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    angelface811 got a reaction from Magic Mojo in Is 62 too old? I'm gonna find out!   
    Hi Magi Mojo I think you should also go for it. But I would also like to add that some surgeons have more experience operating on more mature patients. I'm sure they will do a thorough examination of you pre-surgically. In addition thorough bloodwork to check for any deficiency. Make sure that you make them work for the services you are paying for. My aunt Joanne was 60 when she had her gastric bypass. She had countless medical issues. She did beautifully. She gained back her mobility and spunk. She was probably around a size 28 and got down to an 8. She is now in her 70's and still going strong. Gone every weekend on some adventure...enjoying those golden years! Best of luck to you and if you need any support or encouragement utilize this site...we truly are a supportive bunch ????
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    angelface811 got a reaction from valkyrie88 in Seeing results ????   
    Your doing great girl! Everyone is so different in regards to the pace of their weight loss. You'll get there...just stick to the guidelines.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Julie norton in What are you looking for in a support group?   
    I may soon begin facilitating a small group for bariatric patients. I am looking for suggestions and input as to what you are looking for in a small group. I have run and been a part of support groups in the past. One of the biggest problems is having 10 people in the group and getting through only 2 in terms of getting a turn to share what's on your mind. To resolve this I am proposing utilizing a 5 minute timer and going through the entire group. Then opening things up for discussion. I know it may seem callous but everyone should have a chance to share. That time to share can make a world of difference to a person. What is your opinion? Have any suggestions?
    Thanks for the input!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from allielee in May 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support Group   
    Hi guys this is angelface. I am so glad to hear from you guys. My surgery was also May 5th, 2014. I have been doing great! I have already hit my doctor's goal (100 pound loss) and am currently working on my personal goal (11 pounds to go). I am trying to increase my muscle mass as well. I have been very involved with the Bariatric Center (university) I had surgery at. I love encouraging and supporting others. No deficiencies at all bloodwork looks great. Co-morbidities gone!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Susan626 in Considering Conversion from Band to Gastric Bypass   
    I had gastric bypass surgery and am maintaining my goal weight. My advice to you would be to ask yourself why lap-band failed? That's not to be meant in an insensitive way but to search inside yourself for that answer. It could be the device, you never felt full, medical circumstances, or not following guidelines. Are you in need of working on some deep personal and emotional issues...I know I had to. By doing so before surgery for many years and continuing that therapy it has helped immensely in my success. So many people do it backwards. They have the surgery, lose the weight, regain the weight and sometimes it's as a result of not dealing with emotional issues or eating issues and turning to food for comfort. Also, do you need further education with nutrition. When it comes to gastric bypass nutrition and education is key and ongoing...Lastly, if you have all of these in line I would encourage you to have the bypass. For myself, I was watching my life go by and not being a full and active participant in it. I would avoid gatherings with my husband's coworkers because in his field let's just say it would be harshly judged. I wouldn't do certain activities because my weight got in the way but my heart sure wanted to do it. None of us know how many days we have but we need to live our days with as much happiness and joy as we can. Tragedy does occur...yes that was part of my problem. But I was determined to fight for myself and with God and the physicians he has provided I have been able to do so. Remember that losing the weight isn't going to solve all of your problems...but from personal experience it has empowered me and made me stronger in conjunction with the treatment I received previously. I hope this makes sense and I really do mean it in a loving way because I want you to succeed and overcome!!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Jolisue in Your Input Can Make A difference! Help...   
    Thank you so much everybody I will represent proudly...your comments really did help. T
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    angelface811 got a reaction from chylamarie in Your Input Can Make A difference! Help...   
    I am now 8 months out of surgery and 6 pounds away from my goal weight. I developed some great relationships with the professionals I worked with at the "un-named" university I had my surgery. I was really flattered when they called me up to ask if I could represent the program as a patient. There will be over 1000 people in attendance. If you were a potential patient coming to visit our informational booth what would you like to here? I have mentored others and I absolutely love it. All opinions are welcomed...thank you with all my heart❤️
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    angelface811 got a reaction from chylamarie in Your Input Can Make A difference! Help...   
