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Everything posted by mommakatx2
Where It All Begins...a (Re)Introduction Of Sorts...five Years Later
mommakatx2 posted a blog entry in I'm Not That Creative
It's time to do this. You gotta start somewhere, right? Right. Where to start so as not to bore any unsuspecting reader into a seizure? My signature really tells the beginning story, not much else to tell about that part. It's everything that came afterward and the sheer frustration and disappointment in my band that led me to this point, five years later. Five years later I am still struggling with my weight. Five years later I haven't lost but a little over 60lbs. I had wanted to lose 100. I still remember standing in my surgeon's office at my consultation and telling him my goal was to lose at least 100 pounds. He smiled and laughed and said I would lose that in 6 months, EASY! OoOoOoOoh!! Sign me up, I'm sold! Actually, WLS was something I had been contemplating for several months, but at the time LB wasn't covered by Tricare. I have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. I was a relatively normal-size baby, then a fat kid, then a fat teen, then a fat young adult. Fat, fat, fat. I weighed about 220lbs in high school. Needless to say I was never asked out to a dance or even on a date. My mother also struggled with her weight and I learned everything I needed to know about gaining and losing from her. I learned that food equaled happiness, a reward for a job well done, something to pass the time when you're bored, and an excellent TV companion. She used to buy junkfood by the bagful and we'd lay in bed all day on a Sunday and just eat and nap, eat and nap. Cheetos, candy bars, candy, ice cream, Fritos, Banana Flips...we ate these like it was going out of style and when the food ran out, we just walked down to PDQ and bought more. When she finally decided she had had enough of being obese, she crash dieted through starvation and anorexia. I watched her melt away into a skinny, sexy, bombshell and suddenly she started getting the attention I so desperately craved. I started starving myself during my senior year of high school and I lost about 50lbs or so. I started getting noticed. I had my first boyfriend...and then my second...and then I got pregnant at 18. By the time I was 29 weeks I had gained 40lbs and I ended up delivering my son then. Who knows how much I would have gained had I not delivered? Between the stress of a failing, abusive relationship, being a young mother, and moving across the country, I didn't care about my appearance as much anymore, and the weight sort of clung. Then I got pregnant again at 20. This time I put on a whopping 80 pounds! I really, REALLY enjoyed using pregnancy as an excuse to gorge myself silly. Fast forward a year and my relationship with my abusive partner finally ended, and I found myself the FAT, single mother of two young babies. Feeling desperate and scared of being alone forever, I again became anorexic and starved myself. I lost about 90lbs in 9 months and WOW did I get the attention! I think that's when I really started equating being thin with being worthy of love...how terrible is that? It makes me sick now, but back then I really thought that way, and to some degree, it has stuck with me. I met my husband when I was this skinny, non-eating person. He couldn't figure out why I never ate in front of him...or at all, really. I would subsist on nothing but a few crackers and juice for about 3 days, and then on the 4th day I would eat one large meal of whatever I wanted. Real healthy, eh? Anyway, my husband was the one who eventually pulled me out of that disorder, and gradually I began eating again...which meant back came the weight. Grrrrr! I got pregnant in 2006 and with this baby I gained 70lbs. Sigh. Back on the dieting wagon. I did WW for a while and I excercised like a crazy person. I lost most of the baby weight I guess but by now my body was just never going to be the same. For the next couple years my weight just slowly crept up. I battled severe postpartum depression with my third baby and I struggled with the medications I was on and the intense feeling of hunger they produced 24/7. I continued to pack on the pounds and I entered a stage of self-loathing. Ultimately it almost cost me my marriage...I had absolutely no sexual desire nor did I feel sexy, I felt my husband was not attracted to me anymore, and I felt incredibly sad and powerless against my weight. I started having weight-related health issues like horrible arthritis in my hip joints and worsening asthma. I was tired all the time and had no stamina. I was resentful that everyone (it seemed) could eat whatever they wanted and not gain an ounce, but that I had to starve myself in order to lose or maintain my weight. By this time my weight was creeping toward 240lbs and I started contemplating WLS. After much research I decided on the LB. Only problem was that Tricare was not yet approving this surgery for weightloss. About four months after my decision to pursue the LB, Tricare finally approved the LB and I jumped at the opportunity. I was banded on April 23rd, 2007 in Louisville, KY. (to be continued) -
Where It All Begins...a (Re)Introduction Of Sorts...five Years Later
mommakatx2 commented on mommakatx2's blog entry in I'm Not That Creative
Thank you for taking the time to read, and for the words of encouragement! -
Hi Nikki! Just offering some support and commiseration, because I am stalled too and have been for a long time. I'm actually just now starting to lose the weight but I still have to diet...the band alone was not enough for me Anyway your post caught my eye so I wanted to say YOU CAN DO IT and there are a lot of us going through the same thing!! We CAN do this....we've come this far, right?
