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About Kiara5244

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 09/22/1989

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm 24, from Buffalo, Ny and I just was to be happy and healty!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Working, reading, fashion, mucis, lol learning to swim!
  • Occupation
    Hair Stylist
  • City
  • State
    New York
  1. 20 lbs til i arrive at onederland!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Look! There it is..........can't you see it - just over the horizon? There are so many of us who have gone before you. We will see you there shortly. Great job, you - great job!

    3. StephanieRR



      Congrats! So happy for you!


    4. Megan00
  2. I would like to be thin but I still want my curves.. hips and boob galore! lol After that a "ideal size or weight" hasnt been on my mind. If i end up a 0 but still have my ideal shape I'll be happy but if everything just flattens out on my I wont be
  3. in the same boat i try not to pay too much attention to the scale tho.. i do weekly measurement and i continue to lose inches!
  4. 60 lbs down and I still don't "see or feel" any different! :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. relief57


      You should have gone down about three sizes now.But 60lbs is a great accomplishment. gowalking made a good point our mind has to catch up with the reality of whats actually happening.

    3. Megan00


      Your doing great I am sure those clothes feel different


    4. alxmak1021


      It sounds like you are doing great! Don't let this get you down.. you are doing fantastic, 60lbs that you didn't have before. Keep you chin up :)

  5. In in the same boat! When i talked to my NUT I felt better. I lost alot of weight before surgery and really I only have about 50 lbs to go to get to the weight my doc wants me to be at so, weight wont come off fast for me. Also I do alot more weight training then I do cardio so Ive been "bulking up". I was eating alot of high sodium things like alot of cheese and salsa..so Ive been keeping water weight on me. I have my 6 week follow up next week and by then Id probably be down to 20 lbs since surgery which is still normal! Hope that this will give you some comfort! Good luck with everything!
  6. Kiara5244

    Self Image Issues

    Im the same way! So far I lost about 60 lbs and I feel like I dont see any difference.. even some of my old clothes still fit me. So in my head I see that I can still wear a 18 and it fits so I know im still big!
  7. 1.2 lbs from being the smallest I've ever been in all of my adolescent and adult life!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. alxmak1021


      Yay, that is awesome!! Congrats!! How much total?

    3. Kiara5244


      58 lbs down in all 17 since surgery

    4. alxmak1021


      What a great feeling!

  8. All i had to to was answer a 500 question true or false test.. its had the most random and crazy questions I've ever been asked! Every where from "I enjoy the color cyan" and "my mother was/is a good person" to "I have thought about hurting myself or others" and "I tend to eat more when I feel sad"
  9. 5 weeks out and enjoying normal food again!!

    1. Carlotta1





    2. relief57



  10. invest in unflavored protein powder..usual has low calories fat and sugar. Plus its easy to add it to everything. I add a tablespoon of it into my gravies, soups, sauces, yogurt, pudding etc. At first it wont seem like a lot but throughout the day it adds up. Just be careful not to add too much at a time or else you'll end up with a gross unbearable meal!
  11. Kiara5244

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Ooo yeah I forgot Cavaretta got hurt! Im praying for you honey! I still think it will be pretty quick! Like i said they tried to schedule mine for 2 weeks after getting approved
  12. Soo Im realizing that I am a slow loser and Im actually happy about it! It will give my skin a chance to bounce back

  13. Kiara5244


    it would hurt you for surgery! the whole point of it is to shrink your liver and even if its just a tiny bit youll be fine...I know ppl who barely followed the reduction diet and still were fine. If anything they might have to cut you differently to make sure there is room to do the procedure
  14. Kiara5244

    Anyone From Buffalo, Ny Out There?

    Once you get approved they seriously schedule you within weeks! like 2 to 3! so get ready you'll def have a Mat date!
  15. 1 month out!!! cant wait to try some sushi..with no rice of course!

    1. BladeFox


      I hear you!!! I went to a Thai/pan restaurant and they had a sushi bar and it was burning a hole in my spirit LOL!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
