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Everything posted by luckyknickers57

  1. luckyknickers57

    Disappointing show, everyone still fat!

    Totally agree Mrs F
  2. luckyknickers57

    Op 28th March

    CBF1000 So pleased to hear from you. Been wondering about you on your pre-op diet. Seemed a long time to be on it. But thinking about what you saying, I think we all have doubts, don't beat yourself about that. Of course it will work, because you want it to. Just concentrate on your pre-op diet for the moment luv. And good luck for your op.
  3. luckyknickers57

    Disappointing show, everyone still fat!

    Too right sassy, Optical illusion love. Let us not judge people that are over weight, there are too many people that judge others, including us. And a big well done to you, how good is that, can't wait for my procedure. I've lost over 40lbs pre-op, but loads still to go
  4. luckyknickers57

    Disappointing show, everyone still fat!

    Depends where their starting point was Hun.
  5. luckyknickers57

    Next Step

    Just getting fed up waiting and a letter arrived this afternoon..... Next Step is to see the dietician again, together with the Anaesthetist on the 11th April. When will my date be??? I've tried asking for any cancelations, as I'm self employed and need to be fighting fit for early May. Cutting it a bit fine, or what! I've been told that cancelations here are very rare. So, little hope there. Boy, I am anxious, just give me my operation, PLEASE, What else can I do?
  6. luckyknickers57

    Next Step

    Looking forward to it. Let you know as soon as.
  7. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Oh, ok luv. So I really don't know what's going on then. I'm just going to go with the flow then. What will be will be, hey? That way I can't get myself all stressed trying to second guess what's going on.
  8. luckyknickers57

    Next Step

    That's it Willow, I'm doing it. Tatt's here I come!!!! There isn't much I regret in life either Willow. So yeah, I'm taking a leaf outta your book. My grandchildren think it's great having a nanny even considering it. Thanks, sometimes you just need a little bit of support, to do what you really want to... Might have a take away tomorrow night to, haha
  9. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    WILLOWWWWWWW you are so welcome, yeah, what was that saying my nan used to say, about walking in someone's shoes?? If they haven't got it, they don't get it do they? And, I'm not wasting any more time, getting upset, listening to a load of rubbish. So, I don't know if I'm having a bypass, or sleeve now, don't know when it will be either.... Apparently the department have applied for extra funding, so they may run another list, or of course they may not.... Have to wait and see. Willow, you are sooo right, it's all about the results. And can I say congratulations, you are a third of the way through your weight loss. Well done and keep it up. Enjoy your walks and I'm sending you positive energy and thoughts.
  10. luckyknickers57

    Pre op liquids = constipation?

    Ohhh, poor you. Saw my dietician this week, and she explained this is a side effect that can be helped by taking Magnesium Hydroxide to relieve the symptoms. Not a nice feeling, and I wish you luck
  11. luckyknickers57

    Next Step

    Well, here I am, having been to my second dietician, hospital appointment. It was a 'group' appointment, explaining about the pre-op milk diet. Come away with reams of information to read. Although I was told clearly by the surgeon at my last hospital appointment that I would be having a sleeve, the file says bypass. Well, I'm just going to go with the flow now. I have decided that I have no control at all, apart from I want bariatric surgery to help me on my way to being healthy and fit. Don't know when it will be, or what it will be....... Must admit having a bit of a blow out at the moment, never been one for many sweet things, but, thinking that I'll not be able to after surgery, I'm working my way along the sweet shelves in the supermarket. I'm sure this will end soon, I'm getting a bit fed up with it. Might go and get a tattoo, my kids think I'm mad, coz it's on my bucket list, well, you never know do you?
  12. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Ohh willow. Well, hope the soup was well worth it ????. What a frightening thing to happen. You're so brave.... At least the doctors surgery are involved now. They can be great with dressings and assessing the healing process. I'm so pleased that you're enjoying going out, and the weather is so lovely at the moment, especially after all that rain and wind. Even if you're the bravest person in the whole world, it's fine when when you get upset, you've been through so much. Only you know how much. I think it takes real strength to go through this procedure. I wish you a speedy recovery.
  13. luckyknickers57