I'm currently 32+ weeks, and for a few weeks now I've been having intermittent port site pain that almost knocks me down. It's almost as if the area is being stretched too tight and maybe scar tissue or adhesions are pulling? Has anyone else experienced this during the last trimester? It is so painful it's hard to walk, but as soon as I sit down the pain is gone. I've never had a unfill and I'm still restricted. No issues really with the band (although it's felt a tiny bit tighter lately), just that darn port! :smile2:
I *finally* got through to someone today who actually did some research and discovered that it is indeed now a covered benefit. I don't know why I had such a hard time with that. Here is the policy that will tell you what the requirements are. It's a PDF file. http://manuals.tricare.osd.mil/index.cfm?fuseaction=TMAManuals.PVCSGetFile&PluginVersion=5&ReferenceManual=TP02&ReferenceChange=66&Type=ASOF&Manual=TP02&FileName=C4S13_2.PDF Good luck to everyone, and please...if you have already been approved please come back and tell us! I'd really like to know if Tricare is following those requirements to a "T" or if they are going on a case-by-case basis.
My Band Baby is here! Unassisted waterbirth!
mommakatx2 posted a topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
Hi everyone, I haven't really kept up with posting on LBT, but I did a few times during my pregnancy so I thought I would come back and let everyone know that I delivered a healthy, NINE pound baby girl on August 28th! She was 2 weeks and 2 days late! We had a planned unassisted birth in our home, and everything went perfectly. I have the 4cc band and it's almost filled to capacity. I did not have an unfill during pregnancy and I gained 41lbs. So far I have lost 28lbs and I look forward to getting active again to help shed the rest and then some. I did not have any band-related problems EXCEPT for intense pain around the port site, especially late on in the pregnancy. I attribute this to the stretching and pulling of the growing belly and probably scar tissue around the site. All I know is it was super painful at times, though not all the time. I wanted to wish everyone good luck on their pregnancy/TTC journeys...this was #4 for us and I'm certain we're DONE, lol! -
So some people think it's isn't that big of a deal and some think those people are stupid? Actually it's not that big of a deal at all...usually. All I can say is you better know d*mn well what you're doing if you attempt to fill/unfill your port, and that only a specialized needle can be used to fill it. Someone claiming to be an RN above said the only difference in the Huber needle is that it's bent. That's not the only thing or even the most important thing. The Huber needle is specially designed for accessing ports without coring the rubber entry disk. While coring the Lap-band would not prove fatal, it could cause a leak. Keeping track of what is in your band is not hard to do. I've been an RN for 6 years and while I've considered it in the past, I never had the guts to try it. And no, not every surgeon is a supa smaht expert when it comes to filling the band. My previous surgeon would take sometimes 30 minutes and and then an ultrasound to just find my port, let alone fill it. The surgeon I had after she left the practice got in on the first try, no difference in my size or position of the port. Would I recommend it to the average Joe? NO. To someone with medical knowledge and background? I don't see the big deal.
When did you get unfilled after finding out you were pregnant?
mommakatx2 replied to PSJ71's topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
I am almost 34 weeks now and have not had an unfill, tough I've gotten tighter in the last few months. I only have a 4cc band though, and I think I'm either right at capacity or a little bit over. I am not planning on getting unfilled at all if I can help it. I've still managed to gain 32lbs so far. -
Incredibly painful port site!
mommakatx2 replied to mommakatx2's topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
Thank everyone, I appreciate it. My OB is sending in a referral to the bariatric clinic on post...I know there's likely nothing they can do but I'd like to make sure it hasn't flipped or something. My port has always been kinda difficult to find and it was already at a weird angle prior to getting pregnant (I had to get my fills done under ultrasound), so I suppose a quick ultrasound check could determine whether it's moved. kpdgal--I don't think it's the extra weight...I still weigh less than I did when I was first banded and I never had any port site pain before. Not to mention most of the weight during pregnancy is carried in the thighs, hips, and buttocks (for me anyway). My tummy is stretched tight and my port is actually closer to the surface than it usually is, unless it's the weight of the baby pulling on it. Who knows...all I know is I can't wait to get my body back and get back on track again! -
Preggy progress/Updates/Tell us how you're doing!
