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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    Ladies: Thanks for the laugh. It's been a while since I laughed that hard. Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    Hospital Experience(s)

    Hi: I'm glad that I stayed overnight because I had big issues with nausea post op. I don't think I would have been able to walk to the bathroom the first 12 hours, so it's a good thing I was at the hospital and they brought one of those silly bathroom/toilet chairs over next to my bed. The slightest movement made me have dry heaves until I got off the morphine. Best wishes for a quick recovery. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    Having MAJOR reservations

    I think it's normal to be scared. Just concentrate on the end result and it may help you to get past this pre-surgery panic. Think about it logically, too. You probably picked a good surgeon that's performed this operation lots of times. The complications possible are slight. It's probably more dangerous to not have the surgery and continue to gain weight. Go look at the before and after pictures and then imagine yourself in one of those after pictures. I had a hysterectomy, elbow surgery, appendectomy, and gave birth to a 8 1/2 pound baby girl. The lap band was by far the easiest of all of these. Best wishes for you to recover quickly and heal fast. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    Hello! Nervous Newbie!

    Hi Rhapsody: Welcome. You might want to look at the threads that are for some of the more specific categories. For instance, there is an age-related thread. There is also a location-related thread. There are also threads related to band dates. Welcome. I love my band 99.5% of the time. Sue
  5. Sue Magoo

    Test done before surgery

    Lovingheart: I didn't do any of the testing until I went to my surgeon. I had to have the usual blood work, an ekg, sleep apnea study, barium swallow, and a psych evaluation. Everything except the psych evaluation was covered by insurance for me. Sue
  6. Miss Monaaz: Isn't the head hunger a killer! I find that if I keep as busy as possible the head hunger doesn't come as often. It's like a beast that lives inside of me. Best wishes for your success. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    Bmi 51 !

    Caz99: My bmi was 51 when I first started. I think it's somewhere between 36 and 38 now. I still have 64 pounds to go to goal. My only regret with the lapband is that I didn't get it when it first became available. I did get it as soon as I found out about it. Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions. I didn't know about this site until after I was banded. There's so much helpful information here. Take care. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Making Peace with Skin

    Juli: I know exactly what you mean. Sure, I look better now than when I was fat, but I still look horrible when I'm naked. I was divorced three plus years ago, and I hadn't thought about dating until I lost weight. Now I have lost 100 pounds and I know that I'll never feel comfortable in front of anyone in the nude with this belly fat hanging down and the tops of my legs are ridiculous too. So, like you I have that carrot hanging down in front of me for plastic surgery. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get any of it covered by insurance, so I'll be spending my retirement money. Oh well, what's a couple of more years when I've already been waiting this long. Good luck to you and keep your eye on the prize! Sue
  9. Sue Magoo

    I hit a milestone - 100 pounds gone!

    Thanks Trystelle. We do have alot in common. You are doing fabulously! I know you'll be there first, so I'll see you in Onederland. Save a spot for me. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    Am I too tight? Please help...

    thankful1: Sounds like you're stuck to me. Was your fill on Wednesday, 1/23, or 1/16? If it was 1/16 I would call your doctor. If it was 1/23 I would go back to liquids for a day or two, then mushies, then solids. I hope you feel better soon. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    I hit a milestone - 100 pounds gone!

    Special K: Thank you. I'm not sure about the pictures. I didn't take any pictures before the first 38 pounds. I do have pics from 3 days after banding, but I'm in my bra:redface: and shorts - what a sight! I'm planning on waiting until I get down to Onederland to post any pictures. I am proud of my accomplishments, but even with 100 pounds off it's not a pretty sight. I may need to get help from a shrink with this, or maybe a plastic surgeon, or probably both!. Maybe I'll feel more comfortable in my own skin when I'm down to 199. Thanks again for your encouragement. Sue
  12. Tammru: My surgeon won't do anybody over 50 bmi because he said that his hospital doesn't have the equipment necessary for people whose bmi's are over 50. He does recommend a "sister" hospital to those who are over 50 bmi. That hospital is in Boston, a major hospital compared to the little hospital in Norwood. Good luck. I was bmi 51 when I first started dieting. I've lost 100 pounds and I'm still obese. Oh well, continuing the battle of the bulge. Sue
  13. Sue Magoo

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Congratulations! I'll see you in onederland in a few months! Sue
  14. Sue Magoo

    Has anyone used Dr. Glasgow in Norwood??

    Alli: Thank you. There are many people on this website that inspire me. I was 324 pounds when I started dieting last April 23rd. I am now 224. I lost 38 pounds before I was banded - ten pounds from the liquid diet, 28 pounds in the the period between 4/23 and 7/16/07. So, I guess that means that I've lost 62 pounds since banding, almost 6 months ago now. I walk alot - 4 to 5 miles per day 6 days per week. It was easier when it was warmer out, but I still do 4 miles outside each day, and up to 1 mile on eliptical inside. I hate the eliptical. I love putting on my mp3 player and walking. If I had the time I would probably walk more each day. I wish you success with your band. Let me know how you're making out. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Has anyone used Dr. Glasgow in Norwood??

    Hi Kimberly: I am also a patient of Dr. Adam Glasgow. I think both of the Glasgow's are great. I just checked my calender and my pre-op appointment was 13 days before my surgery. So, it sounds like you're almost there. If my memory is correct, when we got together pre-op he went over all of the tests, described the surgery again, answered questions, and gave me the pre-op instructions. Best wishes for you. I love my band. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    Foot pain...get better after lapband??

