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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kayzoog

  1. I actually blogged about starting to feel normal on day 13: http://banderland.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/day-13energy-coming-back.html Before that I was definitely not myself. Now, I have tons of energy I never had before like @@JustWatchMe You will get there before you know it! - K
  2. kayzoog

    Day 1

    Congrats! Enjoy your hot showers and welcome to the club!
  3. I'm 43. Started at 221 on day of surgery, lost 15lbs in 5 weeks post surgery. I had first fill at 3 weeks. You can see 5 week photo progress on my blog: http://banderland.weebly.com/1/post/2014/04/day-35-15lbs-down-from-surgery.html Good luck to you!
  4. kayzoog

    2day post op

    I am 6 weeks post op. I still have swelling (or a little bump I guess) on the port side. I have started Yoga, but I have to be careful of that port area still. Be careful on the cheese and bread in french onion soup... you are still healing. I slurped the broth out of that one time when it was the only thing I could order at the restaurant. I know how tempting the bread part is! Good luck to you at work. But remember to listen to your body and take the extra time off if you need it. Hopefully your work can accomodate. It took me a week and 1/2 to fully return to work. Also - I agree with the others - stay off the scale. My nut said that with a lower starting weight (you- 228, me -237), we won't notice lots of pounds off at first. Instead, we will notice changes in clothing fit before the lbs. Good luck! - Kristi
  5. kayzoog

    Fill today

    I totally know what you mean! My first real combination food (after mushies like egg, tuna etc) was a taco! And I was so damn excited that I blogged about it. http://banderland.weebly.com/1/post/2014/04/day-36-i-ate-a-taco.html Congrats on your fill. It's a great milestone to achieve. Makes you feel like the band is doing something. - K
  6. kayzoog


    Welcome to the site! There are a lot of people on here (including me) that are really happy with their decisions. I agree with BlissfullyBanded. Her blog is great! And it helped me through the beginning stages of my surgery. Congrats on getting your date! You might read that sometimes that's the hardest part. Now you are on your way!
  7. Hi all! I just updated my blog: http://banderland.weebly.com/ with some in-progress photos 5 weeks post-surgery. I am so excited to have lost 15 pounds post-surgery. While I lost a bunch on my pre-op diet, I am excited to be consistently losing even in the real food stage. Thanks everyone for all the tips and tricks and support that makes each of us a success. Yes, maybe I am still in the honeymoon phase, but I LOVE IT!
  8. kayzoog

    How much did you lose in the first few months?

    I lost a bunch (16lbs) in the 2 week pre-op all liquid diet. Now I have slowed to 3 lbs a week eating mushies and a bit of solid food. That's still faster than any other diet I have been on. And it's consistent and sustainable. Also I don't feel like I am on a diet. A few things I have learned: Protein first (Find a shake you like and avoid sugar) Exercise Don't compare yourself to anyone else That last one is why your surgeon is not telling you specifics on weight loss. Everyone loses differently. Be compliant with your surgeon and nutritionist plans, and you will succeed! Good luck! - K
  9. I LOVE the burp! I had some instances last week where I couldn't burp in the morning. So uncomfortable. I usually have coffee first thing in the AM to wake up. That works pretty well to loosen things up. Glad you found some relief!
  10. I read your blog ALL THE TIME! It really helped me in those initial days. I think I am a couple weeks behind you in the process, so it was great seeing what to look forward to. Thanks!
  11. When I transitioned to mushies from liquid, my first food was a soft scrambled egg. So delicious! Now I am transitioning to regular solid food. Last night, I had one shrimp and one bite of steak. Each "bite" was cut into the teeniest of bites and I chewed chewed chewed. I have also had salad, 2 crackers and 2 tortilla chips. Again, everything was chewed super well. I have not tried actual bread or rice. That scares me!
  12. I had my first fill about 2 weeks ago. I made the mistake of looking at the needle which freaked me out. How can a needle like that NOT hurt?! But my surgeon assured me it would not be bad. It didn't hurt at all. It was all my nerves that made the anticipation worse than the actual event! Do not be scared of fills!
  13. 4 weeks post surgery! Doing well. Enjoying the process. Congrats to all the March 2014 Bandsters!
  14. kayzoog

    Today is surgery day!

