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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    JadedMage got a reaction from BeagleLover in Back in the hospital.   
    ugh hope you feel better soon !
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    JadedMage got a reaction from ab123. in Am I freaking out for nothing? Help!   
    First of all, DEEP BREATH! calm down! I am about 4 months post op, I wont lie, it was hard at first and I did have to jump through hoops to get it done.
    Second, If you dont do this now, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You are too young to have the problems you have and believe me, they will only get worse with age.
    Third, everyone, and I mean everyone, I dont care how much bravado they have, are scared when they go in for surgery, any surgery, you are not alone.
    Now to your questions:
    1.How many of you needed your gallbladder removed? Was the option on the table to do it with the sleeve surgery?
    I already had my gallbladder out years before the surgery. From years of being obese and eating crap food, my gallbladder died. So if you dont have the operation there is a good chance you may have to have it out anyway.
    2. Long term what Vitamins do you take and how many?
    I just take regular chewable vitamins, nothing extravagant. one a days and they are fine.
    3. I got two body piercings a long time ago. Nose and ear. Both of which i got keloids from. Will my stomach react the same to the staples, infections? Anbody else who has piercings/ had keloids?
    Keloids is basically scar tissue. I doubt it will have any effect on your staple line
    4. I have a retroverted uterus. Anbody else have it that has had this surgery? Any complications
    ( The two questions above are noted in my file to be discussed with my surgeon on nxt visit)
    I have the same and had no complications

    5. Are there ever times when you can eat and drink at the same time? Even just a sip? I understand all the reasons why you shouldn't, just curious if months on out if its possible..my mind is having a hard time wrapping around that thought.
    Its usually a half hour before and half hour after, you get used to it, its not that big of a deal.
    6. What happens if i do all the required visits and chicken out at the last minute?
    Now why would you do that if you have come this far. Imagine being 100 or more lbs lighter, it will happen if you do not chicken out!
    You have to live in your body, do not let anyone tell you how to live in your body.
    now go get'em!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from gruiz27 in Just did a photo shoot . :0 after loosing 130 lbs.   
    Good for you! You look great btw
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    JadedMage reacted to kimpossible67 in Learning the hard way   
    Does your surgeon or hospital have support groups? Ask yourself before you eat "am I really hungry or is it head hunger?" Then drink something if it's head hunger. It's a beast to conquer but you CAN do it!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from auntjanny in Baby Food   
    Biggest mistake i made was with the baby food, YUCK, now i know why babies spit that stuff out!!! It was yucky, even the bananas and custard was gross and forget about the meat and veggies, yuck just yuck!
    Use your imagination, there are lots of soft / pureed foods you can have, I used to have protien shakes with 2 tbls of greek yogurt and skim plus milk for added protien, they were delish. I would puree chicken and add some sauce, or mayo same with tuna. cheese Soup was one of my favs and ricotta cheese, all high in protien.
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    JadedMage reacted to Rcnavigated76 in One major goal passed. PICTURES   
    Original goal of 250 blown away. I'm now 241 and new goal of 215! My beautiful fiancée and our amazing angel of a nurse Ashley. I get asked all the time of I would do this again. YES!HELL YES!
    I'm 33 years old and finally living and loving it!

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    JadedMage got a reaction from Huggies123 in I think I'm regretting the sleeve   
    hey everyone has different stories, I also had a hernia fixed during my sleeve surgery. It was hard at first and 3 + weeks out I still have some problems but Im loosing weight steadily which is what I wanted. sometimes some things go down hard, but then i take a deep breath and just relax and tell myself it will not always be like this. there are still some things I just cant eat yet, but that doesnt mean in a few weeks i wont try again.
    Im also paranoid about my hair falling out, you HAVE to get that protien in, HAVE to, if you dont want your hair falling out, and the Vitamins, eat them, chew them up.
    I use vanilla, body fortress Protein powder, with 2 tablespoons of green yogurt, 6oz of skim plus milk and a packet of stevia and a few ice cubes in a blender, thats about 42 grams of Protein in just that one drink!!! Its really good, creamy, almost like a real milkshake! Also my dr recommended liquid Biotin 3000mcg in a bottle of Water to keep hair from falling out.
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    JadedMage got a reaction from JerzyTomato74 in Drinking after sleeve   
    GAS??? use Gas X Strips, they melt in your mouth and work wonders!!! you wont be sorry!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from Thinkingthinner1109 in Where to begin?   
    first of all i do not know how you can possibly be regretful if you have lost 100 lbs! hell yes this is hard work, but as for me, after being grossly overweight for most of my life I was estatic that I could actually GET this surgery in the at all.
