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    angelface811 got a reaction from paigelarson89 in Anyone having surgery in May   
    I am one more night away from surgery...May 5th. I am in Southern California and I have been pursuing the surgery since 2008. Can't believe I am actually a day away. My insurance and medical group required 32 weeks worth of classes and support groups. It was a 3 hour round trip at least once a week but I made it! I am having the bypass and will be kept for a minimum of 48 hours. I am so thankful for this site and to all of you who share your stories. Thanks to you all! Keep sharing and I hope we can continue to help one another through the ups and downs. God Bless You All...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from rome in Anyone having surgery in May   
    It is very exciting but also understandably scary. For years now I have had to endure so many challenges. I was molested as a child (that's when I started getting a bit chubby) then my first husband was killed right before my very eyes and lastly I had severe post-partum depression. I have been working so so hard internally for many years. I have been blessed to be able go share my story and help others. Now it's time for the external me. When I think about it, one word comes to mind, RESTORATION. How about you guys?
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    angelface811 got a reaction from hb5484 in 2 Months- 50lbs with pictures!   
    You look great girl!!! Thanks for the inspiration and your honesty! My surgery is May 5th...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Nancy E. in Pre-op nurse called me to old for surgery and made me nervous!   
    You are not old! And you are certainly not to old for this surgery...in my endeavor to get bariatric surgery I had to go through a 6 month process. An entire group of us started at the same time. About 60 people...at 37 I was one of the youngest in the bunch. Those who fell between 40-50 were the largest group by far. About 90% female. I have kept in touch with some of the gals and none have said it was a problem with there surgeons. I actually met someone in there 70's who did it. I'm sure there will be others posting after me that will encourage you and assure you that you are not to old! Best of luck to you!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from tebowfan in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Anybody have a goal in mind? Does your bariatric surgeon have a goal set for you? I think in terms of sizes I am currently an 18 and my dream size would be an 8. I was a 24/26 at my largest. The weight chart my doctor uses puts me at weighing between 125-135 for a healthy bmi at 5'4. My surgeon would like to see me between 150-160. The nutritionist I saw actually took into account my body frame by examining my wrists etc. She said I have a large frame and said I should weigh between 140-150. Anyhow in my mind 160 is good 150 is better and 140 is best. So how about you all?
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    angelface811 got a reaction from HappyMamma in 6 year Post Lap-Band...NEW VIDEO of my JOURNEY...   
    Really enjoyed watching your story...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from EarthyGoalie in how am I supposed to exercise   
    Try buying Leslie Sansone or Denise Austin walking videos. You may even be able to bring them up on YouTube. Leslie Sansone specializes in walking exercise videos and has numerous ones out there. They vary in music, speed, target areas etc. I think it's a great alternative if you aren't able to get out and depending on the video you get I think it's a great transition back into getting active. There are some people that push to hard to fast. While their eagerness is awesome sometimes they cause internal damage, additional scar tissue, hernias or aggravation of the incisions because they didn't allow their bodies enough time to heal. Walking is ideal for starting off...best of luck to you!!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Purple Iris in Anyone having surgery in May   
    I am scheduled for May 5th or Cinco de mayo for RNY also. I am 37 years old and have an 11 year old son. I have been married to my hubby for 13 years. My entire family is extremely supportive and excited for me which is awesome. I have been looking into WLS surgery since 2008. At that time my Dr. said even though I qualify my HMO wouldn't pay. So I lost 102 pounds on my own. Everything was going great but then I began having excruciating hip pain. Went from 8 hours at the gym per week to nothing. My right hip is completely torn. I was a dancer for many many years and the ortho said my injury,which is more complicated than I've described, happens to many dancers later in life. I gained 65 pounds back. I was completely restricted. During my 6 month pre-surgery program I lost 18 pounds. So I have kept a total of 55 pounds off. I have many medical conditions that are going to benefit from the RNY including my hip. Excited to get to know you all!!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Jeffie Beck in Weight Gain   
    I'm sorry your having a rough time. It must have been so discouraging to not lose how much you thought you might. There are some people who don't lose all they needed to with the sleeve and then need to convert to bypass. Maybe it's worth looking into in addition to getting a good work up. Make sure your thyroid is good, adrenal functions and hormones etc.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from hopeful2 be slim in It's too late, but did I make the right decision?   