mommakatx2 replied to eejaydiva's topic in Pregnancy with Weight Loss Surgery
Hey everyone! First post to this thread... I'm currently almost 21 weeks with baby #4. I decided to keep my fills in because I gained ridiculous amounts with my first babies: 40lbs by 29 weeks (when he was born), 80lbs, and 70lbs. So far for this pregnancy I've gained 16lbs, which is awesome for me considering it's usually a lot more by now. I did gain back about 15lbs of my lowest post-band weight before I got pregnant...thanks Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas :frown:. I'm mad at myself for that...but it will come off again eventually. So far baby seems to be growing fine. I have my "big" ultrasound on April 20th so we'll get measurements then. Can't wait to meet you if you still post here! -
Just wanted to share my news, baby number four is making an appearance sometime next August! This was quite a shocker for DH and I, because we had agreed on no more babies for now. In fact, I was supposed to go for an IUD this week but found out last week! DH just came home from Iraq in October...I guess we have ourselves an official homecoming baby, lol! I am really nervous about putting weight back on, so I'm glad this forum is here. I'm sure I'll be around!
It took me over a year and about 5-6 fills to get restriction, but here's the problem---my band is FULL. I only have the small band (4cc), and when I told my new doc this, he seemed surprised and made a comment that "they don't use the smaller bands anymore". In fact, he made me show him the card because he thought for sure I was mistaken. It's taken a FULL band to get restriction for me, and I'm scared of what will happen when I start to lose that restriction. I believe there's even a little bit *over* 4cc in there. Is anyone else out there full to capacity on their band? What happens now? I've finally started losing again but had to go on Atkins to make it happen. I'm worried what will happen if I start to lose restriction again...I obviously won't be able to get a fill . I'm a little angry with my surgeon for using the smaller band. I know it's all based on size and anatomy, etc....but if it takes a FULL 4cc band to give me *any* restriction at all, it doesn't seem like a larger band would have hurt. Am I just confused on that? I worked so hard for this......
Does everyone get the lidocaine shot before a fill??
mommakatx2 posted a topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
My doc gives me a shot of lidocaine before he does a fill, is this standard for getting fills? I'd like to know if there's much of a difference in pain level with or without the lidocaine. -
Does everyone get the lidocaine shot before a fill??
mommakatx2 replied to mommakatx2's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Jacut, your thoughts are my thoughts exactly. That's why I don't use lidocaine to start IV's, why go through more than one stick? That's why I asked the question. My doc just does it, I've never asked to have it. My port is difficult to access, however, sometimes requiring multiple pokes and tilting. I guess I'll stick with the lidocaine for now. But man, it sure does burn! -
Vegetarians do you get all your protein in?
mommakatx2 replied to Lolagirlie's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
No, unfortunately I don't get all my Protein in. This is because I try to avoid the high-protein vegetarian foods because they are usually high-fat/high-calorie (like cheese, nuts, peanutbutter, etc). I do supplement meats with veggie meats though. The best veggie burger I've ever had is the Morningstar Grillers Prime. I should probably substitute with shakes, but I just can't stomach the taste. -
Where is your sweet spot in a 4cc band?
mommakatx2 replied to coolchick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I'm pretty close to full in my 4cc band, and I have yet to get "good: restriction. I'm very frustrated. My new doc (moved since surgery) was surprised that I even had a 4cc band...he told me that now they're mostly using the larger bands :thumbup:. I'm working with what little restriction I do have. I try to avoid foods like rice, bread, and scrambled eggs because I know they get stuck. I can still eat Pasta if I chew really well. -
I need help--moving 3 days after surgery--need follow-up doc in Colorado!