    Also why would you even think that you "can never have...." again? where did you get that from? I mean I know right now (im 3 weeks out from surgery) there are some things I just cant have and Lawd knows i can only eat a half cup of anything at a time but thats what so great! Try to be creative with your food, you may be a lot less un-happy!
    I never had any self control and I always knew it was my portion sizes that were killing me, making me fatter by the day, NOW I just cant eat alot, this surgery fixed that 1 problem all fat people in the world have, no self control with portion sizes!
    Do not think for a second that I do not crave some of the stuff i used to eat, pizza, chinese food, mexican, but you know what? Its a small price to pay for extending the quality of my life, to live another year or two, to not have limbs fall off from diabetes, or have a heart attack or stroke because of my weight.
    Just think if this, how unhappy and regretful would you be in a coffin?
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    JadedMage reacted to CowgirlJane in I think I'm regretting the sleeve   
    This spring... After being at goal more than a year, I went through a rough patch. I just could hardly eat. Of course my first reaction was a "sleeve problem". My surgeon was on vacation so I had to see someone I didn't know. He was compassionate and offered all the tests... scopes etc but told me honestly my symptoms didn't really match likely surgery related issues.
    Turned out I was lonely. Under and over eating are sides of the same coin. I had to make conscious choices to EAT properly and then sure enuf... got better. I am sharing this as words of encouragement. This journey isn't always easy but it has been so worth it. Look at my profile for before and afters and it tells a story.
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    JadedMage reacted to CowgirlJane in I think I'm regretting the sleeve   
    Have you considered counseling? I am not trying to minimize your feelings but I have been through childbirth, banding, disbanding, sleeved, hernia repair, plastics.... sleeve was hard because it was hard to stay hydrated and everything tasted weird....and that was back when I cared a lot about food. From a pain perspective tho...sleeve was easy by comparison (that port when banded hurt!) Don't get me started about childbirth: 12 on a painscale of 1-10!
    I think alot of it is mental attitude. It's hard, you have given up a lover and so called friend (over eating) and your whole darn world has been turned upside down. I think I was a little depressed post sleeve and never believed I would look or feel normal again. I was right..nearly 3 years post op and I am on fire!!! Just wish I had been able to become slim/normal decades ago!!!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from bellabill in Soft food ideas   
    haha I found it in the ethnic food isle of my local market, i think its thai peanut sauce, its got a zing to it very tasty!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from Kindle in Leak test   
    I had my leak test the next morning, the stuff tasted like crap but i got it down and it was pretty interesting to see it go down and through my new baby tummy.
    As far as eating the wrong stuff too soon, you have to be an idiot to want to do something like that, why would you even go through this operation if you would do this. got to give something up right?
  14. Like
    JadedMage got a reaction from Thinkingthinner1109 in Where to begin?   
    first of all i do not know how you can possibly be regretful if you have lost 100 lbs! hell yes this is hard work, but as for me, after being grossly overweight for most of my life I was estatic that I could actually GET this surgery in the at all.
    Also why would you even think that you "can never have...." again? where did you get that from? I mean I know right now (im 3 weeks out from surgery) there are some things I just cant have and Lawd knows i can only eat a half cup of anything at a time but thats what so great! Try to be creative with your food, you may be a lot less un-happy!
    I never had any self control and I always knew it was my portion sizes that were killing me, making me fatter by the day, NOW I just cant eat alot, this surgery fixed that 1 problem all fat people in the world have, no self control with portion sizes!
    Do not think for a second that I do not crave some of the stuff i used to eat, pizza, chinese food, mexican, but you know what? Its a small price to pay for extending the quality of my life, to live another year or two, to not have limbs fall off from diabetes, or have a heart attack or stroke because of my weight.
    Just think if this, how unhappy and regretful would you be in a coffin?
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    JadedMage got a reaction from Thinkingthinner1109 in Has everyone out there lost hair post op?   
    i have alot of hair and loose alot of hair anyway, I was told that is one of the reasons they tell you to eat your protien first and to get at least 60grams of Protein a day. I was also told that liquid Biotin (3000mcg) in a bottle of Water a day will help from loosing hair.
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    JadedMage reacted to 1Day1Life4Now in Sugar addict and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) surgery?   