    First before and after pictures

    Brilliant. Keep it up Hun
  14. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Ahh Willow, I feel so sorry for you, I really do. Although I'm glad that you're sharing it. So many people skirt around the down side, but it's important that we hear and understand the whole picture. But, saying that I still do feel for you. Yeah, you're right about regretting it. A small blip. My daughter reminded me that she felt the same with her pain, she couldn't have much in the way of pain killers either. Then she got to about three months and the feelings came back, but soon went. She hasn't looked back. Feeling that you want to go out is great, a big step forward, must be scary in the beginning, all the firsts. As for the reflux, hope that sorts itself out soon, what a horrible feeling, yuk. Got my hospital dieticians appointment (2nd in the hospital) today, so let's see what goes on there. Thanks for your support and good luck to you. I feel if you are good at dealing with pain you'll overcome mostly everything in your path. Ps tell your husband it's sooo naughty to cook toast
  15. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    Willow, you keep up that good work. Lots of people that have had bariatric surgery say "what have I DONE!!!!!!" But they get over it, and work through it. I'm so pleased for you. It sounds as though you're making real progress. Remember the feeling before your surgery, when others had just been sleeved? Excitement doesn't cover it. Yeah, I'm excited for you, and a bit for me, for when my turn comes. You keep at it, don't doubt yourself too much........ Best wishes
  16. luckyknickers57

    hey guys check me out! 9months with sleeve

    WOW. You look fabulous. I can't wait to look that good. Well done
  17. Good luck to you. You are so right, it won't be easy. But it will be easier than being with someone who has treated you this way. You have taken the first steps towards the new you. Keep up the good work, it will not only benefit you, but the children too. Glad to hear that you've started to appreciate that you don't deserve what you've been put through.
  18. luckyknickers57

    Ha! My surgeons on tv!

    Really strange..... When you have time gave a look at those comments. Some people are so small minded One person had been to the NHS for help and apart from being offered weekly weigh- ins with a nurse nothing else, and has gone the personal trainer route and of course now she has the opinion that we should all go that route. Another has obviously never gas a weight issue offering nothing but vial comments.
  19. luckyknickers57

    Ha! My surgeons on tv!

    OMG, just watched the show on the internet. Wow, poor chap. Did the programme end just before his (Keiths???) operation, or was there a fault at my end Sassy? Thanks telling us about it. Very interesting. Have you had chance to read the comments on the internet about it? Some people are very rude, and yet others quite understanding.....
  20. So sorry to hear your sad news. Take your time Hun, no knee jerk reactions.
  21. luckyknickers57

    Moms of pre teens, HELP!

    I totally agree, no tough love here. We are all here because we overeat and have bad relationships with food. I too have a very slim, very vocal criticising mother. Who never allowed snacks or treats, so, you go undercover. Do you then think that we are having a treat, or, doing something wrong? Or savouring something that we shouldn't and if found out, suffer the consequences. My mother could not be tougher. She was, and is a violent abusive parent, and it didn't stop me, or my siblings from becoming overweight adults. I'm not suggesting that everyone who is overweight has had an abusive parent, what I am saying is it is tough on the loving parent. There is no easy answer, if there was we wouldn't be here today. I feel for you. When my own daughter started putting weight on in her teenage years we increased her swimming and she then joined a swimming club and swam competitively which helped greatly. She put weight on as an adult each time she had a child. She lost weight and regained, you know the pattern. And last year had a bypass and is now slim, gone back to her swimming, so healthy and starting to allow herself to be happy. Now it's my turn, waiting for my sleeve. Your daughter will find her own way, you can try encouraging her activities, decrease the bad food choices, to guide her towards the better options, and maybe some therapy. But what she needs most is her loving, caring mother, who loves her unconditionally. Keep up the good work. Who said being a parent was easy......
  22. luckyknickers57

    Less than a week to go.

    How you feeling now willow? Home yet?
  23. luckyknickers57

    Ha! My surgeons on tv!

    Which one sassy?
  24. luckyknickers57

    Is this too much?

    No, not too much, well, maybe the slippers!!!! Be proud. Don't doubt yourself, been there done That
  25. luckyknickers57

    The day of surgery

    Well done Nancy, so glad your over the worst, and on the way to your new life. Try not to be too impatient, enjoy the ride. Best wishes from the UK

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