2/10 at 2.5 weeks was down 14 lbs. haven't weighed myself since. I haven't exercised yet... Did anyone see an increase in weight loss when the started to exercise???? I need encouragement of some sort, kind of disappointed :/
  13. changetocome2014

    5 Short months

    You look awesome! Congrats on the weight loss an the courage to post pics!!
  14. changetocome2014

    First 5K finished today!

    Congrats it must feel so good!! Cant wait to get there too!!!!
  15. changetocome2014

    The criticizing bookstore clerk

    Screw her !!!! No one knkws what life is like being obese and unhappy about it! Take her frigin ignorance with a grain of salt
  16. changetocome2014


    She is with u always.... she will be your strength to get thru the hard times ......my dad passed away from pancreatic cancer 2 yrs ago so I know how u feel. They would be proud of us for makjng this change to get healthier
  17. changetocome2014

    Back Pain anyone?

    I'm having that right now!! Did it resolve? Was it gas? R u ok now??
  18. changetocome2014

    2 Days post-op

    I am 2 days post op too!!! Some soreness and gas pain but much better than I anticipated! I'm doing the same as u.. Clear liquids and medicine cupfulls of protein shakes. it looks like we have similar stats too....my highest was 292, first surgery appt I was 286, day of surgery 269..... Can't wait to weigh in at 10 day post op visit.... I'm Melissa by the way!!
  19. changetocome2014

    1 1/2 years after the sleeve

    Did u have any plastic surgery?? U look amazing and like u have no skin ???!!!????
  20. changetocome2014

    I'm Officially Sleeved!

    I'm officially sleeved today too!!! It feels unreal and I'm soo excited. Some cramping/ gas discomfort but my pain pump is doin me good too lol!!! Good luck n lets KIT
  21. changetocome2014


    From the album: changetocome2014

  22. changetocome2014

    Sleeve 2/10.......excited

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!! Anxious excited soo many emotions... Praying for everyone and hoping everything goes well!!! (Fingers crossed)
  23. changetocome2014

    Not bragging but.....

    Awesome to hear u r doing sooo damn good-- hopeful im as fortunate! Hows getting up n down off couch n in n out of bed? Do u have any young children...mine are 2n 3 n im nervous about them jumping n wanna me to lift them :/
  24. changetocome2014

    February Sleevers 2014 with Stats!

    Hey fellow february sleevers!!! Melissa 5' 4 Hw 292 sw 286 cw273 gw 150 ( was 175 but im raising the bar!!!!!) Surgery- 2/10 Almost here 3 days!!!!! Good luck everyone
  25. changetocome2014

    Sleeve 2/10.......excited

    I made it to the doctor in the blizzard!! So everything is set for monday and looking up!! My case isnt first case so even if we get some more snow sun I should ( and the surgeon lol) be able to make it monday...... next 3 days liquids only n possibly a bowel cleanse- ree hows it goin for u? All set for mon?????

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