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Sue Magoo

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sue Magoo

  1. Sue Magoo


    You are going through the toughest period. The swelling is going away so you're getting hungry because you're not restricted yet, and probably won't be until you get a fill. I think they refer to this period as "bandster hell". 1800 calories is alot, but you probably were used to having 3000+, so you're improving. I remember that it is hard to have the Protein because it's not palatable unless you have it with milk and that makes for alot of calories. I recall when I was first banded, before mushies I would have one sugar free carnation with skim milk (if I recall this is 270 calories!) and then I would have cream of wheat made with Water (probably about 200 calories), a bazillion sugar free popsicles, gallons of snapple diet iced tea, and fat free cream of broccoli soup, and almost forgot sugar free Jello. I also had an electric ice crusher so I would eat crushed iced with sf iced tea with fresh lemon squeezed in. I would eat that with a spoon. Just a silly mind game to eat it with a spoon made it seem more like food than water:rolleyes:. Oh yeah, try to do things that never involved food. For instance, I would read in the tub for hours because I never eat in the tub. Also, I would watch tv in bed because I would be farther away from the fridge. Also, going to bed early helps recuperate too. Good luck, this will pass and you'll be able to have more choices and you'll get restriction and fill up after eating only a half of a cup of almost anything that's not liquid. Take care, and keep the motivation. You're going to do it, and it is going to get easier. Sue
  2. Sue Magoo

    please help!!!!!

    neverland: You may want to try to stick to liquids for a day or two because it sounds like you've irritated your pouch. If you don't keep liquids down call your doctor because dehydration can lead to serious problems. Hope you feel better soon. Eating too fast is one of my problems sometimes too. Take care. Sue
  3. Sue Magoo


    OOOps. I thought I posted, but it's not there. Nikki: My circumstances are a bit different, but we're both having our gallbladders out. I was banded last July and now I have gallstones. I had an attack about 3 weeks ago and they found the stones using ultrasound. I was hoping to hold off until summer weather, but I had three more attacks since then. So, my gallbladder is coming out on 4/17. My lap band surgeon is doing the gallbladder. I think the gallbladder is very similar as far as cuts and being done laproscopically, however gallbladder must be easier because he said gallbladder is day surgery and he keeps people overnight for lap band. I know you're disappointed, but it will be here before you know it. I started dieting 3 mos. before I got banded. I just couldn't stand carrying it around anymore! It's supposed to make surgery safer to lose weight beforehand. Good luck to you with both the gallbladder and the band. If you get your gallbladder out before the 17th let me know what it's like. Take care. Sue
  4. Sue Magoo


    Nikki: My circumstances are slightly different. I was banded last July, and I have gall stones now. My pain is intermittent, so it's bearable most of the time. I'm scheduled to get gall bladder out on 4/17. I heard that it is similar to lap band surgery as far as cuts and recovery. Lap band surgery was easy (except nausea after anesthesia), so I'm thinking that gall bladder should be easy too. In fact, I'm thinking that gall bladder must be a bit easier because my surgeon does lap band with overnight stay in hospital, but my gall bladder removal is outpatient surgery. It is disappointing because you thought you would be getting banded and now you have to wait. Surgery for banding is easier if you can decrease size of your liver, which is done by losing weight before surgery. Now's a good time to start a pre-op diet program. Best wishes for successful gall bladder and lap band surgery. Sue
  5. I have that activia yogurt because it helps with constipation. Hope you find something that works for you. Sue
  6. Fenton: How about dancing? It's something you can do in your own home if you're self-conscious of people watching. Good luck. I've lost 117 pounds since last April. My primary exercise is walking. I put on my MP3 player and take off. Take care. Sue
  7. Sue Magoo

    The new exercise equipment....

    Dave: Mine should be here on Thursday. I went with one of the competitors products and they don't have the air tires available right now. I'll order the air tires in May. So, keeping my fingers crossed for no "America's Funniest Video's" this upcoming weekend. Thanks for letting me know about trykkes. I'll let you know how I make out if both of my arms aren't broken. Sue
  8. Sue Magoo

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Tammy - Congratulations on the upcoming event. You might want to double-check your weights listed above. It says you only need to lose 8 pounds. Looks like you should have put current weight 278. You'll be at 178 before you know it! Where are you having your surgery? Good luck. Sue
  9. Ezma: I wouldn't worry too much about the fill. If you've lost 46 pounds in six weeks you probably don't need a fill. At night I eat sugar free popsicles and sometimes crushed ice with crystal light (eat it with a spoon). It's awful that our heads tell us to eat at night when we're really not even hungry. I think we all need to find something else to do with our hands and mouths. I find that if I'm busy I don't think about eating. Once I sit down in front of the television, I'm starving! Congratulations on your 46 pound loss. Sue
  10. Sue Magoo


    Littleannie: Strange that if you've been having diarreah for two weeks and you've been on liquids that you haven't lost weight. When I had my surgery I was retaining fluids and gained 9 pounds first three days. It took me more than a week to lose those 9 pounds. Do you think that Fluid retention could be the issue with you? Are your ankles and fingers swollen from fluid? When are you starting mushies? Maybe that will help with the diarreah. Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  11. Jen: I have issues with left shoulder pain sometimes too. My doctor told me that there is a nerve that goes by your esophogus and up past your left shoulder. He said that if your esophogus is irritated it can send the pain right up to your shoulder with this nerve. So, it could be that your esophogus is irritated because of your fill, or because of what you've eaten after the fill. I find that a good hot shower can help with the pain, or a heating pad. Most of all, though it's eating small bites, and small portions, and chewing things until they're mush. I find that sometimes if I have an episode of sliming and pb'ing that my left shoulder aches. Funny though, I recently had a gall bladder attack and found that I get pain in the right shoulder when my gall stones are acting up. I'm having my gall bladder out on 4/17, so while I imagine the pain will be worse for a few days, I don't expect to have the right shoulder pain again. I hope your pain goes away soon. Good luck. Sue
  12. Sue Magoo