    I also experienced Hair loss so I thought I would take a look at our local wig store. Oh my goodness I had so much fun. They put a wig cap on me and I tried on several and loved it. I purchased a synthetic wig mid-price...about $55. It's actually the hair you see on in my profile pic. I plan to get more...try some new colors...etc. I have gotten nothing but compliments which is awesome. Anyhow maybe try visiting a wig shop and give it a chance. They should have hair pieces also. Celebrities, models and even "real people" are using extensions, wigs, and hairpieces all the time. You can probably find a wig that looks like the hair you use to have if that's what you wish. Your hair will start to grow back again...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from DevilBlueDress in Good Bras? $$$   
    Bras are so incredibly important especially if you want to accentuate your figure. They should lift, hold you in and in turn help you with posture. I took my sister out bra shopping because she was frustrated with her bras, we found the right style for her breasts (a plunge style) and she says "oh my gosh I have a waist." I still love my cacique bras from lane bryant. They go down to a 38 and have so many styles. Keep an eye out for sales. Twice a year they have buy 2 get 2 free. Great quality...hang dry.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Frustration!   
    I am having surgery May 5th and I plan to continue using my Quantum scale. I love it! It's not for everyone...it was recommended by Dr. Oz as well as many other health care professionals. It looks like a normal scale except it is a one-user scale only. You press the set button then get on the scale. It then reads OK when it has calculated your weight. But your "real weight" will never show. The only thing that shows when you get back on the scale is how many pounds you are up or down from your starting weight. It's great! I have also used it for my son when he had to "cut weight" for football. If he saw his true weight he was more discouraged but doing the plus or minus was better for him emotionally. I think it's a great tool for kids or teens aiming to lose weight.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from chefcoll in HELP ME!   
    I was really surprised I had obstructive sleep apnea as well. For me I found out during gallbladder surgery. Waking up from the anesthesia was very difficult for me and I required a lot of oxygen during surgery. So my anesthesiologist suggested I get checked. After 6 months my dr finally agreed to.
    I have now been on a ResMed CPAP for over 2 years. The only time you hear a sound from the machine is when taking mask off the face. Even then, there is a sensor that turns it off when not on your face. My insurance co. actually had a router attached for the first 30 days to make sure I was using it. Big Brother! You will have to see what mask works for you...nasal or full face. They don't expect you to wear it all night long when you first get it but you work up to it. Mine is moderate apnea. Whether moderate or severe apnea this machine can potentially save your life and I'm not just talking at night. It can improve your quality of life...you get the oxygen to the brain that you need. My husband isn't irritated by the machine either. He says he can't hear it.
    If you haven't had a consultation with a pulmonologist I would suggest doing so. Have him check your pulmonary functions and do a chest X-ray. Rule out any other lung issues and get a baseline function on your lungs. WLS surgery is great for people with lung issues because with the weight loss not only do you have less weight to lug around but your body isn't physically suffocating it's own lungs. But count yourself blessed that this diagnosis was discovered before surgery. Now your anesthesia team will put things into place that they otherwise may not have. Try not to look at it too negatively this could've just saved your life. On the bright side when we lose the weight we may not need those machines anymore...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from dressie in Why the sleeve?   
    I think the RNY and sleeve are both taking "drastic measures." There are still major malabsorption issues with both procedures. I have also done a lot of research on the two surgeries. I have had 2 of my specialty doctors tell me to "please go with the RNY" if I am going to have WLS . Their reasoning was both the same and they do not know each other. They told me the RNY is still the gold standard in WLS and while the sleeve is showing great promise it hasn't been around for long in the U.S. So they don't have long term research in yet. Whereas we do on the RNY. Both have their potential complications. I was told at the seminar that it looks like insurance companies will probably be dropping Lap-Band coverage because of the research coming in. So many erosions, slippage, poor weight loss results and conversion to other WLS. It seems the new trend is the sleeve which may turn out to be awesome we just don't have the research in. In addition, while the majority of the stomach is removed by the sleeve a small minority of people are not able to lose it all and convert to the RNY to lose the rest. Ideally with my own unique set of circumstances I only want to go under the knife once. I understand it may not go my way with complications being a reality, but that is what I am hoping for. Because of the nature of the RNY surgery you are more likely to feel full because of an increase in hormones like peptide YY, glucagon like peptide GLP-1. Ghrelin levels also decrease but are typically not permanent. There is so much more on both surgeries...best of luck to you. Just my own thoughts on the subject--

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