    I am now 8 months out of surgery and 6 pounds away from my goal weight. I developed some great relationships with the professionals I worked with at the "un-named" university I had my surgery. I was really flattered when they called me up to ask if I could represent the program as a patient. There will be over 1000 people in attendance. If you were a potential patient coming to visit our informational booth what would you like to here? I have mentored others and I absolutely love it. All opinions are welcomed...thank you with all my heart❤️
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    angelface811 got a reaction from HYCIERRA in Progress taking place   
    Wow! And younger...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Jolisue in No Energy   
    I agree...if you are eating correctly and getting in all Protein and all liquids it could be a deficiency. But if you are not getting the nutrition and hydration you should be I would say there is your problem. Regardless I would begin journaling daily. Minimally include your liquid and protein intake and when you are taking them in. What time of the day you are most tired? Utilizing a Cpap?A Vitamin checklist etc etc....commit to keeping a detailed journal for a week because either way it will help you or your doc pin down what might be behind that low energy.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from mindylouho in New recipes   
    I have a board on Pinterest called "Not The Easy Way Out" under angelface811 I believe. I have pinned and tried many many recipes. I think it's wonderful that you are seeking out more food options. All of us are under different restrictions and our programs vary but my ultimate goal is to transition my entire family to a healthier way of eating so we can all benefit. I've gotten both good and bad reviews...lol...but we are getting somewhere.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Djmohr in Cry   
    It can be a very difficult process and a confusing one. You can actually have your insurance company send you their policy regarding WLS coverage. This is what I ended up doing with my HMO because you are absolutely right some representatives will give you different answers. It was a lengthy group of papers but the full policy was there in black and white. I was also able to secure a health care advocate through my insurance company. I have actually been fighting to get this surgery since 2008 and I finally had my RNY in May 2014. I met all the requirements and went through a few different medical groups until I found a doctor and specialists who were willing to support my need for the surgery.
    I did have to go through the 6 month program in which I had to fulfill my insurance requirements but also my medical group requirements. At first I was a bit annoyed because I had become so studied in the surgeries. I had to drive down to meetings at least once a week which for me was a 3 hour round trip. But I learned and observed several different things from my teachers and fellow patients. I even took a 2 month psychology class which was awesome. I have lost 90 pounds post-surgery and have 10 more to go to meet my goal weight. I have gotten rid of several conditions and medications. I was also recently asked to be a representative for my University's Bariatric Program at an upcoming health event. I have really developed a passion for helping those going through the process. So if you need any encouragement or I can help answer any questions feel free to ask. You sound pretty determined and that is probably the best quality you can have right now. Keep that passion, keep pushing, don't give up...❤️
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Marie8777 in What I can eat?   
    I absolutely agree with the previous comment. My best friend and I both had the RNY at two very"prestigious" places. But there are differences in our diets. What is allowed and what is not. Certain foods she could eat I was unable to eat until much further out. Utilize the nutritionist they should have on staff. Foods may seem monotonous in the beginning but don't worry little by little your choices will increase. I think we can all agree that Protein and hydration are key at this point.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Djmohr in Dec 30 rny and still in pain?   
    I am a very slow healer. I was in pain/discomfort longer than most. I utilized my pain meds and did everything I was told to do. I asked for assistance (I arranged for help for 2 weeks) when getting up and even laying down. I felt some burning, pulling and almost ripping pain. I was hunched over for a while as well. I was given an abdominal binder and that helped me tremendously. Heat is an excellent tool because it accelerates the healing process along with hydration and Protein. I am now 8 months out and have absolutely no regrets. I am 10 pounds from my surgeon's goal and I have gotten rid of several medical conditions and eliminated medications. Listen to your body...when it says no...don't do it! You will continue to progress...if however you feel as though this pain is unbearable or unusual or accompanied with additional symptoms by all means contact your doctor. This is part of their job. Post-surgical care is absolutely part of their commitment to you as their patient. In the mean time try to just relax and take this opportunity to educate yourself not only on the next phases of your diet but start pinning recipes. Have a game plan. Hope this helps you out????
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    angelface811 got a reaction from anaxila in Need help with food ideas please!   
    If you have a sweet tooth I really like taking 1% cottage cheese with 0% fat Fage Greek Yogurt and adding sugar free cheesecake powder about a teaspoon at a time. Play with the proportions to your own personal taste. It's tart yet sweet. You can even add pumpkin purée. It is packed with Protein. And will keep in the frig for a few days. I just portion it out.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from anaxila in Need help with food ideas please!   
    If you have a sweet tooth I really like taking 1% cottage cheese with 0% fat Fage Greek Yogurt and adding sugar free cheesecake powder about a teaspoon at a time. Play with the proportions to your own personal taste. It's tart yet sweet. You can even add pumpkin purée. It is packed with Protein. And will keep in the frig for a few days. I just portion it out.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Wmwallace in 3 weeks out!   