    Small Victories

    Pat: I know what you mean about wanting to tell other big people about lap band. I wish someone had told me about it so that I would have known about it sooner. I think it would have been a bit embarassing to hear from a stranger, but it would have informed me. There's alot more press about lap band now than there was a year ago. I'll bet the commercials on tv have helped alot of people find out about it. I advertise too, because whenever anybody comments on how great I look I tell them that I got a lap band. But, like you I couldn't walk up and tell a big person about it. Best wishes for your continued success. Sue
  13. Sue Magoo

    Lap band not working out like I thought

    BrandyII: I think that a new start with a complete unfill, and a new commitment by you and your band doctor (maybe a new band doctor) should help alot. Seems like you never got off on the right foot, so I hope that your doctor will help you through this difficult period. I know that it can work, and cannot imagine I could make it work if I was going through the difficulties you've been going through. I hope you get a chance for a new start with a doctor that really wants to help you through the process. Best wishes for a better band experience for you soon. Sue
  14. I would love to maintain my weight without having to obsess over the scale each morning. I would love to have PS so that I can feel attractive in a sexy way, and then find a man that will want me to do some mattress dancing with him with my fine, flat tummy! On the less self-centered side, I have a sister with Multiple Sclerosis whose only Daughter has severe Cerebral Palsy. I'm hoping to be strong enough to help them both if my sister is unable to lift her Daughter anymore. Hard work, lots of $$$ for plastic surgery, strength training, and some self esteem and maybe all my goals will be achieved.:tongue_smilie: Best wishes to everyone to achieve their own goals. Sue
  15. Sue Magoo

    Just banded march 24 2008

    Bill's wife: You might consider putting on a rain coat or using an umbrella. I've found that if I let the weather interfere with my walking I won't walk. Surely you won't melt?:tongue_smilie: Hope you feel better soon. Sue
  16. Sue Magoo

    I hit the first of many goals today!

    Congratulations. I'm so jealous, but I hope to join you in Onederland at the end of April. Sue
  17. Sue Magoo

    Harvard Pilgrim ROCKS!!

    Their support group has never been as crowded as it was this past Tuesday. There's usually about half as many people as were there. I prefer it when there's less people - more personal, less rushed. Again, good luck on 4/8. Take care. Sue
  18. Sue Magoo

    Total Loss Goals - how did you decide?

    Hi: I'm picking size 12. I started at 324 and I will end up wherever the size 12 fits comfortably. I'm guessing that it will be around 160'ish for my 5'7" frame, but I don't really know. I'm 48 years old, so I don't need to be a size 8 or 10. I'm pear shaped, so if I lose too much I'll probably be too thin on the top. I'll have to see what the future holds. Right now I'm focusing on getting to 199 first. Ten pounds to go, and I haven't lost any in one week - grrrrrr. Sue
  19. Sue Magoo

    Harvard Pilgrim ROCKS!!

    Mamaof3: I got my band in Norwood by Dr. Adam Glasgow. They really do a good job over there. I assume you're having one of the Drs. Glasgow too. They're both wonderful. Good luck on the 8th. Maybe I'll see you at support group, or maybe I've already met you over there. Sue
  20. Sue Magoo

    Learned a Lesson

    Lisa: I checked out your blog. Very interesting. You're quite talented with all of the graphics. Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the good work. It's so worth it! I weigh just a little less than you, but I've been as high as 324 (yucko) and 209 feels much better than 324. In fact, 209 feels better than 215, 214, 213, 212, 211, and 210. Every pound helps. Sue
  21. Sue Magoo

    Banded Just Over a Year...

    Smileelee: Congratulations. You're doing great! I was banded last July, but am 11 months out from starting my diet and my new life. I am down 115 pounds now. I have about 50 to go. Size 12 is my goal, and it will probably be when I weigh around 160, but not really sure. Tell me, how does the strength training work for you? I have been walking and using eliptical exclusively. I'm going to have my gall bladder removed in three weeks. After I recover from that I'm thinking about doing something different for exercise - strength training. Please tell me what you do and how it feels. You and I must have the same size band because our fill levels are similar. I believe I'm at 1.8 cc's in my band that holds maximum 4 cc's. Again, congratulations on your loss. Please drop me a line when you have a few minutes to tell me about your strength training. You're so close to Onederland! Sue
  22. Hope4Joy: I started at 324 and I'm now 209, so down 115 in eleven months. I feel that the lap band has far fewer risk factors. In addition, I still think that one of those smart scientists is going to come up with something that will be a pill, or something easy like that in the future. So, I don't want to do any permanent changes to my anatomy. Do you? Best wishes for whichever way you end up going. Me, personally, I would look for a different surgeon. Good luck. Sue
  23. Julie: Congratulations. You'll have to share all of the details and pictures with those of us who hope to have ps in the future. Stay away from germs, and rest up so that you can heal quickly. Take care. Sue
  24. Sue Magoo

    Sore & Irritated Esophagus help me

    I think you should call your doctor. I hope you feel better soon. Sue
  25. Sue Magoo

    Excessive Coldness

    Hi: I've been wearing longjohns under my pants every day since November. I find that I'm freezing if I don't have them on, especially when I'm walking outside in New England. However, they keep me warm sitting at my desk too. I think it's great that I hardly sweat anymore! Sue

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