    Quest.... a lot of this weight loss is mind over matter. Your head has to be in the game to make the surgery work. You may want to see a behaviorist or Psychiatrist to work on the sugar addiction. Either surgery will work for you and you can "cheat" on either one.... people can and have gained their weight back after both of these surgeries. The failure was not in the operation but in the mental approach these people took with WLS. You're going to have to limit or omit sugar from your diet to be successful... planning on using dumping isn't going to work. It's not a healthy or fun way to live. These surgeries are only tools to help... they can't solve all of the problems. It sounds to me like you're shopping for the best way to cheat while you continue to consume your drug food of choice. I am worried about you.... This is Not a healthy way to start.
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    JadedMage reacted to scrapbasket in Gauze left inside me after surgery? pics inside. worried...   
    ps leave it alone , dont pick at it, or you will have to wear a cone ( joke). love,sara
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    JadedMage reacted to Fox-E in Soft food ideas   
    These are great ideas! Thank you!
    What kind of peanut sauce do you use. That combination of turkey and peanut sauce sounds funky.
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    JadedMage reacted to JamieLogical in one week post op, having some troubles, advices appreciated   
    Swelling in the abdomen is normal. I'm a little over 3 weeks post-op and still have some swelling in my abs. I had a Tummy Tuck three years ago and even though I regained 80 pounds afterward (thus my decision to have VSG), my stomach staid very flat and firm. Since my VSG three weeks ago, it's definitely way "squishier" than it was pre-op. So definitely still some tissue swelling there.
    As for the dark urine, it's likely due to dehydration. In the early days post-op, it is very hard to get in enough Water and since your body is healing, it requires even more Water than usual, so dehydration is common. I'm 24 days post-op now and I still have dark urine when I first go to the bathroom in the morning, after not having drunk anything all night. I'm getting right at the 64 oz. mark for fluids each day now.
    As for the soreness in your limbs while sleeping, I did not experience that and I am not sure what could be causing it. You may want to contact your surgeon or PCP about that one!
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    JadedMage reacted to Debi Amador in Weightloss goals and rewarding your accomplishments?   
    When I hit ONE-derland I got a tattoo.
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    JadedMage got a reaction from dropdeadweightdiva in Question (:   
    Stick to the plan, its only for a little while, yes it sucks but its something you have to do and be strong doing it, you will be all the better for it in the end.
    Full liquids was not that bad, protien shakes with greek yogurt, creamed Soups, its much better than that clear liquid by far. and if you like cheese, campbells makes a cheese Soup that is still one of my favorite soups!
    If you eat things you should not eat you run the risk of hurting yourself, do you really want to go back into the operating room because you HAD to have that bread and cheese and now blew a staple and are having septis, oh yea that can KILL you?
    Dont be silly, buck up and get through it, you know you can!
  22. Like
    JadedMage got a reaction from dropdeadweightdiva in Question (:   
    Stick to the plan, its only for a little while, yes it sucks but its something you have to do and be strong doing it, you will be all the better for it in the end.
    Full liquids was not that bad, protien shakes with greek yogurt, creamed Soups, its much better than that clear liquid by far. and if you like cheese, campbells makes a cheese Soup that is still one of my favorite soups!
    If you eat things you should not eat you run the risk of hurting yourself, do you really want to go back into the operating room because you HAD to have that bread and cheese and now blew a staple and are having septis, oh yea that can KILL you?
    Dont be silly, buck up and get through it, you know you can!
  23. Like
    JadedMage got a reaction from RenewMe in SEPTEMBER 2014 POST-OP SLEEVERS CHECKING IN!   
    sleeved on 9/2/14 - i have lost 26 lbs so far and havent had any problems at all!!!
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    JadedMage got a reaction from sheavens in Truth! What's the pain really like?   
    I was sleeved on 9/2/14, i was totally out of it and on pain killers in the hospital for two days, after that the dr sent me home with tylonal with codine but i havent used it. I was soar for a few days when i got home but it was pretty much nothing.
    you also have to remember your internal organs do NOT have nerve endings and can NOT feel pain. the only discomfort you will have is the incision marks and honestly, i have had worst cat scratches from my cats!
    dont freak out, just do it, it will be the best decision of your life!
  25. Like
    JadedMage got a reaction from dropdeadweightdiva in Question (:   
    Stick to the plan, its only for a little while, yes it sucks but its something you have to do and be strong doing it, you will be all the better for it in the end.
    Full liquids was not that bad, protien shakes with greek yogurt, creamed Soups, its much better than that clear liquid by far. and if you like cheese, campbells makes a cheese Soup that is still one of my favorite soups!
    If you eat things you should not eat you run the risk of hurting yourself, do you really want to go back into the operating room because you HAD to have that bread and cheese and now blew a staple and are having septis, oh yea that can KILL you?
    Dont be silly, buck up and get through it, you know you can!

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