    I am now 5 months out from my RNY and my surgeons goal was for me to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 77lbs. I can't believe I only have 23 pounds to go. Started as a size 18 now I am a size 10. My bday is this upcoming week...probably the best bday present ever!!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from enjoyinglife in Third month slow down   
    I am 6 months out and so many things factor into your weight loss after WLS surgery. There is no guaranteed amount you will lose and some lose faster and some slower. In my support groups I have learned that everyone is on their own journey. During those journeys there are smooth roads, rough roads, unexpected delays, needs for repair before continuing on, pit stops, etc. That being said I believe there are things you can do to maximize your weight loss. Follow the proper dietary guidelines for the phase you are in, follow up with your nutritionist, make sure you are hydrating properly and hitting your Protein mark (that can affect weight loss). I have lost 80lbs and have 20 more to go. Weight loss has slowed down but I can't complain I am still losing. Two weeks could go by and no loss then I lose. I no longer have Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and some of my other medical conditions have improved. THANK GOD. If you are adhering to the "rules" you will be successful but it's kinda on your body's terms. I would suggest taking measurements if you haven't already as a way to see your progress and re-take them every 4 weeks. I would also suggest not weighing yourself to much during the weight loss phase. I wait at least 5 days...This is just what has worked for me and what I've learned this far on my journey. Best Wishes
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    angelface811 got a reaction from enjoyinglife in Third month slow down   
    I am 6 months out and so many things factor into your weight loss after WLS surgery. There is no guaranteed amount you will lose and some lose faster and some slower. In my support groups I have learned that everyone is on their own journey. During those journeys there are smooth roads, rough roads, unexpected delays, needs for repair before continuing on, pit stops, etc. That being said I believe there are things you can do to maximize your weight loss. Follow the proper dietary guidelines for the phase you are in, follow up with your nutritionist, make sure you are hydrating properly and hitting your Protein mark (that can affect weight loss). I have lost 80lbs and have 20 more to go. Weight loss has slowed down but I can't complain I am still losing. Two weeks could go by and no loss then I lose. I no longer have Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and some of my other medical conditions have improved. THANK GOD. If you are adhering to the "rules" you will be successful but it's kinda on your body's terms. I would suggest taking measurements if you haven't already as a way to see your progress and re-take them every 4 weeks. I would also suggest not weighing yourself to much during the weight loss phase. I wait at least 5 days...This is just what has worked for me and what I've learned this far on my journey. Best Wishes
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Wmwallace in 3 weeks out!   
    I am now 5 months out from my RNY and my surgeons goal was for me to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 77lbs. I can't believe I only have 23 pounds to go. Started as a size 18 now I am a size 10. My bday is this upcoming week...probably the best bday present ever!!
  21. Like
    angelface811 got a reaction from beachgal2935 in Tailbone problems anyone?   
    Oh my gosh! You guys too. I thought I was the oddball. At first my tailbone felt a little bruised. Now when I lay or sit it feels like it sticks out so much. As though my weight is all on it. So I compensate by switching sides. This just recently happened. I have lost 80 lbs and have 20 to go. I admit I have a flat butt. Sometimes it even feels as though the bone is off center. I was told to work on building my glutes back up and to strengthen my core more aggressively. I have iced it and put heat and sometimes it helps. I have also used a tennis ball on my butt...laying on top of it to help release the tension in the area surrounding. Thanks for the pillow referral I am going to invest in one. I will ask the doc if there is anything else I can do. Thanks for posting...
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Bryan Graeve in Carbonation?   
    In my pre-surgery program we are given a list of forever no's...carbonation is one of them. I had surgery at one of the top research hospitals in the U.S. Which in itself doesn't ensure success but there program is extremely strict. The doctors in the bariatric program have noticed a "gateway drug" to gaining back weight. Those were their words not mine. They said those RNY patients go back to drinking carbonated beverages. Obviously from some of the prior posts some people have gone back to drinking those things and have been fine. For myself,however, I plan to stay away.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from ortega07 in Bloody stool   
    I agree. Having WLS changes everything. We have to be especially attentive to any sort of tummy issues. From where the food enters to where it exits. We are not the "normal" patient. I would call either your surgeon or doctor but whoever you do see make sure they know of your surgery it changes everything. They are likely to be more attentive and less dismissive. Good Luck!!
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Bryan Graeve in Carbonation?   
    In my pre-surgery program we are given a list of forever no's...carbonation is one of them. I had surgery at one of the top research hospitals in the U.S. Which in itself doesn't ensure success but there program is extremely strict. The doctors in the bariatric program have noticed a "gateway drug" to gaining back weight. Those were their words not mine. They said those RNY patients go back to drinking carbonated beverages. Obviously from some of the prior posts some people have gone back to drinking those things and have been fine. For myself,however, I plan to stay away.
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    angelface811 got a reaction from Joismimi6 in How do you shop for a rapidly changing weight?   
    Luckily I had family and friends who were smaller than me and I put the word out. If you guys have clothes you don't want pass them to me please. I can make my tops last longer because I will belt them. If I don't have a pair of jeans in my current size I go to Ross or Burlington and spend between $10-$15 on a pair. Use thrift stores and yard sales. I did experience my feet getting smaller from a 10 to a 9 and my feet aren't as wide. My head is also smaller as I love wearing cute hats. I'm dropping sizes faster than I thought. Three months out from a size 18 to a 12. I have never been smaller than a 10 in my adult life. So I'm interested to see where my body decides to end up at. Size 10 was perfectly fine for me. Had 100 pounds to lose and I have lost 62 so far. There have been some hurdles but very happy with my decision and the positive effect it has had on my health.

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