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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kim68

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/06/1968
  1. Happy 45th Birthday kim68!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday kim68!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary kim68!

  4. kim68

    I Need Help

    I'm just hoping the fill helps. I feel like I can eat more than the 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup that I was told to stick to
  5. kim68

    I Need Help

    I am scheduled for my first fill on 12-12. Since this is all new to me I'm not sure what I'm feeling is heartburn or if something is actually stuck. I'm a little disappointed. I'm not losing. But I feel like its my own fault. I haven't been sticking with counting how many ounces I eat. I'm hoping my first fill will help and I'll start losing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  6. kim68

    surgery scheduled

    Yep I had my surgery on the 29th and it went as smooth as could be. The worst part of the whole thing is having to struggle getting awake when its over. I have my one week post-op appoint with dr. marley tomorrow. I know I have lost some weight, but hopefully it will be a lot more than I am thinking. I have been doing very well with the liquid diet. I have heard that some people have actually eaten doritoes at one week post op!!! How anyone could do that I don't know. I am scared to eat too much for fear I'll get sick. And I do have those times when I feel my belly growling, so I'll head for something strained. It really hasn't been hard to stick to the liquid diet. The pre-op diet was much worse than what I'm going through now. I only lost 4 lbs. on my pre-op diet, so time will tell tomorrow...
  7. kim68

    surgery scheduled

    I am not doing very well on the pre-op diet. I lost 2 lbs as of last saturday, so I'm hoping they aren't upset with me tomorrow at my pre-op appointment.
  8. Hi all!! My surgery is scheduled for 10/29. I am excited but nervous about having it done. My biggest worry is the sedation and how I'll feel afterward. My physician is Dr. Marley at Windber Hospital in Windber, PA. I am also worried about the liquid diet I'll be on following the surgery. I'm not quite sure yet what I'll be drinking, so anyone with any good concoctions please respond.
  9. kim68


    I am awaiting approval to go ahead an have the surgery. I attended a support group meeting tonight and saw dramatic weight loss in many. The only thing I'm worried about at this point, is pain management. I'm worried about the pain factor. I think it was so neat that everyone at the meeting started a clothes swap...they bring in their old clothes in hopes that others may be able to use them.

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