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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by RedStorm

  1. Even though you not motivated now stick with it and it will become a habit and each time you will do something better and it will motivate u to try harder. I was one month out from getting my band and just starting to get into working out and I broke my ankle. I was done for 8 weeks. I was in a boot and in pain and could do nothing but prop my foot up.

    For the past five weeks I have been going to therapy 3 times a week and going to the gym on my lunch hour. And you know what? I did the elliptical for 25 min and then I jogged for 6 min straight on the treadmill. I can't tell you the last time I jogged at all. And this going further motivates me.

    So dig deep and do it even though you are dreading it and each time it will get easier and it will start fueling your fire.

  2. Miralax because you will get constipated from the pain meds. Also I got chewable gas-x as well as the strips and I was thankful that I did as the strips had a strong flavor and made me heave. Also for the first two days all I drank was apple juice and Water, because everything else tasted so sweet and I could not tolerate it. So maybe apple juice. I also put everything on a counter in the kitchen so I did not have to bend or reach to have access to anything. Good luck.

  3. Thanks everyone. I had to cancel my fill because I go to a fill clinic so it can be done under floro. I made a doctor apt for Friday to discuss what happened and see if they still think I should get a fill or not. Being very careful of what I eat today because my throat and esophagus still feel swollen.

  4. Was going to get a fill this Thursday but I am having second thoughts. I have 2cc in my 10 cc band. I am on my monthly cycle and I heard the band can be righter during this time. I really have not ate much the past three days and have had Protein Shakes for dinner just so I can get my Protein in for the day. Well after I drank it I realized I forgot to take my antibotic. I opened it up and put it in applesauce but I has one pretty small ball in it besides the powder and it is smaller then all the pills I take in the morning.

    15 minutes after I took the meds I started having very sharp chest pains which were right about the bottom of my breast bone. I did not burp or slime at all. I got up and started walking and got hot and started tensing up so my neck was hurting. This lasted about 15 mins and just stopped. Now I am sipping some hot tea.

    Does it sound like the pill got stuck? Should I do just liquids tomorrow? Lost as this is the first time it has happened.

  5. Name, real or screen~ Vicki (RedStrom)

    Goal weight for August 31st~ 200

    Weight on August 4th~ 209

    Age~ 39

    City/State~ Arlington, TX

    Dietary goal for August~ keep doing what I am doing and track everyday

    Exercise goal for August~ exercise 5 times a week

    Personal goal for August~ Get closer to onderland

    Date banded~ 4/1/14

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 54 pounds

    Favorite End of Summer Activity~ Sending my husband who is a teacher and son back to school!!!

  6. Thank you everyone for the replies, advice and encouragement. I truly appreciate it. I think I will call and make an appt for a fill, which will probably be a couple weeks out. So that gives me time to incorporate some of the suggestions given above. Thank you everyone!

    I don't see my doc until I am 6 months out, so not till October. I go to a fill clinic and get my fills under floro, because my port is tilted and the doc could not get needle in. So all the advice is greatly appreciated.

  7. Thank you for the quick reply. No I can't go 4 hours without getting hungry. Was not sure if I was getting hungrier due to starting to workout or if it was really time to get another fill. Also if I cut out my snack and only eat three times I would only get in about 800 to 900 calories and net around 500 with exercise. Is that enough?

  8. This is my menu for today:

    Breakfast: coffee and then a light Greek yogurt with granola

    snack before gym: 1 oz of nuts

    Lunch: 4oz grilled chicken with baby raw carrots and cantaloupe

    Snack: apple slices with Peanut Butter

    Dinner: Protein shake and a turkey P3 (because I am eating on the run. If I was at home would have 4oz Protein and veggies)

    Workout: 30 min elliptical and 20 min weights

    Total calories 1135 with net calories of 731

  9. Surgery was on April 1st and so far I have lost 51 pounds. I have had 1 fill and have 2cc in a 10cc band. I can eat anything with no issues, but choose not to eat bread, rice, Pasta or bad carbs. I have really not lost anything in 4 weeks but can tell I am losing inches. I just started working out and get at least 40 minutes in 5 times a week. I eat around 1200 calories a day but it is broken down into 4 or 5 meals. I don't go 4 hours without eating. Any advice on if I should get a fill would be great. Thanks.

  10. 2 things. I wish I would have done it 3 years ago when I first started thinking about it, but I did not realize my insurance covered it. I also wish I could change my eating during my 4 months of nutrition counseling. I could have had a jump start but instead I used it to eat everything I thought I would miss. As of now I really don't miss 90% of it.

  11. Loved reading this post and strive to reach the place you are in your journey. Dieting never worked and it would be my ideal situation to not track my food or count calories. Thank you for the post and being such an inspiration. You always have great feedback for all of is and I really appreciate the time you take to comment for us. Great job!!!!

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