    Yay! The big day! Don't be too sad. My boyfriend, Russ, could not take me because he had to work. But, the nurses were super nice, and it seems to go so fast, so it was ok. I was happy to see Russ immediately after surgery, when it was over and I could tell him the whole story. You will do great! Congratulations!
  15. Thanks! 's blog helped me when I was just starting out, and it inspired me to start my own. I am glad it is helping you. I just updated it with my 4-week recap and the experiences of being on a plane with the band. I'm currently at 35,000 feet feeling no discomfort! Good luck to you! Keep us informed (maybe start your own blog!) - K
  16. It's interesting how every surgeon's instructions are different. I was on liquid for 3 weeks post banding. I drank the Premier shakes, and did not have a limit for the amount of oz. In fact they wanted me to have 5 or 6 a day. Which I could not. At first I could barely finish 1/2 of an 11oz shake. And I could only have the shakes, tea, coffee, broth, Crystal Lite, popsicles (SF), Jello (SF). Absolutely no juice. 2 days after my first fill (at 3 weeks), I was able to finally go to mushies. 1/4 cup of egg, refried Beans, tuna or other Protein per meal. Supplement that with Protein Shakes, add a jello or popsicle and that's it. No other types of food for two weeks. I am one week done, one more to go. I feel no hunger after my small 1/4 cup of food. So it's really easy. Next week I get to try adding soft cooked vegetables. I think the main thing is to follow your surgeon's plan. If you are having issues, ask the nutritionist. They may bend it a little to fit your individual needs. - K
  17. kayzoog

    pre-op diet

    My surgeon's paperwork said they would like you to lose 10 lbs prior to surgery. I was on low-carb diet for 2 weeks and pre-op liquid for 2 weeks and lost total of 16lbs before surgery. Check with your surgeon for their specific ideal weight loss. Every surgeon is different. - K
  18. kayzoog

    Day 3 post surgery

    Good job Jesse and Amber! It took me a week to go walk around the park. Amber, everyone heals differently. The important thing is to listen to your body and rest as much as you can! My nutritionist said I could get moody and emotional, but it hasn't happened to me. Congratulations on being on the other side!
  19. I agree on LAUNDRY!!!!! I made the mistake of thinking, oh I will be home all week, won't need to do laundry prior. I ran out of sweats and comfy shirts. So make sure you have lots of sweats/jammies whatever if you don't do your laundry. As far as telling people: I posted to Facebook the night before surgery. I didn't need critics in the weeks before when I had my own doubts. But by the night before, I was already set. There wasn't much anyone could say to make me change my mind. I got TONS of support and well-wishes. I also got two people messaging me for information because they had been considering it, and two distant friends messaging me saying they had Lap-Band and love it. It was very reassuring! I hate secrets anyway, so it was just in my nature to do it that way, plus I wanted to blog about it. However, I was VERY nervous to press the "enter" button on the post. But, once it was done, I felt good. - K
  20. If you don't want to do a complete Estate Planning with a Trust, you can simply set up your deed to the house as "Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship (JTWOS)" with your fiance. That way, if you pass on, the fiance gets the house no questions asked. And you get the house, if he passes. That's how we have our house. (My boyfriend and I are not married). You avoid probate which costs money, and your parents may contest your wishes if they aren't formal. It's a pretty easy thing to do. Good luck! - K
  21. What an important question! About 5 years ago, I read a book by Suze Orman called "Ask Suze about Wills and Trusts". It was such an easy book to read. After that, I set up a Revocable Living Trust and all my insurance, bank accts etc have the beneficiary listed as the Trust. That way, I just change the beneficiaries on the trust documents when I want to, and it's divided through that. The Trust handles the financial stuff. Then, I have power of attorney documents, personal property distribution, and a Last Will and Testament which lists out who my kid is and who his guardian should be, and the powers that my mom has as the executor of the trust. The most important document (when thinking about any surgery) is the Advance Health Care directive, or Living Will. This indicates your end-of-life decisions and whether you want to be on life support, or get a second opinion, etc. This is really important because you don't want to burden your loved ones from trying to remember what you wanted. I had this long before even considering surgery, but I was glad I could say yes when the hospital asked me. Everyday I feel relieved that this binder of documents is in place "just in case" (my mom also has a copy). I did these all myself online, and then got them notarized. (You have to for it to be a legal trust recognized in court) I think LegalZoom.com offers this. You have to do it specific to your state. It sounds complicated but it really isn't. I highly suggest everyone at least write down your advance directive (living will) and give it to a trusted love one. It's good peace of mind. - K
  22. I got a 4.5cc fill on the same day I went to transition class for mushies. Even though I was clear for mushies because I went through the class, I had to wait to enjoy them. I had to be on liquids another two days, but then could transition to the mushies on my own. I am flying next week, so this conversation is very interesting to me. I heard somewhere else that if you stick to liquids on the flight, then you are ok. :)K
  23. WooHoo! Congratulations! First, enjoy the moment! Second, start trying out some different Protein shake options, so you are ready for the liquid diet. Ask your surgeon's nutritionist for a list. Find one you like now before you have to 100% be on them. Third, buy a blender to make the shakes more interesting. Nutribullets are cool. Fourth, take some "before" photos Fifth, schedule time off work (I suggest at least a week) Sixth, do the happy dance! Yay! You are on your way... - K
  24. kayzoog

    Ten Month Results

    Great job!!! You look amazing! Very inspiring!
  25. Congratulations! It was a relief to me when it was all done as well! I hope you have a speedy recovery! - K

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