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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Morgen442

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/23/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm a young business owner in NW Washington
  • Interests
    watching movies, getting outdoors, playing with my dog, hanging out with my family & boyfriend
  • Occupation
    Co-owner/Administrator of a home care agency
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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday Morgen442!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday Morgen442!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Morgen442!

  4. Morgen442

    Weight loss after a long plateau?

    Hello all, I just wanted to say thanks for all the helpful info here. I was banded in November 2006 and was incredibly successful in my weight loss for the first 6 months. I've had two fills since surgery but it's been several months since my last one and I've had no significant weight loss lately. It's been a little depressing but now I know that I just need to go back in for a third fill and see if that helps! I've lost 75 pounds so far and have about 50 more to go. My life has changed in a great way thanks to Lap-Band. Good luck to all of you! Thanks again!:clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
