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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Danni-doinit4me

  1. Danni-doinit4me

    anyone have a tummy flu?

    Yes, It has been going around my place of work for the past 2 weeks!! I got it last Thursday! Pretty much the same as if I had not been sleeved. Same symptoms!
  2. I started with the bariatric chewables. And tums for my calcium as per my NUT. I am now able to use the gummy prenatal vitamins. Doctor would not let use gummys for 3 months.
  3. Danni-doinit4me


    Yep, same thing here! I could not walk down a grocery store isle withe cleaning detergents. Made me very nauseous. It's better now.
  4. As I stated earlier, I am interested. In the Lincoln, Ne area and would love to be a co-leader.
  5. Love this idea!! Would be very interested.
  6. Got my call tonight too!! Insurance approved. UHC Choice Plus. Package on its way.
  7. I just got the call my insurance company has approved the protein shakes. They will ship them out tomorrow!!

  8. Danni-doinit4me

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    So excited! Stall finally over! Today's weight. 238.4!!!!!!
  9. Danni-doinit4me

    Head Hunger (Emotional) vs. Physical Hunger

    I cant get the attachment to work!!
  10. Danni-doinit4me

    Popcorn? When?

    I would like to know the same thing! That is the one thing I miss!!
  11. Danni-doinit4me

    No longer living in the 200's :)

    Congratulations!! I am hoping to reach that goal myself!! Keep up the great work!!!
  12. Absolutely my husband knows now and has known at my highest!! (400) He loves me and doesn't care what I weigh! He is happy for me because this is what I want to do for myself and he supports me 100%!
  13. Danni-doinit4me

    I now own a FULL LENGTH MIRROR! :)

    I don't own a full length mirror, but I am not afraid to look at myself in a mirror anymore! It's hard to believe the changes that are happening to my body!!
  14. Danni-doinit4me


    I have the fitbit force, love it! I have it paired with MFP as well. As far as accuracy, not sure. I guess with any type of pedometer, etc may be open for some discrepancies. I use it as a tool to gauge how active I am. I am finding I am not as active, outside of the gym, as I thought I was!! It helps me to walk more steps and use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you put it on your non dominate arm, that may make it more accurate.
  15. Danni-doinit4me

    Lose It! or My Fitness Pal ?

    Scratch that,, i figured it out!!!
  16. Danni-doinit4me

    Lose It! or My Fitness Pal ?

    Ok, i have tried to add a couple of you on to MFP but I can only add via email.
  17. Danni-doinit4me

    CPAP or BPAP Machine for sleep apnea

    I have used mine for 12 years!! Love it. At first I was also claustrophobic , but now I can't imagine not using it. My PCP said I would probably always need it because I have enlarged tonsils. I would have to have them taken out! My husband also uses one. I always said we would never be abducted by aliens, if they came at night!!! Lol
  18. I know how you feel. I work in a retirement community and there is Always sweets around!! I have no desire to eat any of it! I have not had sugary sweet anything since august of last year!! Hang in there you can do it!!
  19. Danni-doinit4me

    Lose It! or My Fitness Pal ?

    I use MFP, I also have it tied in with my fitbit! Haven't used any others so I can't tell you if it's better or not.
  20. Danni-doinit4me

    St. Patrick's Day Challenge

    First day checking in: CW 244, My goal for the challenge is to be at 235!!
  21. Danni-doinit4me

    A must read for sleevers

    I will have to check it out.. I have been stuck for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for the info!!
  22. I can't see a video or a link.
  23. Danni-doinit4me

    Plateau broken!

  24. Danni-doinit4me

    Time off after Sleeve

    6 weeks. Physically I would have been able to go sooner. But my Doc wants you off so you can get all your fluids and nutrition in. He says it easy to get busy and forget to drink.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
