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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo


    Julie: You should be very proud of your accomplishments. You've come a long way. It sounds like you've made many improvements in your life, not just on your weight. I hope you continue with your success. In addition, thanks for sharing because your postings are inspirational. Thanks again and congratulations. You're so close to onederland! Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    3rd fill brings 3 days of HELL!

    Kevin: You should call your doctor and see what he/she says. You're probably too tight. I hope you find some relief soon. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo

    3rd fill brings 3 days of HELL!

    I mean that you sound like you are too tight! Being too tight for too long can lead to band complications, like slippage and erosion. So, please take care of yourself and your band. As long as you can keep liquids down you're not totally stuck. If you get to a point that you cannot swallow anything go to the e.r. so that you don't get dehydrated. I hope you feel better soon. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo

    3rd fill brings 3 days of HELL!

    Why don't you call your doctor and have him decide what is best. I'm very fortunate because my doctor will always call back, or his partner will, 24/7. Maybe you do need a slight unfil. Be careful because it sounds like you're in trouble with your band now. I had one fill similar to this, and funny, because it was my third fill. I had to get a small unfill and three weeks later got 1/2 of what they took out, and now I'm back up to where it was when it was too tight. I hope you get some relief soon. Sue
  5. Nikki: Thanks. I don't have a natural foods store nearby, but I'll check in the natural foods section of my supermarket. Sounds like it would be yummy with fruit, honey, and/or granola mixed in. It sure is full of Protein. Sue
  6. Sue Magoo

    OMG I Can't Believe It

    Fabulous! Congratulations. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    Staying in Hospital

    Ronwifey: I stayed overnight. I think it's probably best to have someone keep an eye on you. I had big issues with nausea, so I didn't sleep much. Glad they were there to give me the medicine to finally make my nausea subside. They also made me do the barium swallow the next morning before being cleared to go home. Take care. Sue
  8. Can you tell me what Greek Yogurt is like? Please compare it to regular yogurt. Consistency? Calories? Fat? I've seen a few people post that they eat Greek Yogurt and I have no clue and haven't noticed it in the grocery store. Thanks. Sue
  9. Queenie: You should probably ask your surgeon what he thinks of drinking before surgery. REmember, the more you lose before the surgery the less risk and easier for them to manipulate your liver to get to the area they need to band. My two cents, but you asked. Hope all goes well for you. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo

    Free Days/Meals?

    Hi: I think if you've got the right restriction free meals & free days won't matter. I cannot overeat and keep it down. If you can, you probably need a fill. If I want something, I have it. I don't have much of it, but I have it. Sue
  11. Sue Magoo

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Lauren87: Hi Lauren: I just wanted to ask you if your psychologist knows that this surgery isn't that hard on a person? While you won't be up to the energy level you're probably used to, you could probably easily go back to your routine in less than 6 weeks. I started at 324 and had my surgery last July. I had two weeks off from work and was just a bit tired in the afternoons, but other than that felt pretty good. Good luck. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Just want to share

    Congratulations Chilly!
  13. Sue Magoo

    Knock Knock.. (5 month post-op)

    Bloo: You'll be much happier when you've lost alot of the weight. Take it from me down to 217 from 324. So, please know that you're doing it for your happiness and nobody else's. You deserve it. Keep all of those foods out of the house that you shouldn't have. Instead, load up the freezer with sugar free popsicles. They're life savers. Hope things get better for you. Sue
  14. Sue Magoo

    unsuccessful lapband results

    Hi: Half of the battle is admitting that you have a problem and coming up with a plan to solve it. I would start with scheduling a fill and put yourself in a positive spirit. Being negative, ashamed, embarrassed is not a good way to start. Why not say "I messed up, but I'm going to change starting today". You could start by increasing your exercise before you get a new fill. Good luck. Sue
  15. Hi: I am in a rut too. I can't wait to see everyone's responses. I still love having instant oatmeal or cream of wheat for Breakfast. Doesn't get any easier than boiling Water. I love having a half of a porkchop and veggie for supper, or Smart One's chicken broccoli ziti - yum! Those are my favorites right now. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    3 years ago today

    Chickie: Congratulations. Thank you for sharing so much on this site. You've inspired alot of us. I hope to be able to post like you three years post op. Thanks again. Sue
  17. jfran: You've been inspiring people here on LBT too. Congratulations. I'm sure it makes you feel good. You're not only doing good things for yourself, but they have a positive effect on others. Take care. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Lipton Diet Peach Tea

    I second on the Snapple Diet Peach Iced Tea. Yummy. I try to catch it on sale though because it's a bit expensive. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Karey: You go girl! I hope to have tummy tuck some day too. I'm still a long way from goal though. I will keep an eye on this posting to see your progress. You're already a very pretty woman. You're probably going to be a knockout when you're all done. Take care. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Legs cramp and back hurts

    Hi: I get bad leg cramps when my potassium is low. When I start getting leg cramps I have a half of a banana a couple of days in a row and the problem seems to take care of itself. Good work on the exercise. I'm walking my a$$ off too. Sue
  21. Citigirl: Yipes! So aggressive of a first fill. I hope all goes well. Take care, and do be extra careful. Sue
  22. Teresa: I had a hiatal hernia repair too. I didn't have bad shoulder pain until about a month after surgery when I was on the mushy stage for eating. I had tuna w/mayo and it got stuck. I didn't have any fill yet. My shoulder pain was so bad I called Dr and he said to go to emergency room to make sure my band was okay. I had a horrible night, lots of throwing up, and they gave me some morphine for the pain (I didn't ask, and was surprised that they offered it, but I accepted because pain was so bad for several hours). They gave me a ct scan, and I threw up the contrast liquid too. Eventually they said ct scan was fine, went home throwing up all the way. In the morning I called doctor again and he said I better go and have a swallow test to make sure band was still in position because I had thrown up so much. It was fine. I was on all liquids for four days after that. Now, occasionally if I pb I get shoulder pain, but hardly ever. It does get much better. Take care. Sue
  23. Sue Magoo

    I want to get unfilled, at goal for over 3 yrs

    Miss April: I take a drug called Omeprazole for reflux. It is great. Now that I've been banded and lost 105 pounds I cut back and only take this medication every other day. Is it possible you have a hiatal hernia? That, too can cause reflux. Good luck fixing this problem. Your doctor should know the right thing to do. Take care. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Where's your port?

    Hi: My port incision is about two inches below my breast bone, so the middle. Then, I have four small poke hole scars. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo


    Cynthia: I am a McC** too! Get used to the burping. I burp at least 100 times per day. Sometimes I burp when I'm hungry. Sometimes I burp when I've just eaten. It's crazy, but I think it's worth it in the long run. Sue

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