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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kayzoog

  1. kayzoog

    Pre-surgery diet

    Look at MagicBullet or Nutribullet for blender options. I bought two MagicBullets. One for home and one for work. The great thing is that they are small enough to travel with if you have to travel for work. I had to go for two days of client meetings and stayed in a hotel. I used the hotel ice, protein shakes, in-room coffee and my MagicBullet to make my "breakfast" in my hotel room each morning. The blender comes with travel mugs and lids making it super easy and virtually no clean-up. I got my MagicBullets from costco which was cheaper than Amazon. As for fruit, I have made shakes with blueberries, but just don't use too many. You still have to watch the sugar on fruit. - K
  2. kayzoog


    I told everyone on my Facebook page. I made that decision because I really don't want it to be a secret . I haven't gotten any negativity. In fact three people private messages me saying they had gotten it too and are happy they did. I had two others message me that they were considering it. Don't get me wrong, I was nervous to say anything, but super happy I did! It's everyone's own choice to tell or not. K
  3. kayzoog

    Thanks to YOU!

    Congrats to you Nancy! I also find this site to be EXTREMELY comforting!
  4. I don't have that pressure feeling, but the body aches got really bad until now 3rd day out, I'm starting to feel better. Whole core area hurts when I cough or laugh, though! Makes it hard to watch my favorite TV shows. K
  5. Hi! I was just banded on 3/3 and posted the experience on my blog: http://banderland.weebly.com. I'm 2 days post op and have muscle pain but nothing horrible like gas pain. I am planning to go back to work Monday (but we will see). K
  6. My surgery went just as easy on the same day but now I feel like my whole body aches. Like all the muscles. Are you experiencing anything like that? /k
  7. Hi everyone! I am officially on the other side! Right now I only have incision pain (like little pinches) and a sore throat. I updated my blog with the surgery day's events if you are interested in reading about it. http://banderland.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/surgery-day.html I wish the best of luck to all who are getting banded soon! - K
  8. kayzoog

    Banded 3-3-14

    Yes I believe it is from the breathing tube. Congrats on your surgery! -k
  9. kayzoog

    Banded 3-3-14

    Thank you for the reminder on fluids. I am making an asserted effort to sip lots of Water. I'm not hungry now, but I know I need to drink lots anyway. -K
  10. kayzoog

    Banded 3-3-14

    Thank you so much! I can't wait to feel "whole". I just feel "poked" right now. K
  11. I did it guys! I was banded yesterday and it all went fabulous! You can read about it here: http://banderland.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/surgery-day.html I wish all you March bandsters a great surgery and a speedy recovery! - K
  12. kayzoog

    Surgery Today

    Me too! Heading to hospital now! Good luck to you!
  13. kayzoog

    Pre-Op Question

    I had the same problem with Bariatric Advantage and switched to Premier Protein as well. I recommend trying out a variety of different options before you truly have to be on them 100%. - K
  14. kayzoog


    My surgery is tomorrow! Can't wait!
  15. It's my last weekend sans-band! Monday is the big day! I've started a blog that I hope you all might check out. http://banderland.weebly.com/ - K
  16. I have only told a few people, too. I figure after I start losing more and getting to goal, people will ask what I have been doing and then I will tell them. My surgery is Monday! :)K
  17. I thought I would mourn food more on the pre op liquid diet but it's not too bad. It actually takes some of the guess work of eating right so my stress over dieting is gone. I've been around tons of delicious food over the past 10 days and I think I only craved something once. I won't say I LOVE the shakes, but it's really not as horrible as I thought it would be. K
  18. kayzoog

    70 lbs GONE!

    I'm inspired!!!!! Keep going!
  19. I am on day 8, so I know how you feel. People say it gets easier. I think it just gets more boring. I am so tired of those shakes! But, I'm 11 pounds down so can't complain too much. Keep at it! - Kristi
  20. My doctor said my hypothyroidsm may go away after I lose weight which is something I never thought of either.
  21. I'm working on my masters taking two online classes plus working full time. I am being banded exactly a week from today and taking that whole week off from work. However, there is no time off school so I'm hoping to feel better toward the end of the week to do my assignments. I hope I don't need pain meds for too long because that will really put a dent my ability to keep up! Good luck! K
  22. kayzoog

    Tomorrow is Surgery Day! :)

    Sorry the link to blog may not work... try this link http://blissfullybanded.wordpress.com/blog-posts/
  23. kayzoog

    Tomorrow is Surgery Day! :)

    Blissfully Banded updated her blog! http://blissfullybanded.wordpress.com/blog-posts/ Sounds like she is doing well! Great update from the day of surgery. Congrats Samantha! - K
  24. kayzoog

    Pre-surgery diet

    Like Ga Gurl, my liquid diet is ala Sugar Busters. I brew coffee in the morning (that is the only thing that is normal for me from pre-pre-op) and have a bit while I watch the news. Then I put about 1/2 a cup of brewed coffee in the fridge to cool it down while I shower and get ready. When I am ready to head to work, I mix Premiere Vanilla pre-made shake (from Costco) with ice and the 1/2 cup of cooled down coffee. I usually add a little splenda because I like it sweeter. I blend that all up till nice and frothy and sip that on my way to work (30 min drive). Before my pre-op, I tried Bariatric Advantage powder which was recommended by my surgeon. It sits like a brick in my stomach. I do not like it at all. The Premiere shakes from costco do much better for me. My cousin is a big natural foods chef, and she suggested that I use Fage Fat Free Greek Yogurt to make the smoothies instead of the powders. So, I blend a cup of that with tomato soup, or cooked broccoli and broth or even Amy's Organic canned pea soup to make a more Protein rich soup. It actually tastes quite good, and "eating" something warm breaks up the monotony of the cold shakes. I am on day 3 and so far so good. I drink lots of Water throughout the day. I've been practicing managing my stress by just drinking water instead of what I would normally do which is snack. I've been trying to decide if I am really hungry or just mentally hungry before I have a shake. It sounds funny, but I literally look down at my stomach to make sure it is really hungry. Ha! - K
  25. kayzoog

    Pre-surgery diet

    I am on high Protein all liquid. I can add some berries, or sugar free Jello powder for other flavorings. In fact my surgeon gave me a bunch of recipes. I use a magic bullet to blend ingredients with ice to make some really good smoothies. In the morning I blend coffee and ice with a pre made vanilla Protein Drink and it's like a Starbucks Frappucino. For lunch I blend Soup and Fage for the protein. I stay away from fruits that aren't berries just because of the elevated sugar in them. As others have said, the goal is to shrink the liver, but also to get used to liquid lifestyle that will be required in the weeks after surgery. K

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