    Hi Weightisover: I can't believe how much better my feet feel. I had terrible heel pain and had to take naproxen every day but they still hurt. Now I hardly ever have any foot pain and I walk 4 to 5 miles per day +. I used to get numb on the top of my left leg if I had to stand for long, or even if I laid on my back for more than a few minutes and that numbness is totally gone. It's amazing how much improvement there's been with the weight lost. Best wishes for less foot pain to you. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    The other night I had a shirt on that was fitting. One of the women I play cards with said "Look at that, you have a waist now!" Good to hear, and good to see. I hope to be curvy in about 6 months when I'm well under 200.
  18. Hi Jonathan: My short term goal is to lose one more pound and that is my goal again and again and again. Yesterday I hit the 100 pound lost point. That 100 pounds came off since 4/23/07. Nine months, not bad. My next big goal is to get under 200. I'm 24 pounds away, so it will probably take me until April or May for that to happen unless I slow down alot. Then, my goal will be to get to a size 12. I'm pretty sure that I'll be happy at a size 12. You've done a great job - down 122! Best wishes for your continued success. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    banded on june 26,07

    Hi Kimmie: I have a 4 cc band, and am now filled to only 1.5. I believe that my doctor is conservative with fills, but that's okay with me. I got 1.0 first, then added .5, had to have .5 out, then added .2, then added .3, so now I'm back at 1.5, but it's only been four days since the last fill. Hopefully this will work for me. I've already pb'd a couple of times since Wednesday. My doctor told me the other day that he doesn't have anybody filled more than 3.0, so I don't expect that I will ever go higher than that. He's been doing bands for 2+ years and has had alot of successful bandsters in that time. Good luck finding restriction. Sue
  20. Glorybee123: I have lost 100 pounds as of today. I'm 48 years old and was always proud of the fact that I didn't have any wrinkles. Unfortunately, fat hides them. Once alot of my fat was gone - probably when I lost 70 pounds I started noticing a few wrinkles where my third chin used to be. I figure that a face lift can take care of that if it really bothers me. Good luck with your band. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    I hit a milestone - 100 pounds gone!

    Thank you everyone. Your kind words and support will help me get through the next 64 pounds. Isn't it nice that we all have each other to help us get to our goals. Thanks again. Sue
  22. name.............starting#......current#......goal#.....togo# Anitak33...........245............218..........199.......19 Anna2766____.......232............232..........220.......12 Cagstorm(txarcher).360............357..........345.......12 Candle.............218............213.5........207.......6.5 Cerrin.............350............350..........325.......25 chickatee..........188............186..........175.......11 Cookielover........202............202..........192.......10 cQQlgirl...........220............220..........210.......10 Faithmd............306............301.2........296.......5.2 georgiagirl........275............272..........260.......12 Hollyberries.......298............298..........285.......13 Hoppingto..........350............314..........294.......20 Irishmae11.........233.8..........234..........219.......15 Jennie1976.........290............251..........235.......16 jfran..............187............181..........177.......4 Jillrn.............176............176..........166.......10 Jsrico.............255............178..........165.......13 juliegeraci........220............220..........210.......8 KarenG.............207............197..........189.......8 keekahari..........220............217..........205.......12 kjl315.............237.5..........232..........220.......12 legster............223.5..........216..........199.......17 LessnLess..........172............172..........164.......8 liz_hager..........202............198..........190.......8 Manatee............188............182..........175.......7 Mandyjo............191............187..........180.......11 metawnny...........252............252..........240.......12 MJRouse84..........274............233..........218.......15 nip50..............250............246..........238.......8 Rainer.............264............255..........248.......7 Redtulips3.........248............234.5........226......8.5 RenewedHope........228............228..........210.......18 rharriet...........367............256..........248.......8 Sades..............229............199.7........189.......10.7 Skinny_Jill........195............195..........180.......15 Stacy73............230............225..........222.......3 SueMagoo...........230............224..........220.......4 Sunny112...........145............145..........140.......5 Susan4794..........240............240..........225.......15 Suzzzie............303............299.3........290.......9.3 SWEETY.............180............174..........170.......4 Trystelle..........219............219..........205.......14 Twilight...........206............197..........185.......21 uxbus5.............240............240..........230.......10 want2lose..........236............236..........225.......11 wombat712..........154.8..........152.2........140.......12.2 __________________ Yippee - I'm now down 100 pounds. Got a great fill, and now I'm going down, down, down. Thanks for the challenge. I will update my ticker on the 26th. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    Lots to lose

    Jfran: You are so beautiful and you're in Onederland! I'm jealous, and I'm about 50 pounds away from your weight. Can't wait to get there. Plateauing does stink! I think I'm at a plateau right now. I'm going to give it a couple of weeks to see how my last fill works, try to change the foods I've been eating because I heard that's good for moving past a plateau, and hope to join the gym in a couple of months. It's just too blanking cold in New England to think about going to the gym after work and then going out to the freezing cold car again. I'm still walking alot, but I need to start strength training. Good luck getting off of the plateau. Let me know if you find any tricks that work. Until then, think about all that you've accomplished and how great you look! Sue
  24. Misty: It gets much easier when you start to feel restriction. Don't be too down on yourself because of the difference in the scales. If you just worry about the weight on the same scale then you won't have differences. There's so many things that come into play when getting weighed - time of day, that time of the month????, how many clothes you are wearing, shoes on, or shoes off, etc. What I do is every morning after I shower I step on the scale naked and weigh myself. I keep the scale on the same spot on the floor too. I write that amount down on fitday each day. Good luck, and don't be discouraged. You're doing well. Think about two years ago, would you have lost 16 or 23 pounds in three months, or gained five pounds in three months? Progress, huh! Sue

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