mommakatx2 posted a topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
With waiting for insurance approval and everything else, I didn't get a surgery date until THREE days before we move across the country. My surgeon knows this and knew it was the plan all along. Now that it's getting so close, I'm wondering who to follow up with in two weeks. I'll be moving to the Colorado Springs area but can travel south to Pueblo or north to Denver. Anyone have someone good they can recommend? -
Hey everyone. I've been MIA for quite a long time, mainly because I'm unhappy with my band. I had surgery in April '08, and since then I've had about 5 fills in a 4cc band for a total of about 2.75cc's. I feel like I have no restriction at all...I can still eat a full plate of food...maybe instead of two full plates of food--which I *guess* counts a little as restriction :thumbdown:. I'm back on Slimfast trying to lose weight again, which is BS because I wouldn't have gone through the WLS just to drink Slimfast . I've lost about 40lbs...23 of that was immediately post-op while I was recovering. So about 17lbs in the last 8 months . I'm frustrated and tired of scheduling fills that don't seem to work. I feel like I'm reaching the end of my 4cc band's capactity, with no real result. Everyone here seems to have the 10 and 14cc bands...and I wonder why I didn't get one of those... I guess this is more of a rant than anything...but if anyone out there actually has the 4cc band...please talk to me... What was your "sweet spot"??
So Discouraged. I have the small band....
mommakatx2 replied to mommakatx2's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your replies. I do know my doc pulls out what's in the band each time she does a fill, because she was concerned about a leak as well. The band doesn't seem to be leaking. I do realize that sometimes we have unrealistic expectations of WLS...I fully understand it's not a "magic wand". I guess I just expected a little more noticeable difference in how I'm able to eat. After all, that is the concept behind the lap-band. I guess I will just make another appointment for another fill...I suppose I still have 1.25cc to go. -
So Discouraged. I have the small band....
mommakatx2 replied to mommakatx2's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Kat, Thank you SO much for your reply. That's exactly what I needed to hear, I guess. I am going to call on Monday and schedule yet another fill...I'm hoping for the noticeable restriction people seem to get when they hit their sweet spot. I guess I'm more frustrated because I have a husband coming home for leave in April, and one year out I thought I'd be near my goal weight (my surgeon told me I'd lose 100lbs in 6 months "EASY" :thumbdown:). I guess I really need to remember that I have a fill-port for a reason, so that I can continue to get fills. I'm hoping I'm close. -
I had my port done way back in April and due to numerous stalls in the road, I still have not had my first fill. I will be having a different surgeon doing my fill than the one who did my surgery, because I since moved out of state. Anyway, I went in to meet this surgeon, and she told me my port was extremely hard to find. I had to have an ultrasound then to determine it's position. She said it's deep and tilted to one side, and I will most likely have to have it filled using ultrasound. :thumbup: Now I'm scared crapless that it's going to be a painful ordeal...over and over again until I get the right amount of fill. Has anyone been told something similar? If so...how did your fills go?
I need help--moving 3 days after surgery--need follow-up doc in Colorado!
mommakatx2 replied to mommakatx2's topic in Weight Loss Surgeons & Hospitals
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately my insurance requires another referral, and my doctor put in a referral for the *wrong* doctor. So now I have to wait until next week and get another referral put in which will probably take another week or two. Grrrrr. Flyway...I used to work at Penrose! I worked there for 7 years and I know most of the docs over there. I didn't know they were doing bands, though. -
I'll be banded next week and I am a strict ovo-lacto vegetarian (I do eggs and some dairy). I'm just curious to hear from others what you do for Protein load once you're on to mushies and solids. Will I be on protein supplements for he long run or do you get enough from non-animal sources? I'm also thinking about bringing my own broth to the hospital once I can have clears...you never know what you're getting, kwim? Did anyone else do that?
OK...so this may be a strange question...but I didn't know where else to post. I'm a baby-wearer. I wear my 2yo in a mei-tai on my back. I'm afraid the tie straps will be passing right over my port site, which I'm wondering if down the road will be as sensitive as it is now. Right now, if I bend funny I get an icky-pressure sensation, and the tiniest bit of tenderness. Does that go away eventually? I'd really like to start wearing him again and go for long walks as beginning excercise. Any experience out there with baby-wearing after the lapband?
Where is you port located in relation to the insertion site?
mommakatx2 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I can feel my port and it's RIGHT underneath the incision. Not under or over. Im concerned about this only because I form keloids, and having the scar tissue RIGHT over my port seems like it will cause problems down the road. Is everyone's like this? I'm a nurse and used to dealing with chest wall ports, and those are almost always below the insertion site. :confused2: