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Posts posted by pinkbarbie

  1. I am posting over here cause you guys will know what is needed.

    I am having surgery next Tuesday the 29th. I am trying to pack my bag ahead of time so I'm not throwing things together at the last minute.

    Here is what I have in the bag so far.




    Comfy Stretchy clothes to go home

    Loose stretchy unmentionables


    EOS (Chapstick)

    GAS-X Dissolvable strips

    iPad with iBooks, music, and movies

    bariatricpal app on all devices

    slipper socks (with the little grips on them)

    small pillow (to hold when moving)

    my pillow


    Anything else you vets can recommend??

  2. Hi Healthier2be, I know it may not feel this way, but your friend being honest with you about why she was the way she was is a complement and her honesty May be a sign of how much she values the friendship, even if she can't stop herself from feeling jealous right now. Instead of not talking about weight issues with her anymore, how about returning the favor and asking her how YouTube can best keep up the wonderful friendship you have had without making things worse or weird? "Would you rather I not talk about my weight loss?" Or "I promise not to talk about it nonstop but do you want to hear when I have those non-scale victories that feel important to me?, or is it better if I just don't mention that part of my life?" something like that--because this may be a deepening to your friendship to work through this, rather than diminishing it. I feel like real friends who are willing to do the self- work on their own issues are such a rare thing. And you also have every right to your own feelings and appropriate sense of self protection in this. I hope you too can find that wonderful common ground of easy friendship again.

    You took the words right out of my keypad. :)

  3. Why not? The sleeve isn't a death sentence, it's a tool for weight loss. You will be on a strict diet for a few months while you heal and then a doctor recommended diet while you lose. Hopefully you will teach yourself to make healthy choices and allow yourself a few bites bites of an occasional treat. It's all good. No need to mourn a food you've never had because it does not mean you never will. :)

    Really? I was told breads would be a big no no afterwards

  4. Is there such a thing? I've seen this new trend of Cronuts (sp?) in several places recently and I keep thinking I'll never get to have one. I still have to loose a few more pounds before my surgery in 9 days and I'm considering trying to find a place that sells them tomorrow do I can say I've had them at least once. It doesn't help that my hubby goes on and on about how good they are

  5. I'm very excited for surgery on wed and then today I saw pics of flabby excess skin and it really made me sad. I know it's about health and I get it. But something about that picture made me very very sad. Oh goodness the emotions are driving me nuts.

    I had this exact same reaction yesterday when a friend's husband posted a pic of her. She is a little over a year out and the excess skin was sooo bad.

    Then someone took a pic of me at church this morning and I realized I can find ways to cover up all of that excess skin (until PS) but I can't hide this fat body.

  6. It does suck but stay strong. if I were you I would have the kids put their candy away some place you won't have to look at it tomorrow. And then if there is extra candy take it to work or give to neighbors or throw it away.

    I'll have to remember that

    didn't get much candy this year on purpose


    I thought i heard some noise coming from the closet :D

    it might be calling your name - but pretend "they" have the wrong # and don't answer the phone :lol:

    good for you by not buying much of candy you like (i do that too for halloween)

    pre-op people/you need/should prove to yourself (and doc) that you are strong, and will work hard with the sleeve

    stay strong - when/if you reach out for that piece of candy with your left hand.............

    let the right hand reach over and slap it, saying "knock it off!!! ;) !!

    you work with the sleeve and the sleeve will work with you!!! :)

    temptation is a 4 ltr word :wacko:

    many/most/all/you/me will have to deal with it for the rest of our healthier, happier, longer lives :)

    i know you are strong

    i see B) the determination in your eyes

    you will be successful!!!!

    happy easter :)

    good luck with surgery

    speedy recovery :)



  7. Oh Pinkbarbie, I completely understand! I just did my two daughter's Easter baskets, and now as adults it's more something I do just for fun. I bought only one bag of chocolate eggs, and the rest all things like dried fruit, some fun special cooking ingredients they like but can't afford, bubble bath, and the like. But darned if those chocolate eggs don't call out louder than the champagne Orange Vinegar I got them, or the Black Pearl rice! Sigh. I love those things, and made a deal with my pre-op self (we have surgery on the same day,) that I could have ONE little chocolate egg, and only one. I even said it out loud, lol. And that's all I've had. I know I really should not have even half that, but it was a good limit and I feel good about sticking with it. Oddly enough, having had one and set that as my boundary, it made all those other chocolate eggs quiet down! I hope your closet quiet down to, and that you are able to get some peace of mind from the chocolate cacophony. Hang in there, it'll be worth it. And by the way, Happy Easter everyone!

    LOL> I totally let myself have one Hershey's Milk Chocolate Miniature. And that's it!!! I am actually proud of myself

  8. Thanks for the info. I really want to be one of those who can just get up and walk around within a few days. I have a very high tolerance for pain and I can't stand being stuck in one place for too long.

    I read about so many who have complications and I want to do anything I can not to have any of those side effects if

    I can help it. I know that some are unpreventable but I want to do everything I can to make sure my body is ready

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